Inside the Numbers: Too Much Time to Pass

Good stuff there Jon. "Defense" is more than points allowed, or even yards allowed. The point is to get off the field, which, in past years, we generally haven't done well (3rd down defense in particular). This year's defense has overachieved in my opinion. That being said, our defensive scheme is EXACTLY the same as it always has been, which, as it happens, is a very easy defense to beat, if the offense stays patient and doesn't try to bite off more than it can chew. Knew when we hired internally for new D coordinator it was going to be more of the same.
Good article Jon with good info. I think you are right about our d in the fact that we don't have the athletes up front to run the system. My biggest gripe with the defense isn't the lack of blitzing but rather the majority of time we blitz it is so telegraphed by how our linebackers or safety is lined up that any kind of competent QB can simply throw to the hot read which they did many times. We need an aggressive well disguised blitz package to beat a good QB. I think they are wasting Kirksey as he seems very effective on the blitz.

Our dline isn't terrible like many thought before the year. Ganglione is playing very solid football, LTP has gotten some pressure and we have a good rotation but there isn't a Roth or Clayborn in there. They need help.

The scary part is I don't see it getting better in the immediate future. Phil Parker has just taken Norm's defense and hasn't adjusted to not having 3 NFL players on the dline. We are losing the best pass rusher we have in Ganglione. McMinn is probably going to be a starter next year and there is a reason that it is very rare to have a 6'7 player at dend (see how badly McGloin jukes him to throw that touchdown). We don't recruit instant impact players so it is going to rely on development of the redshirts this year to provide depth (none of them immediate impact body of a Clayborn or Ballard).

In short, as I have been saying since the beginning of the is going to get worse next year. KF is leading this program down a spiral that I don't see us breaking.
I think the defense has a chance to get considerably better next year and should get more pressure with front four, which is the holy grail for a 4-3 scheme at any level and what Iowa had most of last decade
We all knew there were going to be growing pains for the defense, and up until now, outside of the CMU game, the D has exceeded expectations. PSU made our defense look like it should, young and inexperienced. They have a lot of growing up to do, and in future years, will perform admirably. But this year they are just going to have to take their beating and like it.
Iowa's defense sprung a few leaks against Penn State, namely in the pass rushing department. We take a closer look here.


What concerns me is that until the Penn St game the Defense had not faced an above average offense all season. If the offense does not start clicking I think the Defense could be in for a very rough time against their remaining opponents. Definitely think the group will be much improved by next year and just hope they can hold it together the remainder of this season.
It seems like a trend that we've been getting little or not pressure on opposing QB's. Things were pretty good back when we had guys like Matt Roth, Adrian Clayborn, etc. but typically our D seems to give QB's all day to throw.

If only I had a nickel for every time I watched an Iowa game, while the other team has the ball, and I hear the announcer say "<Insert QB name here> with all the time in the world" or something to that effect. Unless we have a fantastic front four, our D = Zero QB pressure.
I think the defense has a chance to get considerably better next year and should get more pressure with front four, which is the holy grail for a 4-3 scheme at any level and what Iowa had most of last decade

I don't see enough talent at the dend postion to think that unless somebody comes out of the woodwork. I think DT maybe a strength but we need a rush end.

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