I really believe that...the tenor of rivalries depends on where you live...Iowa fans living in the twin cities probably hate Minnesota...when I lived in central illinois late 1988-1996, I hated Illinois with a passion (sports wise) and still have some degree of dislike, but nothing like when I lived there.
I never cared about ISU until I moved to WDM in 2005...now, that rivalry is pretty consuming here. Folks in IC/CR might not feel that way.
Here in DSM, I think the Iowa-Nebraska rivalry will get pretty bad...even when the ISU rivalry was bad, it was still Iowans...this will be different. This will be a rival that believes that are better than we are, that will look down at us and have no problems acting that way...perhaps how some Iowa fans have felt about ISU...they will feel like we are the little brother in this relationship.
I think it's gonna get nasty, and fast.