Interesting Places You've Been to and Things You've Done

Getting sick overseas is no fun. I did get to meet President Correa when he was in office.
Yes no fun at all. I was lucky to have been sick the day before we left for the Andes so I got to rest in hotel room then felt fine when we left but everyone else just started dropping like flies. We were at the hospital for a good few hours.
I have been to Equador. Stayed in Quito for a few days then took a bus trip into the Andes mountains for a white water rafting trip. We got to stay along the river in real small jungle motels. On the way out of Quito we had to stop at the hospital because our whole group, minus a couple of us, were violently sick (mainly from the water) and made for quite an interesting trip. Was once in a lifetime type of trip and it was interesting and exciting. Beautiful country.
I was in Quito last October for my daughter's wedding. Spent a week there...saw rain forests and course visited the equator. We avoided the water out of the tap.