If Ferentz coached in the SEC...

Premise is false. At an SEC school, KF would not be running the show, the richest booster would. This includes player course selection, discipline, payoffs to law enforcement, etc.

KF, to his credit, wouldn't be able to stomach the stuff that goes on in the SEC.

Correct sir!!!
On top of that its a failed premise because in the SEC coaches get fired because cheating is allowed and they have natural recruiting advantages over everyone else. If you can't be a top 15 team in the nation being from an SEC school every year, you suck as a coach, or you have standards and won't cheat. Either way you won't keep your job long.
If you don't think KF would be successful at a high profile SEC school, you are sadly mistaken. Look at Nick Saban as a prime example. Saban and KF both come from the Belichek coaching tree. Both run similar, pro-style offenses and defenses. Saban's record at MSU was 25-22-1 his first 4 years at MSU. His 5th year, MSU went 9-2 but he took the LSU job and didn't coach them in the Florida Citrus Bowl. His 1st 3 years at LSU, he went 8-4, 10-3 and 8-5.

There is a built-in recruiting advantage because of geography, lower academic standards and booster "creativity" that the Big Ten, especially Iowa, doesn't have. If KF was willing to compromise his principles and coach at a place like Alabama or LSU, he would be competing for championships because he is that good of a football coach.

C'mon man. Say what you want about Saban's rep or demeanor or whatever, but KF can't hold Saban's jock in a basket. Not in maintaining a successful program, and sure as hell not on gameday. I get you like Kirk, but get real.
I'm wondering why elite football programs like Tennessee and Auburn can fall into cycles of .500 ball or 7-8 win seasons.

I thought that was just Ferentz coached programs that did that.

My god the SEC love has gotten out of hand. Someone needs to win those bowl games against them this year. Oh wait both Michigan schools beat them in bowl games last year.... well that was a fluke. They won the national championship! Oh wait the ESPN hype machine made it to where they couldn't LOSE the national championship last year! Get real people. Who has an SEC team beat this year out of conference? Overrated Michigan with a second year coach? I do know that two SEC teams have now lost to Sun Belt teams this year. Did any of them go on the road and play top 25 teams on the west coast like Oregon State, UCLA and Arizona State? No, but Big Ten teams did. Did any of them have to play top 10 Notre Dame? Nope. I get that we lost to CMU and that this board has been full of ******** and negativity for going on 3 weeks now but seriously some of you have to wake up and pull your head out of your *** and actually take the SEC and Big Ten for what they are. Ones plays no one out of conference and the other does.
He would be an assistant coach, or fired. Fans and administrators in SEC don't celebrate trips to the Insight and Motor City bowls.
My god the SEC love has gotten out of hand. Someone needs to win those bowl games against them this year. Oh wait both Michigan schools beat them in bowl games last year.... well that was a fluke. They won the national championship! Oh wait the ESPN hype machine made it to where they couldn't LOSE the national championship last year! Get real people. Who has an SEC team beat this year out of conference? Overrated Michigan with a second year coach? I do know that two SEC teams have now lost to Sun Belt teams this year. Did any of them go on the road and play top 25 teams on the west coast like Oregon State, UCLA and Arizona State? No, but Big Ten teams did. Did any of them have to play top 10 Notre Dame? Nope. I get that we lost to CMU and that this board has been full of ******** and negativity for going on 3 weeks now but seriously some of you have to wake up and pull your head out of your *** and actually take the SEC and Big Ten for what they are. Ones plays no one out of conference and the other does.
* Didn't Michigan play Virginia Tech last year?

* What about the years where the SEC didn't play another SEC team for the NC? Last year was #6 in a row...were the first 5 related to the "ESPN hype machine?"

* Wait, is Michigan overrated with a 2nd year coach or is Michigan one of the teams that beat (well, didn't beat, but I'm using your explanation) an SEC last year? I guess if you needed Michigan to be world beaters to fit your point they'd be the latter, but if you need them to look inept you'd use the former?

* So, if the SEC had gone out of their time zone and gotten thumped by other BCS competition, that would somehow make them better? The teams you named...Oregon State, UCLA, Arizona St, Notre Dame...they pounded the B10, right?

There's a reason the SEC "love" in this thread is so evident...it's not love, it's reality. The SEC is the best conference in the nation right now...and it's pretty clear cut.
* Didn't Michigan play Virginia Tech last year?

* What about the years where the SEC didn't play another SEC team for the NC? Last year was #6 in a row...were the first 5 related to the "ESPN hype machine?"

* Wait, is Michigan overrated with a 2nd year coach or is Michigan one of the teams that beat (well, didn't beat, but I'm using your explanation) an SEC last year? I guess if you needed Michigan to be world beaters to fit your point they'd be the latter, but if you need them to look inept you'd use the former?

