If you haven't already, read Rob Howe's take on PSU Tragedy

Wow - talk about having first hand perspective, unfortunately, but he sure is right in calling for Paterno to go. I'll never look on Paterno again knowing he did almost nothing to stop Sandusky and he condoned having Sandusky around his program right up until last month.
Wow - talk about having first hand perspective, unfortunately, but he sure is right in calling for Paterno to go. I'll never look on Paterno again knowing he did almost nothing to stop Sandusky and he condoned having Sandusky around his program right up until last month.

All of the good things that Joe did will for the most part be forgotten. He will forever be remembered as the man that enabled a pedophile for selfish reasons.
I don't know how many times I have read that article since it was published. But it affected me deeply. It takes a strong person to put something like that out there for the world to read.
Wow - talk about having first hand perspective, unfortunately, but he sure is right in calling for Paterno to go. I'll never look on Paterno again knowing he did almost nothing to stop Sandusky and he condoned having Sandusky around his program right up until last month.
All of the good things that Joe did will for the most part be forgotten. He will forever be remembered as the man that enabled a pedophile for selfish reasons.

Agree 100% I lost all respect for Paterno.
Agree. It took an incredible amount of courage for RH to print that. Rob, if you're reading, I'm so sorry some evil human being did that to you. You're in my prayers, as are these boys from the PSU case.
Perspectives like Rob's makes this case all the more heart breaking.

Sandusky will pay for his deviance. This I have little doubt.

All others in the know since 1998 or 2002 that allowed more children to be harmed should also be punished. By doing nothing or very little their lack of actions injured many more children. Paterno is probably safe from legal liability but morally I hope this haunts him and McQueary for the remainder of their days.
Not only does he peg it but he shows a lot of courage as well:

Joe Must Go

My jaw about dropped to the floor when I read that last night. I was like...is this going where I think it's going? And go there it did.

It takes a major pair to admit something like that.

I hope Rob understands that any stigma lies with the abuser, and not with the victim.
The really sad part about this is that this type of thing happens all the time in our society and most of the time no one knows about it. The victims are typically scared to tell anyone about it in fear of so many things. I do not trust anyone with my two little girls because I know that sometimes these sick people are people who you would never expect.
The really sad part about this is that this type of thing happens all the time in our society and most of the time no one knows about it. The victims are typically scared to tell anyone about it in fear of so many things. I do not trust anyone with my two little girls because I know that sometimes these sick people are people who you would never expect.

It happens ALL THE TIME. I guarantee that everyone one of us is friends with someone who had something of an unwanted sexual nature happen to them when they were a child, by either an older adolescent or an adult. Guarantee.

My wife used to work for a Child Abuse Prevention agency...what I have learned through the years related to statistics, who the predators usually are (known to you), etc, has caused me to be a different parent, wary of the world.

Situations like this should serve as reminders to parents to educate themselves on this reality...learn what tactics predators use to keep kids silent...

Like in Rob's article, the person threatened his brother. Classic predator move...or they'll say they will harm the parents if a child tells.

Learn these things, and learn how to really talk to your kids...don't every use the word 'secret' in your house...as in, let me tell you a secret. Never.. It's a classic predator ploy.

Teach your children about appropriate touches and inappropriate touches...and learn when to do that.

these things can mean everything...so if anything 'good' can come from a story like the Penn State failure, or Rob's sharing what he shared, it's to force parents to learn...and to be educated, and take measures.
equally disturbing is the number of people we may know that are committing these crimes. if nothing else, hopefully the PSU case brings enough publicly to the topic so that people are no longer willing to protect predators.
That was truly amazing and courageous. Thank you for sharing.

If any of these horrible events raise awareness about childhood sexual abuse (it's unfortunately quite common), then perhaps some good can happen here.
Agree...amazing article by Rob and very courageous.

I walked around my office yesterday wondering how many people have these types of skeletons in their closet...from both the victim and the predator standpoint. It's hard to imagine the rage I would feel if something like this happened to one of my children and the urge to protect them becomes that much stronger.

On a side note, I have to believe this story is just beginning. It almost appears there was something in the form of a threat hanging over the heads of people that knew. How else can this be explained?
Where do you even start. Unbelievable. How can Paterno or anyone else involved be able to look in the mirror or at their kids and or grandkids and feel like they did right by everyone. When did going to boss's supercede going to police on matters like that. The first assistant coach should have went strait to the police instead of Paterno. He could have called Paterno on the way there and said meet me there and I'll explain. But to do that and then Paterno do what he did then what the AD did..... I just don't comprehend. Why does the buck stop with the AD I think Paterno and the other kid are just as much in the wrong as the AD. THEY ALL DIDN'T DO WHAT PLAIN COMMON SENSE WOULD HAVE SAID YOU SHOULD DO. I say if one of em should get in trouble then they all should.
Another thing about this crime is I hope Paterno, Mike Mcqueary, Tim Curley and everyone else involved are haunted by the fact the authorities have no identity of "Victim No. 2" (caught in the the shower with JS) no one at this point has any idea whatever happened to him.

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