If there was one fanbase u could see urself punching

Any SEC fan. All that talk about being the "best conference" when they really only have two top-10 worthy teams.
new york yankees
no personal offense intended, OP, but after living in New England for nearly a decade, I grew to despise the obnoxious fanbase of the yankmes

if you're talking about college football only, then it's illannoy :mad:
Cardinal Fans
Arizona fans this year when they started chanting "overated"
Florida, no doubt. I don't mind 'Bama and Auburn fans at all, LSU is okay most of the time. But Florida fans are just nauseating.
The "Official List"

No particular order.

1) Florida - Completely think their sh!t doesn't stink
2) Nebraska - Hello, the 20th century called, & wants its history back.
3) Illinoy - You can only hear so much pig comments, corn picking comments, fat women comments & the annoying divert it to basketball discussion.
4) Missery - We are so good but we don't want to play you that particular year.
5) Penn St - See Florida & Nebraska.
6) Ohio St - We are too good to be able to even acknowledge you.
Living in KC
#1 Missouri
#2 Kansas State

Most of the NE fans I know understand sports and are excited about playing in the B10. There is a lot of respect for IA and B10 teams. Maybe they are being PC, but I do like talking sports with them.

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