If I hear great depth again....


Well-Known Member
It is absolutely killing us. If Fran would take his 7 best players and develope a rotation that makes sense we would be so much better off. I have not seen a game this year where our great "depth" has made a significant difference. I have seen many a game where I think it cost us the game.
Agreed. When 7 or 8 of the players you are playing are average talent, you need to make sure the best 3 players stay in the game 35 minutes or more.
I was hoping someone would start another thread complaining about the rotation.

A post with words ssckelley that looks to be something new today. Thought it was picture day!

I iz having a ghost moment.

Just thought I would ask and you do know what happen to Ghost? Because your breaking forum rules. :)

Which one? I read the rules and did not make it past this one:

4) Repetitive negative posting by the same user may result in that user being banned. This isn't to say criticism isn't allowed, but broken records are discouraged.
Pretty simple!!

8) Hijacking threads in the primary sports forums with images, attempts at humor that have little to nothing to do with the topic may result in the user being banned, at my discretion. The Off Topic and Political/Controversial Forums are there for you to do that to your heart's delight; Not the primary sports forums on this site
and I skimmed over this one:

1) No calling out players. You can be critical of situations and circumstances, but posts along the lines of 'Player X Sucks' won't be tolerated. Violators may be banned
Pretty simple!!

8) Hijacking threads in the primary sports forums with images, attempts at humor that have little to nothing to do with the topic may result in the user being banned, at my discretion. The Off Topic and Political/Controversial Forums are there for you to do that to your heart's delight; Not the primary sports forums on this site


Have at it 40, if I get a vacation from this site so be it.
I don't do either. Been posting on Millers site for over 10 Years Never been banned ever!!

I have a deep passion and love for my Hawks. I use the board to discuss topics. I know you don't agree with my view on things and that's fine I'm okay with that.
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I don't do either. Been posting on Millers site for over 10 Years Never been banned ever!!

You went from trashing on Woodbury to now trashing on the coach, last night it was over and over. Don't get me wrong you're mild compared to some of the others, at least debates with you can be fun. But if Miller wants to clean house, again, and if he feels I am part of the problem then so be it. But from my vantage point I see a bunch of fans jumping off the bandwagon and running around like a chicken claiming the sky is falling, I think my posts make a damn good point.

Not my site but I would rather have those funny trolls back than these negative nancy's here that say the same crap over and over any day.
You went from trashing on Woodbury to now trashing on the coach, last night it was over and over. Don't get me wrong you're mild compared to some of the others, at least debates with you can be fun. But if Miller wants to clean house, again, and if he feels I am part of the problem then so be it. But from my vantage point I see a bunch of fans jumping off the bandwagon and running around like a chicken claiming the sky is falling, I think my posts make a damn good point.

Not my site but I would rather have those funny trolls back than these negative nancy's here that say the same crap over and over any day.

ssckelley I only reached out to you today to let you know what you were doing, that is all. I have no issue with you whatsoever.

As for rule #1 it states 1) You can be critical of situations and circumstances.

And Yes I'm very critical of situations and circumstances with a couple players and Fran. I do have a real problem with Fran's substitutions and have been saying it for quite sometime as you already know. :You feel otherwise and that is fine.
I don't do either. Been posting on Millers site for over 10 Years Never been banned ever!!

I have a deep passion and love for my Hawks. I use the board to discuss topics. I know you don't agree with my view on things and that's fine I'm okay with that.

Good God, why do you keep trying to prove how big of a fan you are? We know you have a deep passion and love for "your" Hawks.

Here is a post of yours from another thread:

"I love Iowa Sport I travel this great country to watch the Hawks Play. I have a passion that is clearly different then yours. I don't see myself as negative, like you always seem to want to point out."

We get it, you are the bestest, most smartest fan JD's forums have ever seen.
Good God, why do you keep trying to prove how big of a fan you are? We know you have a deep passion and love for "your" Hawks.

Here is a post of yours from another thread:

"I love Iowa Sport I travel this great country to watch the Hawks Play. I have a passion that is clearly different then yours. I don't see myself as negative, like you always seem to want to point out."

We get it, you are the bestest, most smartest fan JD's forums have ever seen.

Cooling gel IPA, getting a little Fran here.
OK, at least I'm not in the middle of this one.... Yeah, if I hear from one more ESPN analyst that Iowa's depth is a curse... That having Iowa's depth is a curse? That ESPN analysts are trying to get themselves off the hook for saying Iowa's depth would bring them to the Final Four by saying Iowa's depth is a curse? Bingo! ... Depth is never a curse.
Pretty simple!!

8) Hijacking threads in the primary sports forums with images, attempts at humor that have little to nothing to do with the topic may result in the user being banned, at my discretion. The Off Topic and Political/Controversial Forums are there for you to do that to your heart's delight; Not the primary sports forums on this site

If a quality poster like Kelley ever gets banned then the site eventually dies. I wouldn't be back. Here you go trolls (not you 40)...a chance to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

By the way...Iowa has great depth.

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