I'd like to punch McQueary and his Dad in the face

McQ could have said nothing, if he was really a bad guy

seriously, you're working late, you walk around the corner, and you see that ... that's not going to knock you flat on your butt mentally? Okay, the guy's a pvssy.

Yes, a negligent one at that. I don't claim to be a crusader for all that is right but wtf...there are some situations where you need to put being mentally knocked on your rear behind you and be responsible and do whats necessary. I understand if he didn't beat Sandusky's ***, but you HAVE TO GO TO THE COPS.

It's like getting in trouble when youre young, you don't want to call your parents to come bail you out or save your ***, you try to run every scenario to try and get out of it, but eventually, you get over the mental *** kicking and you give in and do it.
McQ could have said nothing, if he was really a bad guy

seriously, you're working late, you walk around the corner, and you see that ... that's not going to knock you flat on your butt mentally? Okay, the guy's a pvssy, but he's not an accomplice.

The problem is that everyone of these adults made this someone elses problem instead of protecting this kid and future kids after him. He's an accomplice to why the situation got worse because he let someone else be responsible for protecting kids when everyone of them could have put a stop to the madness. His son could of stop it, he could have stop it, joe pa could have stop it, the athletic director and the vice president could have stopped it. All of those guys said hey i told somebody else, NOT MY PROBLEM. And because it was not their problem at least 7 more victims got offended and most likely tons more.
I work in this field and I can assure you, Sandusky wouldn't stop until someone stopped him, and McQueary, his dad, and everybody at Penn State who knew about it epically failed, he is an accomplice because he knew about it and didn't do a thing to stop it. He told the coach so that someone else could stop it, he did nothing that helped that kid, or the scores after him.
9yr - Give it up man your point is moot. He turned tail and ran when he saw a 60 yr old man raping a boy.... How the heck would he know the raping stopped?

Now I realize McQueary will probably not coach again (at least not anywhere we've ever heard of), but could you imagine being one of his players at this point? If I was a WR at PSU I'd find it very difficult not to say "Hey Coach, let me get this straight, you were a 28 year old man who witnessed a 10 yr old boy being raped and you ran home and called your Dad? Are you freaking kidding me?" Now this shouldn't matter, but Golic pointed this out this morning on his show.... McQueary is not a small man in stature but he must be when it comes to cajones. He was a 28 yr old football coach who couldn't nut up and tell a filthy old man to get the hell off of the little boy. IMO that should be the new Webster's definition of the word "coward". It's absolutely horrifying for me to think about.

I realize he must have been stunned by what he had just seen. I can even understand running out of the locker room and maybe taking a moment to gather yourself and think about what to do next. However, he chose to run all the way home and call his Dad. Seriously?
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9yr - Give it up man your point is moot. He turned tail and ran when he saw a 60 yr old man raping a boy.... How the heck would he know the raping stopped?

Now I realize McQueary will probably not coach again (at least not anywhere we've ever heard of), but could you imagine being one of his players at this point? If I was a WR at PSU I'd find it very difficult not to say "Hey Coach, let me get this straight, you were a 28 year old man who witnessed a 10 yr old boy being raped and you ran home and called your Dad? Are you freaking kidding me?" Now this shouldn't matter, but Golic pointed this out this morning on his show.... McQueary is not a small man in stature but he must be when it comes to cajones. He was a 28 yr old football coach who couldn't nut up and tell a filthy old man to get the hell off of the little boy. IMO that should be the new Webster's definition of the word "coward". It's absolutely horrifying for me to think about.

Ummmmm, Yep.
as a friend at work stated
if your in your locker and see that happen then you have access to a lock and a sock
use them
I hope this POS has a difficult time living in his own skin, much less sleeping, for his failure to stop the assault or report it immediately. I also hope the sights and sounds of what he witnessed wake him in a cold sweat each and every night.

Why doesn't John Mcqueary shut the hell up. His son made a bad mistake by not getting involved, however he calls the most trusted man in his life, his father and his dad fails big time on his son. If the old man says son we need to call the police, everything is different in a lot of peoples lives. His son is probably coaching somewhere, and this entire nightmare would not have continued to happen.
9yr - Give it up man your point is moot. He turned tail and ran when he saw a 60 yr old man raping a boy.... How the heck would he know the raping stopped?

Now I realize McQueary will probably not coach again (at least not anywhere we've ever heard of), but could you imagine being one of his players at this point? If I was a WR at PSU I'd find it very difficult not to say "Hey Coach, let me get this straight, you were a 28 year old man who witnessed a 10 yr old boy being raped and you ran home and called your Dad? Are you freaking kidding me?" Now this shouldn't matter, but Golic pointed this out this morning on his show.... McQueary is not a small man in stature but he must be when it comes to cajones. He was a 28 yr old football coach who couldn't nut up and tell a filthy old man to get the hell off of the little boy. IMO that should be the new Webster's definition of the word "coward". It's absolutely horrifying for me to think about.

