Insight Bowl - Iowa vs Missouri


Well-Known Member
I was a little tired of everything DJK so I thought I would ask a few questions to get another topic going....

What will our health look like by the time the bowl game gets here?

Should we beat Missouri if we are healthy? Who do we need back healthy to win this game?

I have a lot of MU fans beating down my door to place a bet with them on this game. I am reluctant as of right now because of all the stuff going on and our injuries. Should I feel comfortable to place a decent bet for Iowa?
This is such a huge distraction... honestly, I would be shocked if we're competetive in this game. I hope I'm wrong.
When was the last time the Hawks weren't competitive in a bowl game besides the second half of the '03 Orange Bowl? We'll show up.
When was the last time the Hawks weren't competitive in a bowl game besides the second half of the '03 Orange Bowl? We'll show up.

I'm predicting a go-ahead score by Mizzou with a couple minutes left followed by the worst 2-minute drill in college football history.
You don't think we can win without DJK? I find that hard to believe.

Can Hawks win without him? Like any given game there's a chance.

I know these facts:
-- Nothing favored Iowa before DJK was dismissed;
-- DJK was the leading receiver / catch (16.2 yds);
-- DJK was tied for the leading scorer on the team (66 pts = 19% of total, 349);
-- DJK accounted for 1283 all purpose yards, 24% of the team's total (5423 yards);
-- DJK accounted for 24% (18 / 76) of total points scored and 30% of total all purpose yards during the 4-game slide;
-- DJK is the #8 kickoff return guy in the country (and would have been going against the 62nd ranked return coverage team).

You don't lose that much production, not to mention the best deep threat Iowa had (going against the 10th best pass-efficiency defense in the country) and improve your already long odds of winning.

About the only plausible benefit of losing DJK is if he is one included in the "lost will to win" reference. (Not much evidence of that given his increased production while the rest of the offense was sputtering over the last 4 games.)
Or, if the team feels some "relief" of being rid of the burden of knowing what he was doing (and they most certainly knew) and the distraction of when it would crash on him (and the team). (There might some evidence of this considering the "lack of support" when he was roughed up on the sideline against Minny.)

Conclusion: don't take any bets unless they are willing to give you 4-1/2+ points.
I'm expecting Iowa to not "show up" for the game so when/if they do, I will be pleasantly surprised. Without DJK, next year's receiving core will be starting. Expect Mcnutt to have a big game, if the game plan will allow it.
Missouri's rushing defense is far more suspect than their pass defense, so the O plan will likely be more tilted towards the run. Though, when was the last time KOK did anything that made sense? That said, I don't think the loss of DJK will be as devestating as many think. McNutt isn't exactly a schlub - and Sandeman will step in fine. Remember, we didn't have DJK through most of the Orange Bowl either, and that seemed to end pretty well.

In fact, in the OB DJK had 4 receptions and 63 yards. Sandeman had 4 receptions, 53 yards and a score. I think Sandeman will fill in just fine.
Here's my thoughts. I live in Columbia and all my family are Tigers fans and have been telling me about that team all year. I've also seen them play 5 times this year.

Gabbert is usually sharp, but there has been three games this season where he was not, especially at Texas Tech, where he was completely atrocious. Tiger fans wanted their backup, Franklin, to play, which happened at Nebraska when Gabbert was off. If our D line shows up to play, we can stop their running game, however, unlike in years past it is a pretty good one with three guys that can show you different looks. If Gabbert is sharp, our D line will get no help from the linebackers stopping the run and further there is no way our linebackers can cover Mizzou's wide outs if they end up in that coverage on the pass. It all comes down to Gabbert, because if he is sharp, they will both run and pass on us. Our only hope if that happens is some great stops in the red zone (rare this year) and at least three Mizzou turnovers (also rare).

Offensively, to have a chance to win, we must pound the ball on the ground old fashioned Big Ten style, with Coker and Robinson both contributing to mitigate fatigue, and without a single turnover. Stanzi to Reisner is our best bet to offset the run.

We will have a very, very good idea after Mizzou's first possession of our chances to win. If Mizzou takes the ball and marches down and scores on the first possession, forget it. If we stop them in either the first or second 4-down series, watch out, that's would be a HUGE sign.

That was long, sorry.
Here's my thoughts. I live in Columbia and all my family are Tigers fans and have been telling me about that team all year. I've also seen them play 5 times this year.

Gabbert is usually sharp, but there has been three games this season where he was not, especially at Texas Tech, where he was completely atrocious. Tiger fans wanted their backup, Franklin, to play, which happened at Nebraska when Gabbert was off. If our D line shows up to play, we can stop their running game, however, unlike in years past it is a pretty good one with three guys that can show you different looks. If Gabbert is sharp, our D line will get no help from the linebackers stopping the run and further there is no way our linebackers can cover Mizzou's wide outs if they end up in that coverage on the pass. It all comes down to Gabbert, because if he is sharp, they will both run and pass on us. Our only hope if that happens is some great stops in the red zone (rare this year) and at least three Mizzou turnovers (also rare).

