If Ferentz fails... Diaco should be the man

let's hope when the time comes we can fill the coaching void with something more than a 'so pwoud' yeller and screamer who actually has a proven record as a head coach.

This. I do not want the sexy hire I want the right hire. Maybe it is one in the same, maybe it is not. I am assuming that everything, especially the offense, will be overhauled. That means philosophy, scheme, roster......everything. I want a guy who knows what he is doing, not a guy trying to win press conferences and giving me soundbites. I can live with a couple of 6 or 7 win seasons if I feel the program is going in the right direction, year 3, year 4 and the guy is coaching for his job......It means Iowa hired the soundbite guy.
KF isn't going anywhere until Barta is gone. Until that happens we have the buyout looming over everything. My optimal scenario would be something like the new U president pushes Barta out over general lack of performance and various legal woes. Next the new pres hires Bob Stoops, who is sitting on a very hot seat according to my source in Norman, as AD. Stoops then micro-manages KF (ala the Alverez/BB scenario) who then decides to retire early. At this point Stoops hires BB with a sales pitch that has words like "national championship" and "once a Hawkeye, always a Hawkeye" in it.

I know this is very tasty Kool Aid I am drinking but the framework of the theory is solid. New U Pres, then Barta goes, new AD, KF "retires", new coach. There are other scenarios but I think this one is most likely and Diaco would certainly be in the mix at then end of the shuffle.
If anyone actually believes Bielema would leave Arkansas for us or Bob Stoops would leave OU for us.....you are more delusional than an ISU fan thinking they can win a national championship next year
If anyone actually believes Bielema would leave Arkansas for us or Bob Stoops would leave OU for us.....you are more delusional than an ISU fan thinking they can win a national championship next year

Well first of all, OU and Arkansas are not at all comparable jobs even remotely on the same level.

Stoops would only leave OU if he was forced out.

Arkansas , on the other hand, gets a new coach every few years. It's a mid bottom school in its conference and will never win it's division let alone it's conference.

No reason to think BB wouldn't leave Arkansas if the money was right. There's lots of advantages to Iowa over Arkansas.
If anyone actually believes Bielema would leave Arkansas for us or Bob Stoops would leave OU for us.....you are more delusional than an ISU fan thinking they can win a national championship next year

Why wouldn't Bielema leave Arkansas for Iowa? If he finishes 7th (dead last) in the SEC West for the third consecutive season this year, the Arkansas fans are going to be asking for his head anyway.

Bielema left Wisconsin because Alvarez was an a-hole and the university didnt want to pay his assistants the money he thought they deserved. It seems like a safe assumption that Bielema prefers to coach in the B1G/Midwest, but he was in a way forced out (strangle holded out?) at Wisconsin and felt he had to get out of there. Iowa seems like the obvious gig for him for many reasons should he be offered it.

Oh yeah and Bielema was born in Illinois, played football at Iowa, and began his coaching career at Iowa. Its the most obvious hire.
DP5555 you have been pushing this clown for six months, if I didn't know any better I would say you were his wife. He is not a future Iowa coach, maybe he moves up to the MAC.
Bielema and there is no close second. Other than Arkansas being in the SEC it is not a better program or gig than Iowa. Bielema has ties to the Midwest, and is still a Hawkeye, that is the job I believe he is waiting for and will get.
Everyone needs to stop with the buyout argument, if the big money wants him gone, he is gone.
I hope Kirk and his boss have the sense and forsight to have the heir on staff before he leaves.
Yuck. Don't care about IA connection any longer. It's a tie-breaker at best. BB is a jerk - plain and simple. And really not that great of a coach.

It is obvious you are biased against Bielema. He won the first three Big 10 Championship games. But he is not that great of a coach. Right. Whatever. Obviously you don't like BB but for all anyone knows from that statement you may also be clueless about football, too.
No thanks, I'd rather have a guy with more success than KF and that's why I'm sticking with Bielema as my pick.
Well first of all, OU and Arkansas are not at all comparable jobs even remotely on the same level.

Stoops would only leave OU if he was forced out.

Arkansas , on the other hand, gets a new coach every few years. It's a mid bottom school in its conference and will never win it's division let alone it's conference.

No reason to think BB wouldn't leave Arkansas if the money was right. There's lots of advantages to Iowa over Arkansas.

What are the many advantages of Iowa over Arkansas? Oh, I know, the weather. Wait, that isn't it. Oh, easier to recruit to Iowa and get recruits in there that are questionable academically, and you are closer to a lot more players. Wait, it isn't any of those, either. Fan support? Financial support? Arkansas does pretty well on both of those. Ability to pay? That's a wash at best.

So, what are those many advantages, again? Just because you say it doesn't make it a fact. By the way, Arkansas only gets new coaches so often because they made bad hires. Petrino had red flags around his character if only you go back to look at how he dealt with leaving Atlanta to go back to college. And that is something you can see without even doing any homework. Imagine what you would see if you actually looked. Then they hired his old boss at Louisville when he imploded and that guy wasn't really any good at MSU. They hired Houston Nutt and ran him. Evidently they thought they made a bad hire. I am not so sure about that, but that would be the rationale for firing him, I guess.

They hardly made the wrong hire with BB They hit a home run. They certainly have the ability to win their division with the right coach. And a coach that won three straight B10 title games can probably figure out a way to win an SEC title game when he gets there.
I'm just sick of that attitude. Circle the top dog in the conference and gun for them. I don't care if you don't make it.
I'm for circling the top team in the conference.

But Iowa doesn't play them this season.

So does KF circle NW, Nebby, or Wisky?

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