I realize he must have been stunned by what he had just seen. I can even understand running out of the locker room and maybe taking a moment to gather yourself and think about what to do next. However, he chose to run all the way home and call his Dad. Seriously?

This is exactly my take.

And furthermore, despite not intervening and assuring the kid's safety, and despite not calling the cops immediately, he (or his dad) STILL could have called the cops a few days later. Or a week later. Or after asking if the university followed up. Instead they sat on this for at least six years. To this day nobody knows who the kid was, let alone what further abuse he suffered, and that angers me beyond belief.
This is exactly my take.

And furthermore, despite not intervening and assuring the kid's safety, and despite not calling the cops immediately, he (or his dad) STILL could have called the cops a few days later. Or a week later. Or after asking if the university followed up. Instead they sat on this for at least six years. To this day nobody knows who the kid was, let alone what further abuse he suffered, and that angers me beyond belief.

Sandusky knows. And possibly someone at "the 2nd mile". And most importantly, the victim knows. :(:mad:
What if it had been McQueary's little 10 year old brother getting raped in the shower? Would he have been too shocked to take immediate physical action? I don't think so. The poor kid, who probably came from a disadvantaged background based on evidence, deserved the same level of protection. I don't know how you don't take physical action instead of just running away if he truly saw what has been said.
Punch Mcpussy if you want, I wouldn't stop you. But me? I'd save it for Sandusky. How the hell can that POS even continue to draw breath?
I run over a squirrel on the road and it bothers me for 2 days. You're a child rapist, Sandusky. Know what happens to those types in prison?
McQuery could have done much more but this isn't going to turn out well for him. Besides having to live with this the rest of his life how many other division 1 football coaches are going to want to have him on their staff? I think he is done coaching major college football after this season when Paterno hangs it up.

I think he was thinking about his career and being the low man on the totem pole he should follow rank and suit. He also knew that if he did he would always have a job as long as Joe hung around. From a professional standpoint this has really bitten him in the ***.

Hindsight is always 20/20 but dang, this could have worked out so much better if this idiot/coward calls 911 instead of his Dad. I would be curious to see how you would rank the blame but I probably put McQuery on the bottom of the list.

Sandusky - Obviously
VP Finance & AD - it was technically their job to go to the police.
Paterno - did the bare minimum but we all know if he wants the police involved they would have been.
McQuery's Dad - your the adult and you failed your son at the most critical moment in is life. CALL 911!
McQuery - Should have beat Sundusky until he couldn't move, then should have called 911, but he did go to his dad and Paterno, both of which should have known much better and let him down.
you guys have it ALL wrong. havent u heard? sandusky and old man McQuery are long time buds. the tenticles of this cover up are into everyone...its like one big mafia ring. and oh yah, no one find it odd the DA who knew of sanduskys fondness to kids went missing, never to be foud with his hard drive distroyed out of his lap top. PSU mafia? i think so.
I have always liked Paterno, and still do, but he needs to step down immediately, or else be removed immediately. He did the absolute bare minimum by passing the buck, same as McQueary, and they should both be ashamed of themselves (as I hope they no doubt already are). I don't feel bad for these two at all. McQueary knows what he saw, and told Paterno what he saw. He didn't tell Paterno that "Sandusky was maybe doing something inappropriate with a little boy". He told Paterno what he saw. Both of them then had a responsibility not only to take it to their superiors, but also to the police. Since they didn't go to the police right away they should have taken it to the police after their superiors decided to cover it up. Curley and that VP disgust me. They were told exactly what McQueary saw, and then they lied about it to the grand jury to save their own ***. ******* disgusting. I hope both of them receive the most severe punishment possible for their felony perjury charges.
I just get more and more disgusted by these awful legally prepared statements.
C'mon everyone of them mentions the victims and how you should pray for them or they are sorry for the victims. F*ck that, what were their thoughts about the victims for the last decade? Now you care about them because you are trouble? It is making it worse.
The problem is that everyone of these adults made this someone elses problem instead of protecting this kid and future kids after him. He's an accomplice to why the situation got worse because he let someone else be responsible for protecting kids when everyone of them could have put a stop to the madness. His son could of stop it, he could have stop it, joe pa could have stop it, the athletic director and the vice president could have stopped it. All of those guys said hey i told somebody else, NOT MY PROBLEM. And because it was not their problem at least 7 more victims got offended and most likely tons more.
I work in this field and I can assure you, Sandusky wouldn't stop until someone stopped him, and McQueary, his dad, and everybody at Penn State who knew about it epically failed, he is an accomplice because he knew about it and didn't do a thing to stop it. He told the coach so that someone else could stop it, he did nothing that helped that kid, or the scores after him.