* So, if the SEC had gone out of their time zone and gotten thumped by other BCS competition, that would somehow make them better? The teams you named...Oregon State, UCLA, Arizona St, Notre Dame...they pounded the B10, right?

There's a reason the SEC "love" in this thread is so evident...it's not love, it's reality. The SEC is the best conference in the nation right now...and it's pretty clear cut.

Sorry my mistake I had thought they played Arkansas last year in the Sugar Bowl. But the point of the road game still stands because the SEC doesn't do it so we'll never know how they would have played. Thus my point the hype is unwarranted. Also failing to see how a NC game against another conference now 2 years removed has anything to do with the conference as a whole.
The fact that they've won 6 NC's in a row lends credence to their dominance over the past half-decade, much less an NC game two years removed.
I'm going to disagree with you on this....

I propose that coaching has more to do with a team's college football success than anything.

At Alabama, for example, between Gene Stallings and Nick Saban, they were pulling in great recruits like they always do, but they stunk. Why? Because they had the likes of Mike Dubose and Mike Shula. Same with LSU. People act like LSU has been good for forever. They were mediocre, at best, before Saban came along. Before that, they had the likes of Mike Archer, Curley Hallman and Gerry DiNardo going a combind 76-70 over a 13 year period. Or take a look at Florida. Great under Spurrier, average at best under Zook, and great under Meyer. For the most part, those schools were getting killer recruiting classes each year, but the coaches couldn't coach the talent.

So yes, you're right that you need players.....Saban, Miles, Meyer, etc aren't winning with scrubs. But at the same time, those coaches I listed like DuBose, Shula, DiNardo, Zook, etc all had built in advantages like a brand name school and great recruits, but couldn't do jack squat.

The thing is, if you do finally get a great coach at one of those schools you get a multi-national championship dynasty because of the inherent talent advantage. Get an equal coach at Iowa and you get Hayden Fry, who was great, but doesn't have the hardware guys like Saban, Miles, Meyer have.
Do you think Les Miles is a thoroughly, undeniably better coach than Hayden Fry was? I don't.

I'm firmly in the Johnnies and Joes >> x's & o's camp on this one.
The thing is, if you do finally get a great coach at one of those schools you get a multi-national championship dynasty because of the inherent talent advantage. Get an equal coach at Iowa and you get Hayden Fry, who was great, but doesn't have the hardware guys like Saban, Miles, Meyer have.
Do you think Les Miles is a thoroughly, undeniably better coach than Hayden Fry was? I don't.

I'm firmly in the Johnnies and Joes >> x's & o's camp on this one.

It's a mixture of both. See 2010. Our Johnnies and Joes were better than our opponent's almost every week. Problem was that our x's and o's were worse almost every week. Also, I think the coach is also responsible for getting those Johnnies and Joes to come to their program.
Sorry my mistake I had thought they played Arkansas last year in the Sugar Bowl. But the point of the road game still stands because the SEC doesn't do it so we'll never know how they would have played. Thus my point the hype is unwarranted. Also failing to see how a NC game against another conference now 2 years removed has anything to do with the conference as a whole.

You're still going to keep playing that "SEC never plays tough road games" card? So are you that stupid, or have you just never heard of Google?
C'mon man. Say what you want about Saban's rep or demeanor or whatever, but KF can't hold Saban's jock in a basket. Not in maintaining a successful program, and sure as hell not on gameday. I get you like Kirk, but get real.

You are aware that KF is 1-1 vs. Saban correct?

And Saban was 34-24-1 at MSU in the 5 years he was there.

KF's first 5 years at Iowa you ask? 32-29

So give it a rest, we will never know if KF would have had the same success if he had decided to leave Iowa after the 2002 season or the other opportunities he has had.

As if there isn't enough things for people to cry about with this team and coach that they have to make up comparisons that are simply impossible to prove one way or another just to give themselves another reason to say why our coach isn't very good.

Sad and funny.
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Hoffa - Where did that record come from? I found that stat interesting so I tried looking it up...could only find when they wtfpwned us in 1999 (49-3) when he was at MSU and then obviously the Cap One Bowl in 2004.
Hoffa - Where did that record come from? I found that stat interesting so I tried looking it up...could only find when they wtfpwned us in 1999 (49-3) when he was at MSU and then obviously the Cap One Bowl in 2004.

He's including the two arm wrestling matches KF won against Saban when they were both assistants under Bilichek....
Hoffa - Where did that record come from? I found that stat interesting so I tried looking it up...could only find when they wtfpwned us in 1999 (49-3) when he was at MSU and then obviously the Cap One Bowl in 2004.

I am an idiot I included the two losses that Saban had vs. Iowa in his first couple years at MSU that would have been vs. Hayden not KF. my bad.

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