In-State Standout Xavier Foster Feeling Comfortable at Iowa

Oh yeah he's on everybodys radar. No 5 or even many 4 star kid wouldn't be. It could also be they have their big guy already or a combination of what you said as well. I think he genuinely wants to stay closer to home and ISU and Iowa were the only 2 seriously in the running for him. We'll see in a couple weeks or so it sounds like.
Just saw that Foster has cut it down to a heads up battle between ISU and the good guys. Not a big surprise. Just hope we get him
Just saw that Foster has cut it down to a heads up battle between ISU and the good guys. Not a big surprise. Just hope we get him

I don't get why you would do that unless you truly dont know yet. If he grew up an iowa fan, it's almost a slap in their face to unnecessarily narrow it down to 2 right now if you know you're picking ISU.
I feel sorry for dudes who follow their girlfriends to school.

If we're going there, someone should inform him that Iowa's undergraduate population is comprised of 53% women and 47% men while ISU's is worse than opposite, 43% women and 57% men. That translates to about 3000 extra at Iowa to say nothing of the decreased competition.
I feel sorry for dudes who follow their girlfriends to school.
abso-fricking-lutely, especially someone that is gonna pull in the tail that a D1 scholly athlete is going to pull. When I left for college my HS sweetheart was a junior. I told her "Hey, we're breaking up, I am going to college" and she was like.... "NO...I LOVE YOU, PLEASE DON'T, I'LL NEVER LOVE AGAIN" and I was all like... "I'm sorry baby, I am moving 3 hours away, long distant relationships don't work" I went to college a free man and then came home and banged her for another year every weekend before she went off to college.
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abso-fricking-lutely, especially someone that is gonna pull in the tail that a D1 scholly athlete is going to pull. When I left for college my HS sweetheart was a junior. I told her "Hey, we're breaking up, I am going to college" and she was like.... "NO...I LOVE YOU, PLEASE DON'T, I'LL NEVER LOVE AGAIN" and I was all like... "I'm sorry baby, I am moving 3 hours away, long distant relationships don't work" I went to college a free man and then came home and banged her for another year every weekend before she went off the college.
She was a fatty, wasn't she?
There are chicks everywhere. Any HS kid that's tied down going off to college is an idiot. If she wants to see him she can come to Iowa City. Otherwise he'll be busy locked in the practice facility anyway.
She was as pure as the driven snow TK.... and gorgeous, and a cheerleader and actually still kind of hot. I hit at least 100 more times in my 20's too. I've never dipped below a 7 bra, you know this.
She is still fucking hot man. I'll tell her hello when i see her next ;) (lucky bastard)
She is still fucking hot man. I'll tell her hello when i see her next ;) (lucky bastard)

Woah, do I know someone on this board? That would be sweet. But yeah, was hot then and after kids and 23 years later ....still hot. She's a great person. I've dated some absolute knock outs and honestly, most of 9's and 10's were never worth it, she definitely was/would have been. Point being, Foster's GF being at ISU I doubt weighs much at all in this kids mind....cause hot women are every where and attracted to star athletes .... or in my case .... dudes with big dongs.
Foster has a lot of potential, but is not an instant 20/10 guy, or even 14/7 guy as a frosh. If he was, the blue bloods would've been banging down his door.

What I love about his game:
*so disruptive in the paint blocking or altering shots
*rebounds above the rim
*potentially a very good outside game
*could be a total jerk with how good he is, but isn't; very likable

What he can still improve:
*alpha-dog mentality
*post moves

I really like what he can bring to Iowa and would be very surprised if he didn't contribute as a frosh, but also stick around for 2-3 years.
If we're going there, someone should inform him that Iowa's undergraduate population is comprised of 53% women and 47% men while ISU's is worse than opposite, 43% women and 57% men. That translates to about 3000 extra at Iowa to say nothing of the decreased competition.
A university could be 7% women, 93% men and I would still believe a football or basketball player on full scholarship would have little trouble finding a girl.
A university could be 7% women, 93% men and I would still believe a football or basketball player on full scholarship would have little trouble finding a girl.
If my kid was a D-1 recruit I'd offer to pay for him to get neutered. That would eliminate 90% of the girls because they're after those child support checks.