Insight bowl passes on Neb????


Well-Known Member

RT @tomshatelowh: This just in: sources say Neb will play Wash in Holiday. Insight apparently passed on Neb. More details to follow.

So the Insight Bowl chose not to have Iowa/Nebreska nice decision way cost yourself a ton of money.

So Nebreska gets to go to the Holiday bowl for the second straight year and gets to play an opponet they played earlier this season. HMMM...kind of smells like a F U parting gift from the big 12.
Yes, I think it was a parting gift from Big 12...they didnt want a Big Ten infomercial in Insight, and they wanted to screw Nebraska. the good thing here is that this is going to get out through the Nebraska media
This is the reason why the Insight Bowl will ALWAYS be a sub par bowl. They have a chance to bring real interest and a possible sell out with Nebraska to no interest and the stadium half full with Missouri. What a joke.
This is why the ncaa and bowl selection system is corrupt...similar to them forcing TCU-Boise game in fiesta last year, instead of them each playing bcs-conference schools.
And like I said before whoever was in charge of this decision shouldn't have a freakin job tomorrow, somebody just cost the city of Phoenix thousands if not millions of dollars.

This matchup could have drawn more people then the Fiesta Bowl will if UConn ends up there.
Yes, I think it was a parting gift from Big 12...they didnt want a Big Ten infomercial in Insight, and they wanted to screw Nebraska. the good thing here is that this is going to get out through the Nebraska media

Right. Alot of people on this Board are saying that the Insight are idiots because they are losing a bunch of money by not selecting Nebraska. True, this year, but we can all be assured, can't we, that the Insight is choosing Mizzou BECAUSE THEY WILL MAKE MORE MONEY IN THE LONG RUN by keeping its relationship with the Big 12. Remember, THE WHOLE MIZZOU TO THE BIG TEN FIASCO started because the Insight insulted Mizzou last year, and you can be sure Dan Beebe reminded them of that.
Hmm. I don't know. If this is true... that bowl really messed up. There is a lot less interest in an Iowa-Missouri game than a Iowa-Nebraska game. If the B12 stepped in and influenced a decision to pick Missouri over Nebraska that is foul.

Iowa vs. Missouri... ho freaking hum. Last time we tried to play Missouri they backed out of the scheduled game. Iowa vs. Nebraska would have been epic! BOOO!
And like I said before whoever was in charge of this decision shouldn't have a freakin job tomorrow, somebody just cost the city of Phoenix thousands if not millions of dollars.

This matchup could have drawn more people then the Fiesta Bowl will if UConn ends up there.

That's really what blows my mind...that the Big12 can make/influence a decision like that for the bowl reps. Are you kidding me?! I thought that was one of the big things with these bowl selections, bringing money into the local economy. So Beebe is so hung on huskers leaving for big ten, that he just nixed an IA-NEB matchup. What a crock of sh*t
I guess I'm somewhat confused, so what the conference want trumps what the bowl committee wants? By sheer local economic impact you would want Nebraska. I'm not buying both were on the same page.
What's amazing to me is not only did the big 12 screw the insight bowl of having the better matchup they also screwed Holiday Bowl...Nobody wants to see a rematch of a regular season game or go to the same bowl two years in a row. So they screwed two bowls they are in relationship to semi-screw Nebreska. Makes no sense.
Right. Alot of people on this Board are saying that the Insight are idiots because they are losing a bunch of money by not selecting Nebraska. True, this year, but we can all be assured, can't we, that the Insight is choosing Mizzou BECAUSE THEY WILL MAKE MORE MONEY IN THE LONG RUN by keeping its relationship with the Big 12. Remember, THE WHOLE MIZZOU TO THE BIG TEN FIASCO started because the Insight insulted Mizzou last year, and you can be sure Dan Beebe reminded them of that.

Interesting take.....wasn't even thinking in those terms at all. Valid point.
First, Iowa was passed up by Michigan and Penn State? Two teams they beat this year? Secondly... we fall into the Insight Bowl's lap and they pass up on Nebraska which would have been EPIC! I am so confused. I don't even care that much about an Iowa-Missouri game. This season has been a failure.
After the way the season ended, I didn't even want to watch the bowl game. But, once I heard that we might play Nebraska, that made me pretty pumped and couldn't wait until bowl season. Now hearing this almost makes the season even more disappointing.
First, Iowa was passed up by Michigan and Penn State? Two teams they beat this year? Secondly... we fall into the Insight Bowl's lap and they pass up on Nebraska which would have been EPIC! I am so confused. I don't even care that much about an Iowa-Missouri game. This season has been a failure.

Can't make your first complaint, the hawks have passed over other big ten teams they lost to during the season many times based on their fans traveling better. It sucks, but we have benefited from that a lot. We screwed ourselves out of the outback losing 3 in a row to end season. Win one of those and they are "locked" in outback.
I mean... who passes up Nebraska (who just played in their title game) for Missouri? Holy cow... what a sham.
I was considering going to the game if it was Iowa vs. Nebraska but now I have just lost all interest. The Insight passing on Nebraska plain sucks.
Mizzu will bring 5K maybe 6K fans. This is the same team that got passed by IOWA STATE because they dont travel. Neb would have brought 15K fans. The big 12 screwed Nebby here.
I don't know... I hate to be negative here... but this is just bad, bad news. If it wasn't so costly with team development for next year, and payout to the conference I would just rather the Hawkeyes didn't play in it. I mean there is nothing good about this bowl, unless you are a Hawkeye fan living in AZ.

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