Offensively, to have a chance to win, we must pound the ball on the ground old fashioned Big Ten style, with Coker and Robinson both contributing to mitigate fatigue, and without a single turnover. Stanzi to Reisner is our best bet to offset the run.

We will have a very, very good idea after Mizzou's first possession of our chances to win. If Mizzou takes the ball and marches down and scores on the first possession, forget it. If we stop them in either the first or second 4-down series, watch out, that's would be a HUGE sign.

That was long, sorry.
Thanks. I really do think the Hawks will show up and play well. I just don't know if us playing well will be good enough for a victory. I was at the Nebraska vs Missouri game this year and the Missouri team I saw that day did not scare me one bit.
I know these facts:
-- Nothing favored Iowa before DJK was dismissed;

I know this fact:
What you wrote above is an opinion.

Iowa has 3 weeks to prepare for this game knowing DJK won't be there. I doubt it will be a distraction. It will affect what happens on the field, however, and that is what I'm most concerned about. But this is a very talented Iowa team and a team that is never overmatched and always has a chance to win. I see nothing from Missouri that would change my mind on that. We have played a few teams better then them this year.

Now I will preface this by saying I am always optimistic about Iowa, but if you don't think these coaches will have Iowa ready to play on Dec. 28th, then you haven't paid attention to Iowa football the past 10 years. I still think the Hawks are a very good team and will prove it at the Insight Bowl.
If our D line shows up to play, we can stop their running game, however, unlike in years past it is a pretty good one with three guys that can show you different looks. If Gabbert is sharp, our D line will get no help from the linebackers stopping the run and further there is no way our linebackers can cover Mizzou's wide outs if they end up in that coverage on the pass ...

Yet, this is exactly what we will see. Right from the start you have a schematic and talent disadvantage for Iowa.

Offensively, to have a chance to win, we must pound the ball on the ground old fashioned Big Ten style, with Coker and Robinson both contributing to mitigate fatigue, and without a single turnover. Stanzi to Reisner is our best bet to offset the run.

We will have a very, very good idea after Mizzou's first possession of our chances to win. If Mizzou takes the ball and marches down and scores on the first possession, forget it. If we stop them in either the first or second 4-down series, watch out, that's would be a HUGE sign.

Not sure if this is common throughout college football but it seems to be law for Iowa -- the first series for both teams to start the game and again to start the 2nd half have been very reliable predictors of a win or loss. Guess it is consistent with Iowa's steadfast predictability in that if they start poorly, they struggle to break out of the funk. (Since they don't change anything schematically or in the play calling, there's really only hope and luck as the variable to jumpstart their psyche out of poor execution.) It just boggles my mind how susceptible Iowa is to runs and (lately) ruts to the point where you know how a game is going to play out from the first few series.

Hoping that Iowa goes Orange bowl and gets a 2-score lead. If Mz scores first and Iowa goes out, it will be over.
I'm predicting a go-ahead score by Mizzou with a couple minutes left followed by the worst 2-minute drill in college football history.

That response to the question is getting lame and overused. yes, that is what happened to us all year, we all know it.
I was reading everyone's score predictions and was a bit angered by the negativity. Everyone predicting Iowa to lose by more than 7 and/or get killed obviously doesn't know Iowa football. I'm not saying it won't happen, but have the past few years showed us any hint of this happening? Plus, we have played great in bowl games.

In my opinion, the Big 12 isn't too impressive. Many people are talking about Missouri like they are Texas of past years (which I don't think they are). I expect the point spread to be very accurate, and Iowa's coaches to prepare these players for a great game. I also think the night game at/against Arizona will prove to be helpful as it won't all be new to the players this time around.

I have all the confidence in the world for this team to forget about the past and play like they are capable of for a full 60 minutes. Until they play a terrible bowl game, which never happens (minus USC - best team in the nation that year), I will continue to have confidence no matter who/where we play.
wtf is the "insight bowl"? This didn't exist last year around this time I was led to believe? It was my understanding that this was not a real bowl game?
If the Iowa Offense shows up then it will be a resounding win. If it doesn't then it will be a close loss. It's up to the Offense to make up its mind - both the players and the coaching staff.
wtf is the "insight bowl"? This didn't exist last year around this time I was led to believe? It was my understanding that this was not a real bowl game?
I believe it is that same bowl game where Iowa State beat Minnesota in last year. Crazy as that sounds. This bowl game actually has one of the higher payouts outside of the BCS bowl games. I think it pays out something like 3.25 million.

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