IA-OkSt Final Thoughts


Well-Known Member
Allright, lets do it. Hopefully others will chime in too. Bear with me... just got home from Carver. Very hoarse and still bummed out big time.

125 - McD is starting to roll. Looking dominant and looking fired up. This is the way he gets this time of year and I think he's pretty much unbeatable at this point. Let's hope so. The one thing he needs to start doing is getting pins. But he dominated a pretty decent wrestler.

133 - What can you say? Ramos has a huge heart. He dominated the match. Took more shots, was the aggressor, never backed down. Oliver is seriously dominant and Ramos took it to him. Oliver just looked stunned running off. If the whole team would wrestle like TR we'd never have any losses.

141 - Up and down by Montell. Kindig is a good wrestler and strong but Marion is head and shoulders better than him. Really should have majored him but did what he needed to do late. When he generated scrambles and moved he was far superior. A good come back after a bad Midlands final.

149 - Really disappointed here. After laying an egg last night Kelly just looked overwhelmed. Parks is not that good. He's a great 1st period wrestler and then he gets gassed and coasts and that's what happened here too. I'm not disappointed that Kelly lost, but am disappointed in his lack of aggression and taking no shots. We just can't have people wrestling like this. We are giving up a ton at this weight.

157 - Much like the Kelly match, very disappointed. Nick Moore should win this match going away and DSJ gets a major here. But Moore, unlike Kelly at least was aggressive. His problem was he couldn't finish shots. He was in good and deep on about 4-5 but couldn't finish and his defense needs to improve. He also continues to put himself in dangerous positions in regards to back points/throws. We needed this one and didn't get it.

165 - Evans was a hammer. The most dominating 5-1 match you'll see. Bailey isn't great but he's still a long time starter and a senior. Evans needs to work on majoring and bonus points but he looked excellent.

174 - It could be argued there was a defensive pin here. Regardless, Lofthouse really wrestled the superior match. He took more shots, was in better position and really looked excellent. He just couldn't hold on for 3 or 4 more seconds to eliminate riding time or he wins. I have no problems with Lofthouse here. Perry is a legitimate a$$ though. He was completely classless at the end of the match, continuing well beyond the whistle... then shoving Ethen... then pointing at him and saying "let's go." Should have been a team point deduction and it's not even a question.

184 - Vinnie Wagner won a boring match. But he did what he needed to do against a wrestler who looked uninterested. Vinnie looked intense the whole match and worked his tail off. I think he lucked out as I think his guy was out at the end and many refs would have given the reversal as well but congrats to Vinnie... huge heart.

197 - Gambrall looked just like the OkSt 184 pounder... uninterested. Took no shots, looked timid and looked intimidated. Rosholt is a beast but Gambrall is a 3rd place AA. He needs to go back to 184 where he's a stud. The experiment isn't working and it's making us weak at two weights rather than one. Expected more here.

HWT - Telfords match reminded me exactly of Gambralls. We began and ended the meet the same way. Taking no shots, not being aggressive and looking intimidated. It's too bad because Telford is going to be really good. Was really disappointed here. Gelogaev is really good and an absolute physical specimen but i've also watched him half-a$$ it through the years... he's not as good as advertised.

Overall, it seemed like a match with two-sides, if you will. On one side was an Iowa team that was aggressive, knew what it needed to do and hammered OkSt. On the other side was an Iowa team that looked lost in the headlights, wasn't aggressive at all, and wouldn't take shots until 20 seconds to go when it's way too late. What's most disappointing about this is that it wasn't just one takedown that was needed in many of these matches. Many of these guys needed a couple of TDs and despite that... just didn't look interested in trying to get to the legs. Kelly, Moore, Gambrall and Telford have to do more. I know they can... just gotta get them going.

I thought Iowa would come out a bit lethargic due to the crappy schedule with us in Bloomington last night but I still expected more from them. Despite all of this - if DSJ isn't injured, we win the meet.

Like Ironside said, there is a lot to be positive about. We have a long ways to go and I think we're a stronger tourney team than OkSt, but I wish we could have gotten the record. Hate losing at Carver.

Thanks to the fans. Incredible crowd tonight and deafening. That Ramos match was an instant classic and you couldn't hear yourself speak after he won.

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I like the breakdown and I agree everything that you said except the Lofthouse situation. Lofthouse shouldn't have shoved him while on the mat. They were both equal to blame and it even moved into the tunnel which should never happen.

Anyway, I am dissapointed this year in the fire that some of the wrestlers have while on the mat. They look unprepared, timid, and scared. We need wrestlers that take it to their guy right from the start.

I am thinking that Brands may kill someone in practice this week just to make a point. That dude scares me and I'm not even on his team.
I really feel we aren't near as aggressive as we were under gable. I mean, Brands is doing a great job. I just wish we were more aggressive.
I like the breakdown and I agree everything that you said except the Lofthouse situation. Lofthouse shouldn't have shoved him while on the mat. They were both equal to blame and it even moved into the tunnel which should never happen.

