The really sad part about this is that this type of thing happens all the time in our society and most of the time no one knows about it. The victims are typically scared to tell anyone about it in fear of so many things. I do not trust anyone with my two little girls because I know that sometimes these sick people are people who you would never expect.
It happens ALL THE TIME. I guarantee that everyone one of us is friends with someone who had something of an unwanted sexual nature happen to them when they were a child, by either an older adolescent or an adult. Guarantee.
My wife used to work for a Child Abuse Prevention agency...what I have learned through the years related to statistics, who the predators usually are (known to you), etc, has caused me to be a different parent, wary of the world.
Situations like this should serve as reminders to parents to educate themselves on this reality...learn what tactics predators use to keep kids silent...
Like in Rob's article, the person threatened his brother. Classic predator move...or they'll say they will harm the parents if a child tells.
Learn these things, and learn how to really talk to your kids...don't every use the word 'secret' in your in, let me tell you a secret. Never.. It's a classic predator ploy.
Teach your children about appropriate touches and inappropriate touches...and learn when to do that.
these things can mean if anything 'good' can come from a story like the Penn State failure, or Rob's sharing what he shared, it's to force parents to learn...and to be educated, and take measures.