In Depth: Hawkeyes Passing Concepts

I really hope the last 2 weeks have been spent on working on getting JVB more comfortable in the pocket and working on his reads. I also have to think has watched tons of tape from the first 5 games. It's go time!!

If Iowa is going to win at East Lansing, they will need to rely heavily on the pass.
I really hope the last 2 weeks have been spent on working on getting JVB more comfortable in the pocket and working on his reads. I also have to think has watched tons of tape from the first 5 games. It's go time!!

If Iowa is going to win at East Lansing, they will need to rely heavily on the pass.

from all i've heard JVB is already a huge film guy. i don't think it is lack of knowledge. i think he's smart, just panics under pressure. some folks have it, some don't. i'd love to think we'll have the hot reads down and ready for when they blitz, but i'll believe it when i see it. guess i'm just cynical that way.
from all i've heard JVB is already a huge film guy. i don't think it is lack of knowledge. i think he's smart, just panics under pressure. some folks have it, some don't. i'd love to think we'll have the hot reads down and ready for when they blitz, but i'll believe it when i see it. guess i'm just cynical that way.

If seen far more issues with this being on the receivers than JVB this year. He is making the right sight adjustments for the most part.

Now, other areas of his game have not been up to par. Footwork issues being one of them.
yeah, i wouldn't say the hot reads are JVB's fault. it looks like everyone is on a different page out there on that one.

the footwork is a huge concern. its like that first game with all the sacks got him entrenched in panic mode for the passing game. hopefully he can trust the line more and step up to make the throws instead of just slinging it.

good article by HGF. i really like how adaptable Davis has been with the play calling. glad to see we're going back to some of our strengths instead of just forcing the catch and run (which wasn't working, at least yet). hopefully with a solid run game we can really hit them with the PA passes. we'll see.
If seen far more issues with this being on the receivers than JVB this year. He is making the right sight adjustments for the most part.

Now, other areas of his game have not been up to par. Footwork issues being one of them.

what I have seen is far to many times throwing hot reads when we simply don't need to. The oline and weisman have (except for NIU) done a good job. I feel a lot of times JVB is getting that ball out of there to quick rather than waiting 1 more second and letting a play develop further downfield. I have seen this a number of times on combination routes. I realize this is a fine line to walk. But I can count off the top of my head about 4 drives that have stalled out just past the 50 when we have 3rd and medium and we throw a hot route that has no chance at making a first. This needs to stop. A sack or interception in this area of the field are not killers on third down.
what I have seen is far to many times throwing hot reads when we simply don't need to.

i think this is also a good point, and something Ricky was excellent at (though sometimes held the ball too long!). he would wait just that second longer till the WR cleared the LB's and deliver the throw. it seems that JVB presses and either tries to force the throw in there or just checks down instead of waiting.

just the thoughts of a non-QB.
Some part of JVB's problems have to do with over-thinking. He is a film guy and he may be over preparing to the point of not allowing the play to playout and locking in on his pre snap read; whether its there or not.
its like that first game with all the sacks got him entrenched in panic mode.


Yep, that first game, Northwestern 2009. He has been in panic mode with any semblance of pressure since. Some of us talked with caution at the beginning of last year when people were annointing him the second coming of Chuck Long. We had seen that he hadn't been able to handle pressure against NW, OSU, or Minny. And said that until he showed he could, they jury was still out. Well, that jury is still very much sequestered. But the evidence is mounting against him and he doesn't have much time left to turn it around.
Yep, that first game, Northwestern 2009. He has been in panic mode with any semblance of pressure since. Some of us talked with caution at the beginning of last year when people were annointing him the second coming of Chuck Long. We had seen that he hadn't been able to handle pressure against NW, OSU, or Minny. And said that until he showed he could, they jury was still out. Well, that jury is still very much sequestered. But the evidence is mounting against him and he doesn't have much time left to turn it around.

and i'll be surprised if MSU, Mich, Nebby and PSU don't throw the kitchen sink at him. unless we really are dominant in the run game against the big boys, he'll have to learn how to play under pressure or we're toast.
Agree, the passing game is going to have to be there

It will have to be there Saturday. To do so, I suggeat two simple solutions.

1. Put JVB in the shotgun where he can naturally step into every throw, negating his poor footwork under Davis' system when under center; it also gives him an extra second or two to be looking over the entire field in order to pick up his receivers.

2. Forget all the filmwork, the kid is over thinking this. Forget the supposed hot reads, etc. and just play football, just like the kid did in high school.

It will all be more natural for him and he will perform better and not be as frustrated. No rocket science is required of him or the coaches.
Good stuff

JVB is better from the shotgun - but we run the ball well so we need to take advantage of play action.

As far as hot reads go who knows - maybe JVB is doing okay in this area but from down to down he just

always looks panicked and in a hurry. I just wish he could slow it down.
Great thread! Thanks for sticking to the topic and producing a good analysis of JVB's struggles. I would like nothing better than to see him suceed, both for his sake and for the team...we need him badly to step up and become a threat.
Interesting read. I'm not certain of this, but I suspect some of these pattern have aided our rushing this year significantly.

They were talking during the Notre Dame game about the three years it normally takes a new coaching philosophy to start to work. Granted they were talking about a complete staff change, inclusinve of head coach, but a new offensive coordinator isn't a small thing either.

The game to game improvement, at least what I'm seeing this year, is very encouraging to me.