if someone knows, please explain


Well-Known Member
how much say do the coaches have in if a wrestler stays at a given weight or not. I am talking about GG. It seams to me and or most of us on this forum that we can see that GG just is not cutting the mustard at 97 so why is he still there. I would think that coach can see this as well and would want to sure up 84 rather than have 2 weak weights at the top. Is Brodie any worse at 97 than what we have wrestling at 84? I am not saying that vinnie at 84 is bad, but he is not GG at 84. I just think that we have more team point potential with GG at 84 and maybe a Brodie at 97.

Or, could it be that GG is having trouble getting back to 84 after getting up over 200 with his time off with the injury this year and this is why he is still at 97? :confused:
I don't know Grant personally, but having coached in high school and wrestled in college there is one thing that is indisputable: you can't MAKE a kid do anything. The rest is speculation, it could be that he can't lose the weight or he doesn't want to lose the weight, it could have started with the concussions and GG just enjoyed not skipping meals and cutting out water (who wouldn't?) and decided to stay at 97 but in the end Brands has the final say on the lineup, it doesn't matter if GG would win a wrestle-off (ramos lost his only wrestleoff this year) cause Brands ultimately sends the 197 lber onto the mat. I trust brands so if GG could make weight I think he would, but if he simply didn't want to then I think in a match where Iowa isn't at risk of losing (nw tomorrow) you'll see someone else to send a message and give someone an audition like has been done with 149. Also without the weigh in sheets its impossible to know if GG was ever making a descension in weight (losing weight according to his body fat certification and weight loss plan the trainer would have okayed with the ncaa) and just stopped trying or if he never planned on dropping at all which would indicate that the plan all along was to have GG at 197

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