Anyway, I am dissapointed this year in the fire that some of the wrestlers have while on the mat. They look unprepared, timid, and scared. We need wrestlers that take it to their guy right from the start.

I am thinking that Brands may kill someone in practice this week just to make a point. That dude scares me and I'm not even on his team.

The problem wasn't the push... it was Perry taking it further, then FURTHER, then FURTHER. It continued into the tunnel because uncle Luke followed Perry in there. I wouldn't want that dude coming after me. I still feel that Perry is a punk. Just finish your match and walk off. Rosholt was chippy too but he did it the right way and then shook hands with all 3 IA coaches. I don't mind a push or a bump... but you can't carry things that far. Even Smith was jerking Perry out of there.
Ethen's uncle that wrestled 197 last year. He's a friggin' specimen. Go to Google images and type in Luke Lofthouse.
Generally agree, ICAlumni, except I was very disappointed in Montell's sluggishness.

Kelly and Telford both lost to better wrestlers. But unlike Ramos, neither pushed the pace, and conditioning was their only advantage. Telford didn't want anything to do with G after that lace-leg suplay (not sure I've ever seen a heavyweight do that move, btw--that was a Randy Lewis move from '84!). And I think Kelly was trying to keep it close and not make a mistake. Neither gave himself a chance to win. I hope they took notes during Ramos's match.
Anybody heard if marion has been sick, he didnt look like himself and was gassed after the first period. Also impressed with Razor Ramos. To bad DSJ wasnt in there but hopefully this TIE motivates the team here on out. Perry shoulders were down for the dp
McD, Ramos, Evans, and Lofthouse Very good night. Lofthouse got the screws put to him tonight in the fact that he had his guy pined twice. From my seat in LL we had a good look and Ethan had the pin.

MM, what can you say. You have to wrestle for 7 min man!! One could say your match alone cost us this dual. This should have been at least a major, not squeak it out in the end,,,,,,again.

I would have liked to have seen Kelly be more aggresive, ok, ALOT MORE AGGRESSIVE. Not saying he would have won, but at least make it look like you are making the effort.

Telford..see Kelly.

Vinnie did a nice job and did what he had to do.

Gambral, just not strong enough for 97!! Agree with previous post, go back to 84 and solidify one weight instead of having 2 weak weights.

and about forgot Moore, I feel that this should have been a win as well, just not aggressive and didn't push the pace.
Good breakdowns a lot of good info thanks.
Slows starts tonight disappointing action at CHA.
Why didnt OSU lose a team point for Perrys actions? For 5 secs after the whistle blew he continued to wrench EL's knee. Coach B loses them from time to time for just yelling at the ref for faks sake. *********
I've got a breakdown but I'll give it to you after I stop laughing. It seems like if someone loses then it's because he looked sick. I'm sure Coach Brands will be relieved to know that he's doing a good job but his team isn't as aggressive as Gables.
my breakdown: we looked like we had 3 freshmen in the lineup. evans didn't look like a freshman, I thought he showed that when the big lights come hes ready. I'm counting the other freshmen of course. unfortunately I thought grant and montel really let us down. both are all Americans who could've wrestled better and won the meet for us. grant looks completely out of place at 197.
I've got a breakdown but I'll give it to you after I stop laughing. It seems like if someone loses then it's because he looked sick. I'm sure Coach Brands will be relieved to know that he's doing a good job but his team isn't as aggressive as Gables.

Look forward to your breakdown castille. Overall I thought it was a great wrestling match and fantastic atmosphere at Carver Hawkeye.

At this point in the season my only concern pertains to the performances of MM and GG.
MM has not looked good for the past 3 weeks. Last night he looked gassed by the end of the 2nd period and once again waited until the last 30 seconds to pull out a victory. I still give him credit for pulling out the victory.
(no idea if he was ill last night but either way he must get more aggressive for the entire match if he is to have a chance at placing high at Nationals this year)

If GG does not cut to 184 then there is no way he places at Nationals this year. He is simply to small for the 197lb weight class.

Considering he was wrestling the #2 ranked wrestler in the country I thought Mike Kelly did just fine for being a freshman with limited match experience.

Have to admit that the Okie St Heavyweight was much better then I anticipated.

As many have stated.......if DSJ wrestled last night the Hawks would have pulled out a victory.

If DSJ can stay healthy once he gets back in the line up I believe the Hawks have another great chance at winning the NCAAA title.
So I can't say they aren't as aggressive as gables? Seems to me I'm not the only one here saying that. I'm not saying it makes them a bad team, just an observation of their wrestling styles
to me this team looks very reminiscent of a gable team. do really well in the lighter weights, be very 'average' in the upper weights. i don't know why that is, or maybe i'm just making that up. and maybe that is typical of any team given the nature of the beast.
Man, what a meet. My voice is completely gone from Ramos. Even my wife was jumping up and down and screaming. I was pretty harsh with my scores in my predictions, but to me OSU is the better dual team when we don't have DSJ:

125- McD is on! Any weight/flu problems he had early on are gone, but he still is a little sluggish early on. He did get a late 1st period TD, but seemed to be more concerned with wearing out Morrison with the front headlock in the opening.

