Indy Gamewatch - BW's


Sorry to bore people with this once again, but I'm going to endeavor on my first Iowa football gamewatch tomorrow and wanted to see if anyone here attends the Indy I-Club gamewatch at BW's at 2514 Lake Circle Drive.

How's the atmosphere? It's a little bit of a haul, but not too bad and well worth it if it's a good atmosphere.

Any thoughts?
I think we're talking about the same one. It's right off 86th St. on the north side.

I've gone there several times over the last couple years but only for games I couldn't get at home.

I don't love the atmosphere but that's probably more of me problem. I like to actually hear the announcers. Also, they play the fight song after scores and whatnot, not my thing. I get annoyed because there are a lot of casual fans there that don't know what they're talking about with regards to the team, i.e. they don't know players names, who is/is not injured, and other stuff super fans like me know.

They get a lot of people there, at least for the games not on national TV. You should go, you'll probably like it.
thanks kindabigdeal. I should first clarify that this is my first INDY Iowa gamewatch and my my first overall.

Second, you are correct. The I-Club gamewatch is at 86th and Township Line Road. Maybe I'll see you there.
You won't see me...I'll be in Iowa City!! Leaving at 6:00 a.m.

But no seriously, they always get a big crowd. And it's enjoyable to see purdue and IU fans walk in and look disgusted to see the number of Iowa fans at a bar outnumber what they get at the stadium.
Never been but a buddy of mine went to the Indy gamewatch for a game last year and said it was awesome. It was the MSU game though, so how could it not be awesome?

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