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Umm, you do realize Michigan has as many Rose Bowl appearances in the past 10 years as we do in the past 50 years, right? .

Michigan has as many rose bowl appearances in the past 10 years as we do in the past 50 years? No, i did not know that. How may do they have in the last 10 years?
And its not all about beating NWU. Sure I want to beat everyone, but if we loose to NWU and still go on to a BCS game.... fine by me.
Umm, you do realize Michigan has as many Rose Bowl appearances in the past 10 years as we do in the past 50 years, right? And they just did something Ferentz has a hard time doing - they beat Northwestern.

And would you say that Michigan has had more success than us in the last 10 years?
LSU, Georgia Tech, South Carolina, Florida, BCS against USC, another close loss to Florida, close loss to Texas, beating Penn State regularly, beating Michigan regularly, beating Wisconsin frequently.

We've beaten Michigan regularly because they've been WAY down the past few years. When they're actually Michigan, we don't beat them with regularity.

On another note: how did the "KF needs to go. No emotional opinions." thread get the title of worst thread ever, and not this one? This one is just stupid.
I agree with hawkeyeMHA stop crying and go be a bandwagon fan at an Sec school we don't want you little b$%*&#s supporting our team you make me sick your not true fans. Consider yourself lucky Iowa has been as good as they have been and lucky that we have a great coach and mentor with kf. Seriously gtfo. NOW. None of you pansies have any idea what its like in his position and NONE of you could do better. GTFO.
I agree with hawkeyeMHA stop crying and go be a bandwagon fan at an Sec school we don't want you little b$%*&#s supporting our team you make me sick your not true fans. Consider yourself lucky Iowa has been as good as they have been and lucky that we have a great coach and mentor with kf. Seriously gtfo. NOW. None of you pansies have any idea what its like in his position and NONE of you could do better. GTFO.

I've lived and died with this program for all my life (going on 22 years now). I'm named for Tork Hook and am in my 4th year at Iowa. I'm no bandwagon fan. And I don't think it's outrageous to be a little critical when the situation calls for it.

The "Fire Ferentz" stuff is a bit much (understatement). But it's hardly wrong to question whether he's doing things the way they need to be right now.
Didn't I see we had like the second most Big Ten wins too the last decade behind OSU or something like that. Thats pretty good if you ask me.

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