Indisputable evidence hoosier was out of bounds

Wow, you can really see the shadow on there. Good call. It was hard to see on my TV.
When I saw it live I thought that wasn't a TD. Looks like my eyes still work.

ESPN should come clean, but they won't. That would hurt their "Iowa is lucky lucky, sucky sucky" narrative.

Now if you REALLY want to see officials hand a game to a team, watch ESPN crush Florida's game with Arkansas.
The foot touches people. It touches before they zoom in on the knee. When looking at the other angle you see black pieces come up.

Would that TD of matter? Probably not. But there is no question that the refs got it wrong. First place I have actually seen or heard where somebody has said otherwise

Lesson from Cy fan: Never let conclusive factual evidence get in the way of a wrongly-held opinion.
Lesson from Cy fan: Never let conclusive factual evidence get in the way of a wrongly-held opinion.

Show the other angle in which black stuff comes off the turf. It has nothing to do with who I have as my username. I can see with my eyes that his foot touched at the other angle.

I seriously haven't had a Hawk fan say otherwise until I saw this on the website today. My employees all agree he is in
Seriously. What drives this urge to prove that the calls were right? I can understand the urge to prove when they blow calls in close games we lose.
Show the other angle in which black stuff comes off the turf. It has nothing to do with who I have as my username. I can see with my eyes that his foot touched at the other angle.

I seriously haven't had a Hawk fan say otherwise until I saw this on the website today. My employees all agree he is in

Yes, the foot being in/out is very close. Too close to overturn the call on the field. But its not about the foot. Having the ball in your hands for a split sec means nothing. If you bobble the ball or if it comes loose when you fall, it means you didn't have possession.

Take a look at the bobble when he lands on his back.
First of all.. Don't they have Hi-Def TV's in the review booth? I would think on a high definition TV you could easily tell.

Second.. Indiana had ample opportunity to put Iowa away after this play. This didn't determine the game, and any National bickering this might elicit is uncalled for.

Third.. Iowa is the BEST team in the nation, because NO OTHER team has the heart, determination, or coaching to overcome a third quarter like that, no matter who the opponent..
First of all.. Don't they have Hi-Def TV's in the review booth? I would think on a high definition TV you could easily tell.

Second.. Indiana had ample opportunity to put Iowa away after this play. This didn't determine the game, and any National bickering this might elicit is uncalled for.

Third.. Iowa is the BEST team in the nation, because NO OTHER team has the heart, determination, or coaching to overcome a third quarter like that, no matter who the opponent..

1st. Don't know if they do. I would imagine though

2nd. Completely agree that Indiana still had an oppurtunity to put Iowa away

3rd. Not sure what to say to that without getting called a troll because I have "cy" in my name. All I can say is a win over Indiana does nothing to show that you are the best team in the nation. No matter how the win came about IMO. A win on the road at PSU and OSU will do something to show that though.
Show the other angle in which black stuff comes off the turf. It has nothing to do with who I have as my username. I can see with my eyes that his foot touched at the other angle.

I seriously haven't had a Hawk fan say otherwise until I saw this on the website today. My employees all agree he is in

Wow sombody made shift supervisor at the can redemption center....CONGRATS!!!!
I think IU wins the foot down or not argument since the play on the field was TD - I have to admit, I just don't see our argument b/c it is just way too close to call and I would have been livid if that happened to us. BUT ya'll are right, he juggled the ball on the way down. I hadn't realized this, and it sure isn't being noted on tv, but I think the rule is that you have to hold on when you hit the ground in the endzone and by the time he had full possession (after it slips in his hands) he is on his back out of bounds.
I think IU wins the foot down or not argument since the play on the field was TD - I have to admit, I just don't see our argument b/c it is just way too close to call and I would have been livid if that happened to us. BUT ya'll are right, he juggled the ball on the way down. I hadn't realized this, and it sure isn't being noted on tv, but I think the rule is that you have to hold on when you hit the ground in the endzone and by the time he had full possession (after it slips in his hands) he is on his back out of bounds.


The announcers were just bad. The entire time they focused on only the foot, never if he maintained possession. There wouldn't have been any controversy if either announcer pointed out the bobble...
Completely agree that Indiana still had an oppurtunity to put Iowa away
Quote of the day for me. I've been on the sidelines of hundreds of football games, and only one or two that I think the referees actually decided the outcome. A call in the third Q, with your team in the lead, does not cost the game. Pick your head up and play ball.
Watching it in standard def on my TV at home, I thought he had a TD, and that we caught a break. However, seeing the HD feed makes it possible to see daylight in-between the foot and the endzone, and I believe the correct call was made. Great Vid!!!!
This changed my mind. I actually thought it was six all along until seeing this. Hopefully, the word/facts will get out-but that isn't how it works in these situations: nationally, everyone has their mind made up, the story is etched in stone. By the time that snapshot reaches anyone who matters, everyone will have moved on to next week. They might refer back to it as an example of poor officiating, or maybe refer to Iowa as needing poor officiating to beat a bad team along with the other close calls (UNI, Ark St), but the facts won't get in the way, it is too late.

I'm with you here. I thought we got at the very least lucky on this call. But not after seeing this and reading the points above. Great review and call by the replay official. Not a catch.
What I saw vs. what my heart wanted to see --- are nearly indistinguishable at this point.

If anything comes out of this, the Big Ten (or at least Indiana) --- should make the rules for footwear a bit stricter. i.e. if black shoes are worn, there must be white tape affixed to allow for clearer viewing by refs & replay.

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