I'm Affraid


Well-Known Member
As this coaching search goes on and new names apear on the radar, I'm reading comments and growing more and more concerned about our future support.

It's not the quality of canidate tha concerns me so much, because I believe that there are under the radar guys that would make excellent leaders if given the opportunity.

What concerns me most is the mood of the fan base and the impending feeling that this fan base will continue to be split no matter who the hire is. If that happens, seats will still be empty, it will be harder to recruit and turning this thing around will be that much tougher.

I am not so simple minded that I don't understand discussing different canidates, their pros and cons and even having favorites (I certainly have mine). But the more I read, the more leary I get that any hire will be met with great (mostly accross the board) initial support.

The point of this post is not to shake my finger at anyone but just to take pause and remind everyone how vital fan support of this hire is to a fragile program.

No matter who the hire, lets give them a fair shot and get behind their efforts.
nice avatar..I think with as many posts as there are on the bball boards - there is a A LOT of support for the program. If there weren't as many people that cared - they wouldn't post anything.
I agree completely. I have not missed a basketball or football game for that matter in 7 years and that was one game. What we actually should be doing is backing the program not whoever the coach is anyway people are losing perspective. Be a Hawkeye fan or do not be a Hawkeye fan win or lose but make a choice please.
Buck up guys! Tennessee and Baylor could still lose today and ignite some hope for interviewing a top candidate (Pearl, Drew, Forbes)
I agree with your premise...however it was like this with the last search too. I have faith in Barta, he knows how important this hire is on all fronts. He knows recruiting is the key to this hire, he will deliver.
It was the initial support of the last hire that has me thinking of this. Lick came in here and really had very little fan support out of the gate. I'm not saying he was or wasn't the right guy for the job, but I immagine his struggles recruiting had something to do with a more than half empty arena.

History should teach us something. In this case, it should teach us that if you love Iowa basketball, get behind the next hire no matter who you wanted instead. Support the next staff up front. Go to some games if you can, turn on your TV, and get behind them for at least a fair amount of time.
It was the initial support of the last hire that has me thinking of this. Lick came in here and really had very little fan support out of the gate. I'm not saying he was or wasn't the right guy for the job, but I immagine his struggles recruiting had something to do with a more than half empty arena.

History should teach us something. In this case, it should teach us that if you love Iowa basketball, get behind the next hire no matter who you wanted instead. Support the next staff up front. Go to some games if you can, turn on your TV, and get behind them for at least a fair amount of time.
Agree 100%

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