If you had to pick


Well-Known Member
Would you rather Garza win the Wooden Award, or Iowa makes it to the Sweet 16?

I am going with Wooden. Having the best player in MBB would be historic for a program like Iowa. While I am as hungry for a tourney run as anyone, I think I would take the individual accolade.

Now, an Elite 8 run is a tougher call and if the question is Final Four, sorry Luka.
Sweet 16 for me. The Wooden award is subject to opinion and outside influence (east coast bias, blue blood bias, etc). We can bitch about that on social media....we've already destroyed ESPN for their big man poll.

But if Iowa makes the sweet 16 nobody can take it away from us.
Depends. Is Luka coming back either way next year? If winning the award makes it easier for him to leave, then I'm picking the sweet 16. If he's coming back either way, give him the award. A sweet 16 this year doesn't mean shit compared to the final 4 we get next year.
Interesting takes. I stand by my thoughts.

Switching to the analogous question in football, would you rather Iowa win a really good bowl and finish 8th in the final AP polling, or have a Heisman winner? Again, I would take the latter.
Interesting takes. I stand by my thoughts.

Switching to the analogous question in football, would you rather Iowa win a really good bowl and finish 8th in the final AP polling, or have a Heisman winner? Again, I would take the latter.

I agree w/this- Heisman winners tend to lead to continuity of that position at least (see Wisconsin=running backs), but may we qualify this by saying a QB Heisman?? Now, if you had said Playoffs vs Heisman, well................
Interesting takes. I stand by my thoughts.

Switching to the analogous question in football, would you rather Iowa win a really good bowl and finish 8th in the final AP polling, or have a Heisman winner? Again, I would take the latter.

I see what you're saying there. Maybe after the fact we'd all rather have the Wooden.
I see what you're saying there. Maybe after the fact we'd all rather have the Wooden.
I guess think of it this way. 10 years from now, are you going to remember that we lost to Creighton in the Sweet 16 Round of the 2020 Tourney, or that Garza won the Wooden (and we lost in the first round)?

I think winning the Wooden is a really, really big deal.
Sweet 16 for sure. Garza could increase his stats these last few weeks and still most likely lose the Wooden award because he nor Iowa is the sexy pic.
I guess think of it this way. 10 years from now, are you going to remember that we lost to Creighton in the Sweet 16 Round of the 2020 Tourney, or that Garza won the Wooden (and we lost in the first round)?

I think winning the Wooden is a really, really big deal.

well to be fair..... everyone remembers 1999 pretty well around here and like to throw it out for relevancy of our program. I think winning the Wooden would be huge, but getting our program back on the map would be bigger. I mean Doug McDermott won The Wooden, no one really remembers or brings it up in Creighton circles. It didn't elevate their program to something bigger and better. They still have never been to a Sweet 16 in school history.
I guess think of it this way. 10 years from now, are you going to remember that we lost to Creighton in the Sweet 16 Round of the 2020 Tourney, or that Garza won the Wooden (and we lost in the first round)?

I think winning the Wooden is a really, really big deal.

yeah but right now I think a sweet 16 would be better because it could lead to an elite 8, final 4, etc. But your point is when you look BACK on the season, which right now I can't do since there's still over a month to go.

Iowa making it to the second weekend of the tournament would be huge for Iowa fans. Thats for damn sure.
Without looking (because last year is easy with Zion), does anyone remember who won the Wooden award 2 seasons ago? Or, 3 season ago? :)
Awards are largely a popularity contest. It doesn't lessen the year Luka is having if he doesn't get the award.

Nobody cares about all the hardware some players from my Tampa Bay Lightning brought home last year since they got swept in the first round of the playoffs. Similar thing in this case IMO.

Give me the Sweet 16 all day long. Been 21 years. I've had enough of this 1st/2nd round BS. I'd like to see Iowa basketball alive past the first weekend of the tournament for a change.
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Awards are largely a population contest. It doesn't lessen the year Luka is having if he doesn't get the award.

Give me the Sweet 16 all day long. Been 21 years. I've had enough of this 1st/2nd round BS. I'd like to see Iowa basketball alive past the first weekend of the tournament for a change.

And perhaps our bracket entries might survive past the 1st weekend as well...........

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