In State Schools Playing Each Other Not a Good Idea Except for UNI

So, you would rather risk one of our BCS schools being invited to a lesser bowl or none at all just so the two schools can play each other every year. Isn't what's good for the state is to have both BCS schools win as many games as possible and play in the best possible bowl at the end of the season?

After thinking about it over the weekend, I'm becoming more convinced two in state BCS schools from different conferences playing each other hurts the states image from a national perspective more than it helps it.

How does playing each other hurt the state image other than the Iowa Corn Producers getting involved with a trophy?
I think Iowa needs to continue the ISU rival games as long as they are in the Big 12. I have been involved with Iowa Football since the Fall of 1966 including being on the field when the first step of this rivalry was brought back. Yes 1966 because they held a Freshman game that year as a kickoff. It was held in Iowa City and yes there were fans in stands. It is time for Hawkeye fans to realize that it is good for the STATE of IOWA and stop just worrying about what your ego needs. Iowa may never be NO 1 in the country, but we can always look farward to the years we are NO 1 in the state.
Our time to call for an end to the series was when we won 15 straight. Calling for the end of the series after we start losing is pathetic.

We should not call for an end to the series until we win at least 5 in a row, which may be in the year 2040 given the way things have been going.
If you think about it, is Iowa St really our rival? Or, is Iowa St's rival Iowa?

I honestly don't consider Iowa St our rival. They need us more than we need them. Every once and awhile (more with Ferentz I know) "rain can shine on a dog's ***." Congratulations ISU this year. But, until you start dominating this series and being relevant in your conference (what is left of it), you will not be taken seriously by most Iowa fans. And your defensiveness and obnoxiousness after upset wins turns Iowa fans like me off.

Comparatively speaking, Wisconsin, Illinois (been awhile since we have played them though), Northwestern (I think is emerging as one as they are becoming a better program under Fitzs), and likely Nebraska make more sense as rivals.

Iowa would be better off not playing ISU. Not because Iowa is scared, not because we don't think you can't beat us from time to time, but because the game usually is a lose/lose for us. We would be better off playing a better program to help our SOS for bowl games at the end of the year.

ISU is the one who needs Iowa. And, they are the ones who deep down are scared to lose this game because it keeps them relevant in state discussions and gives them a chance to beat a traditionally better program. It is that simple.
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No. This whole thread wreaks of being scared to play an in-state rival, and preferring to play some directional school that we pay to have come to Kinnick. I'll take a pass on that notion.

It's being scared to play a team that we have nothing to gain from beating, and as you can see, everyone plays 'chicken little' when we lose. If we had squeaked out a miracle in 3OT, would we still look back on this as a worthy game? No. I'm scared to play Wisconsin this year, but I would much rather have them on our resume than Iowa State. How could you even justify this game being around unless you had some passion to hold the water-cooler bragging rights around the office?

Iowa State fans love playing Iowa, because they have nothing to lose.

Iowa fans love beating Iowa State by a lot of points. There is no other acceptable outcome.

How is that a rivalry? Just because we share the state doesn't mean we need to hand them a chance to beat our predictable schemes every year. Let them earn it by making the game worth something. That's all I'm saying.

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