133- WOW! You want intense, you got it here. Of course my son wanted to go pee during this match but luckily all I missed was a 2nd period escape by Oliver. Ramos "looked" tentative in the beginning, but he just wrestled a smart match. The turning point for me wasn't that Ramos got to Oliver multiple times or the fatigue factor, it was the fact that Ramos got out of a deep shot from a fresh Oliver in the 1st. You could tell after that Oliver knew he was going up against his equal. That was probably the first moment of doubt he's had in over two years.

141- And then the dud. Kindig was a touted recruit, be even Mark Ballweg beat him last year at this weight. MM should dominate here. It's my opinion that MM fatigued himself by the multiple attempts to horse Kindig over with the multiple power halves. He needs to stick to the HC and he gets the major. Got to give some credit to Kindig though.

149- Give Kelly a break here guys. There's a reason Kelly wasn't reckless and that is because Parks is explosive. I thought Kelly looked ok and almost got a TD at the end. IMO, Kelly is still getting used to the weight and will only get better, maybe even a round of 12 guy in a weak weight.

157- I didn't think Moore would win, but will admit he looked a lot better that I thought he would. I would like to see him get two of those hand grip things and just grip the hell out of them all week. It seems he could get to White but then let him slip away. If he was going to wrestle the entire year, I could see Moore have a freshman DSJ type year where he would continue to get better and have a strong March. Moore got sloppy at the end when he needed a TD and gave up an easy slide by. We win easily with DSJ last night.

165- Damn, Bailey should be called Funk Master Flex. He would constantly give Evans his leg (or was that Evans getting more aggressive from the stand up) only to funk his way out multiple times. Once Evans finally got him down though, it was lights out. Evans is a beast on top, but wasn't able to turn him. Good job by the freshman on the big stage. It will come handy in March.

175- Exciting match, but man, Lofthouse needs to finish. If he tries for the TD instead of the defensive fall, he might have won. From where we sit in KK, Perry looked stuck, but others on TOS said Perry wasn't. Perry is good on top, which is why Lofthouse really needed to show more urgency in the neutral position.

184- Another exciting match, in which Wagner hangs on by a thread. I didn't think Wagner could win in such a pressure packed match, but he made me look wrong. He is legit NCAA participant contender. Now that it looks like he's the man at this weight, he'll no longer start getting praised for close losses. The expectations will get bigger for this young man, good win last night.

197- Just over matched. People don't think GG will do as well come March, I'm not convinced he can even qualify the weight unless he starts showing rapid improvement. Earlier, he couldn't finish shots and it has now led him to not even take any. Unless, he is weighing less for a gradual cut down to 184, I unfortunately don't figure GG to be a factor this year. With all that said Rosholt is title contender; bet Byers wished he would have been able to come to Iowa and not ride the OSU bench.

HWT- Telford didn't show a damn thing. He quit, plan and simple. I'm sure he got spooked a little by the early throw, but show some balls and fight back. He's a freshman, so he can have some excuse, but he better not pull that crap again or we might as well go back to Raising. On the other hand, the Russian is a beast.
Iowa won five matches and Oklahoma St. won five matches. To hell with criteria. I'm satisfied. Would I liked to have seen Iowa win and would they have won with StJohn, yes?
McDonough on top tried everything to get morrison turned. Awfully hard to do when your oppone

nt is doing everything he can to not get turned.
Ramos- No Fear of Oliver at all. Smart wrestling.
Marion- Let down.
Kelly- Wrestled a two time Big 12 champion and a fifth place finisher and three time Ncaa qualifier. The comment about Parks not being that good is pure crap. If he's that bad then Kelly must be awful?
Moore-Needs to finish his shots.
Evans- One tough wrestler. Tried awfully hard to turn Bailey but everytime he tried the ref would say, "Illegal".
Lofthouse- Had the fall. No ifs or buts about it. Perry was ranked second. Lofthouse had the shots.
Wagner- True Grit.
Gambrall- Won't help Iowa at all, point wise at Nationals. If he does make Nationals then somewhere in the second round he will be wrestling one of the top five seeds.
Telford- Quit. Gelogaev is a beast.
some exciting stuff last not, and some not so exciting. guess that was expected. my biggest disappointment is at 197. i just dont see gambrall turning a corner here anytime soon. marion on the other hand i hope will start to wake up. as for 174, television clearly showed no pin, but it was close.
So what your saying is that, McDonough, Ramos, Marion, St.John, Evans, Lofthouse, are not agressive enough? If you are, your not watching much wrestling.

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