I challenge anyone on this board to seriously consider: What if it had been your little boy? How many other little boys were abused for years after this was observed, and not reported to the police? Maybe if everyone who had knowledge of this event had reported it to the police, no more little boys would have been sexually abused.
exactly. mcqueary grew up around sandusky in state college.

you dont have to be too imaginative to come up with reasons why he acted the way he did. it may not have been rational or ideal, but thats not for me to judge.
I have been a life-long protector of animals and if I EVER see animal cruelty or abuse I STOP it, in whatever manner possible and i will sacrifice anything to stop it. Doesn't matter who is doing it or how it could impact me. I have done it multiple times in the past, neigbors, public things, etc. I could not look at myself in the mirror if I did not. Police wont do much so I take care of it myself. In this situation, police would have taken care of it. Numerous people dropped the ball, including this kid. go to the police
Some very interesting takes on McQueary on the PSU Scout board:

Jasef7: It doesn't sit right with me that MM spent the last 9 years knowing that Sandusky was still walking free, if he really did see him raping a 10 year old boy. That said, in the world of PSU, telling the AD and VP was the equivalent of telling your director at work and the Mayor or Police Commisioner in your city/town. I also believe MM was told by the AD that the matter had been investigated.

So MM could have been thinking one of the following:

1. The administration must be covering this up and it's a he said/she said situation unless the victim comes forward. Possible courses of action: report the crime AND coverup to the police (better have some evidence of that), or take on the investigation yourself and find the victim. Taking either of these actions would have been heroic. Not doing this and waiting for something to shake out (i.e. victim to come forward) is simply human. Other possible course of action which would be less heroic, but also probably not helpful would be to send an anonyous tip to the poice or other authorities.

2. Sandusky is guilty, but the administration investigated with the help of UP police and did not find sufficient evidence of crime. This would probably be my thought. I guess I'm just not cynical enough to jump immediately to #1. Possible courses of action: Continue to press the AD and VP on the status of the investigation and/or investigate on your own to uncover additional evidence. Stake out Sandusky and set up video cameras to try to catch him in the act. However, if your line of thinking was that this was being investigated, why would you go vigilante? It is more likely to conclude that the police tried, but could not uncover any additional evidence.

3. Could I have possibly not seen what I thought I saw? This is probably more likely than most think, especially when you add in the ramifications of either 1 or 2 above. Maybe MM convinced himself that he had over blown the incident in his mind, but with the benefit of hindsight and a GJ investigation, regained his confidence that his first recollection was actually plausible.

This all assumes that MM truly believes he was very clear to the AD and VP with what he saw. I also believe it is likely that MM is sure that he told everyone involved very clearly what he saw, when in actuality it was not so clear, and the AD and VP did not understand the true nature of the crime. This doesn't make it right, but it would explain why MM did not feel that he had to retell his story; if he believes that he told them exactly what had happened.

This goes even more so for Joe who didn't witness the event. If you somehow had a direct line to your Mayor and reported a crime of this nature without witnessing the event yourself, would you still feel the need to call the 911 operator and explain what you've just seen, or would you expect the Mayor to direct his police force to investigate?

Of course, if Joe did in fact know the DETAILS of the 1998 investigation, he should have been expected to do more. In hindsight, as Joe says, of course he wishes he did more. I'm sure MM feels the same. However, hindsight in this case seems to be much different than what the circumstances were in 2002. Of course, there was self-preservation contained in any possible line of thinking by all parties (when isn't there), and this won out over whatever evidence they had in front of them, which seems to be different for each of the them.


Flyinghigh: Whether he needs to go for clean up/distraction purposes and whether he should be villified as has been done by both the ignorant, ill-informed talking heads on TV and the internet he-men on this board are two entirely different issues. I posted many times now on this topic but it can't be said enough, those villifying him haven't a clue as to all of the issues that are involved in the actions and re-actions in such circumstances. I will tell you this from my little corner of the world in dealng with such issues in a professional/educational capacity, the OP nails it as to the percentages of witness reports. If anyone thinks it is the normal course to immediate contact the police, or anyone, you are sadly mistaken. Mike did more right than a majority of people have done. You may not like it, you may wish we lived in a better world, but that is the stats. A final, but exteremely important point made to me by a professional whose backround in these matters far exceeds mine and whose opinion should be given great weight. Her comment to me was that these accusations against Mike are doing immeasurable harm to the willingness of future witnesses to come forward to anyone, as the message being sent is if no matter what you do, if you don't reach the moral standard of someone who has never been through it, you will be destroyed. The result will be people will be afraid to come forward. I hope that sticks in a few peoples minds before we make this horrible situation even worse.

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