If you thought Iowa-ISU was nasty, Iowa-Neb will be far worse


I really believe that...the tenor of rivalries depends on where you live...Iowa fans living in the twin cities probably hate Minnesota...when I lived in central illinois late 1988-1996, I hated Illinois with a passion (sports wise) and still have some degree of dislike, but nothing like when I lived there.

I never cared about ISU until I moved to WDM in 2005...now, that rivalry is pretty consuming here. Folks in IC/CR might not feel that way.

Here in DSM, I think the Iowa-Nebraska rivalry will get pretty bad...even when the ISU rivalry was bad, it was still Iowans...this will be different. This will be a rival that believes that are better than we are, that will look down at us and have no problems acting that way...perhaps how some Iowa fans have felt about ISU...they will feel like we are the little brother in this relationship.

I think it's gonna get nasty, and fast.
Please please please let this game be permenantly schedule for the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
I agree, but the big difference is that it won't be an everyday thing. It will be more concentrated hatred, but not as widely spread. While I am sure there are a ton of NU fans in Iowa, it is not the same as having to work with or having groups of friends and neighbors that are on opposite sides.
Cant wait to see the Hawks put the Huskers in the place! Forget ISU, this riveraly will be the best on the schedule!

I like this new addition. As an Iowa student during the 'rise of the program' in the early 80s, while the ISU series was intense, Iowa always used Nebraska as it's measuring stick of excellence.

The 1980 disaster (0-57) and subsequent 1981 upset (10-7) was a harbinger to Iowa greatness.

And don't forget, there's a poaching history between Iowa and Neb....Curtis Craig for one, and most notably, Roger Craig, who drove right past Hayden Fry's new staff in 79 on I-80 on his way to Lincoln. Conversly, Larry Station was an Omaha product who chose to play eastwards rather than westwards.

And it's not going to take EIGHT Neb turnovers to allow Iowa to win a game with them :)
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I grew up in NW Iowa,but as a lifelong Hawk fan,I never really got into hating Nebraska,like ISU fans did. Sure, I resented their success,but it was just not in my sphere.
Now, I know it is different for folks in SW Iowa,and probably Des Moines,but at this point,I look at them more like PSU...football program with great tradition,but beatable. I like going to State College,as it is a very cool college football venue and I suspect that Lincoln is the same. I like having storied football venues and programs in the league,that still remain beatable. Sure, the message board wars will be waged,but I hope it does not devolve into classless behavior on either side. I do not get that with PSU,even tho there is heat there. The best rivalrys have some modicum of respect on both sides...even OSU - Mich fans understand and respect THE GAME,as an elite college football series and showcase.
I hope that Iowa-Nebraska becomes the western division version of THE GAME,played in the traditional post thanksgiving friday slot occupied by Neb-Co...a showcase game for the nation featured with no other games being played in that time slot.
If both programs perform to recent standards, it could be like OSU-Michigan of old, with western division title ramifications for one or both teams every year.
Now that is a great concept,eh?
Add to the list this...

For a rivalry to occur you need two passionate fanbases. I can state emphatically that you will not find two more passionate fan bases than those of Iowa and Nebraska. If you think about it the teams you really hate get their spot on the list by the way the fans act. The Nebraska fans will travel, they will be loud, they will be passionate, they will be arrogant... it will be a lot of fun.
Jon is dead on here. It will get very nasty, very fast. Within a few years it could get right up there with the most heated rivalries in college football. I think they should lay claim to the name 'Farmageddon' for this game. The Fri or Sat after Thanksgiving would be great.
Jon is dead on here. It will get very nasty, very fast. Within a few years it could get right up there with the most heated rivalries in college football. I think they should lay claim to the name 'Farmageddon' for this game. The Fri or Sat after Thanksgiving would be great.

Jon is dead on here. It will get very nasty, very fast. Within a few years it could get right up there with the most heated rivalries in college football. I think they should lay claim to the name 'Farmageddon' for this game. The Fri or Sat after Thanksgiving would be great.

LOLOLOLOL.....perfect! Well done!
For a rivalry both teams have to win and win regularly. That is why the clown/Ia game in my opinion is not a rivalry. We own the series. The clowns won for a few years but the series has swung back to Iowa.

The Wisky rivalry is a rivalry...over 100 years we lead by 1 game. That is a rivalry. The Minnesota game of course is a rivalry. They haven't been very good the past few years but overall, that game is for Floyd. How could that game not be a rivalry.

I can see why NE thinks they are better than Iowa. They played Iowa when they were at their peak and Iowa wasn't. It is different now.

Now, the games will be slugfests. NE may act like they are better (their history yes is better), but deep down right now, they know when they play Iowa they are going to be in for one hell of a game, that the game is going to be a slugfest, that both teams will need to tighten their helmets one more notch and that they will have to play for 4 quarters and at the end of the game both teams will be battered and bruised. And it will have been one hell of a game.

They also know Iowa is licking their chops to get a shot at them and that this won't be ISU that they will be playing, just like Wisky, Michigan, OSU, PSU and a number of other teams and that NE is probably licking their chops waiting to get their licks in on the Big 10 teams to see where they stand.
Agreed. Living in Sioux City this has been nasty for years. Almost all Bugeater fans in this area believe their program is untouchable. I honestly can't imagine a gameday where Husker and Hawk fans have to co-exist in the same stadium. At least not fans in this area. I really hope the B10 experience will bring them down to earth.
Nebraska/Big-10 experience will be = Penn State/Big-10 experience

Sure they lose playing Texas and OK, however, OSU, Iowa, PSU, scUM (as much as I hate to say it) will provide a pretty good measuring stick for Neb.
It wont be bad for me I run in to a husker fan about once ever 3 years here.

However I have a cyclone living two doors east directly west of me.

I am glad the ISU rivalry is going to cool down. In ten years or so there may be cosiderably less animosity.
Nebraska bores me, the thought of going to Lincoln but not Ames bores me, driving anywhere in Nebraska bores me, Nebraska in the B10 bores me, having more Nebraska fans in DSM than there already are makes me want to kill myself.
Let's simplify this for Nebraska fans. If the Husker faithful think they will come into the Big Ten and dominate in football, please refer to Penn State.

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