In search of Franuary

Someone should start a thread titled "In Search Of Negative Nancy Posters".

Maybe they're just waiting for the BTT loss, if there is one, or the NCAA loss whenever it is.

Its coming. Wisconsin made back to back final fours and that didn't stop Ryan from getting barbecued after they finally lost. Forget the fact that Wisconsin will never experience back to back final fours again.
Would it be hosted by Zachary Quinto (since Leonard Nimoy is not available)?
Maybe it started there but much of or all of it went on while at Wisconsin. Like he was having her travel with him and stay in hotels on the road and all kinds of cringeworthy shit. Sounded like it was a poorly kept secret that somehow wasn't getting leaked out. Went on for like 5 years. He had to prove he wasn't using school travel $ on her or else he coulda been in some really hot water.
I could understand it if he was a pretty boy, but with that mug of his? He must have some attributes he didn't show on game days.
I'm not an anti-Fran person at all, but to me there's not really a debate to be had that Fran slides at the end of the year way more often than not. Splitting the conference schedule right down the middle his teams are .607 first half, and .413 second half since 2016. The tier doesn't really matter because everyone in our conference is playing the same pool of teams.

Where I find the rub is when people use the excuse that he slides because the season gets more difficult with wear and tear, injuries, etc, and that it's expected to lose ballgames for that reason. Well, for every team that goes .400 on the back half there's a team that goes .600. I get that stats is difficult for people to grasp and I am by no means anything resembling Albert Einstein, but unless everyone is at .500 there are an equal number of teams that underperform in the 2nd half & and equal number that overperform. Iowa is clearly in the former. It's math and I don't know how the hell people can't figure it out.

At the end of the day should Fran get fired? Jesus Christ no...

This is the most highly rated team we've had at this point in the season since the Korean War, but a bunch of folks here want to be Nebraska 2.0 and fire Fran if he doesn't make the S16. Do you idiots even know how to tie your shoes or use a fork?
Those idiots try to tie their shoes with the fork.
Ole Bo had some off the court things going on that got him in hot water I believe. Something to do with cheating on his wife with an underling I think and it was a long term thing. He was accused of using school $ improperly but was cleared of that. Between all that and his age he decided to retire in the middle of the year and check out before shit got messy publicly. He's a piece of work to be sure...
Suspicions of Bo infidelity date back to his UW Platteville days in the eighties and nineties.
IMO Fran's recruits are similar to what Mr. Davis brought in. He had some nice teams. Garza's development is what makes Fran look better.
IMO Fran's recruits are similar to what Mr. Davis brought in. He had some nice teams. Garza's development is what makes Fran look better.
I have criticized Fran's recruiting prowess in year's past. It seemed for the first 5-6 years he mostly got kids from or around Iowa who grew up Hawk fans and kids with his same last name. Pretty low hanging fruit. That changed for me with Tyler Cook. That was a huge get. Then he landed Nunge and Garza. JT was a good get as well. 3 of the 5 freshmen had no real Iowa connection. Fran has stretched his recruiting wings.

I don't disagree Garza's ascension is a bit of a lucky bounce for Fran. So was Aaron White. But, while Fran does not get all the credit for Garza's explosion, he gets most of it. He identified him, recruited him, earned his commitment, and then guided him to the player he is today. Garza did not step on campus great. He worked his butt off, as did his coaches and father.

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