I worry about Ferentz leaving this program where he found it

Iowa's 2008 & 2009 recruiting classes were poor at best. Here are the total # of 2 star recurits since 2008

2008 - 12
2009 - 14
2010 - 7
2011 - 4
2012 - 1 so far

So we are paying for our poor recruiting classes of 2008 & 09. Hopefully we can get 1 more win get those 15 extra bowl practices and the experience of playing in a bowl. This team needs it. Hopefully in the next 2 years we can turn this thing back around as we should have more talent.
He is the same coach and that's the problem. He's not going up against the same style of football which is why we've had one top ten finish in the last seven years, which will probably one top 10 finish in nine years soon enough. He's not adjusting to new styles of play and it's showing, that's why fans like you have to refer to what he did a decade ago to defend him.

I think he has made a lot of adjustments this year. We've seen no huddle, we've seen hurry up, we've seen long passes/fades to McNutt, we saw a jailbreak saturday, we saw a reverse saturday, we've seen more blitzing this year, we saw about six passes in a row on Saturday. If fact, if we just would've ran it right up the gut on Saturday we would've rolled. It's a bad year, it sucks. We don't have the talent we're used to defensively and we've played bad on the road and yes there is some coaching responsibility there. But when I evaluate everything, I'll keep KF. my opinion. that's all, thanks
Illinois, even though they have some wins this season, has been miserable for a long time. What's the zookers record again? You are using Illinois as your example? Oh boy. Purdue as your example? Purdue has done nothing in years and years and years... wow. Purdue, Illinois are your examples? Give HN fans those two teams history and they would REALLY want a new coach... yikes

What was Illinois record before Zook got there? What was Purdue's record before Tiller got there? You want to argue both of those coaches didn't raise the level of those programs?
I was going to post this in a new thread but I think it fits well right here. Next year isn't going to be much better but in two years, Iwa is going to be in very good shape


QB: Rudock (So)
RB: Coker(Sr) McCall (Jr)
FB:Rogers (Sr)
WR: KMM (Jr)Hillyer(So)Grant(Jr)Cotton(Sr)
TE: CJ(Sr) Hamilton(Jr)
T:Scherff(Jr) Donnal(Jr)(Van Sloten (Sr)
G: Blythe(So) Walsh(So) MacMillan (Sr) Haier(Sr)

DE:Alvis(Sr) Trinca-Pasat(Jr)
DT: Davis(Jr) Cooper(So)
LB: Alston(Jr) Kirksey(Sr) Morris(Sr) Spears(Jr) Poggi(Jr)Derby(Jr)
CB:Lowery(Sr) Campbell(Jr) Lomax(So)
S:Miller(Sr) Law(Jr)
K:Meyer(Sr) Koehn(So)
P: Kornbrath(So)

I didn't include a lot of D-linemen in the list because at this juncture I don't know which ones are going to be DE's and DT's but there are quite a few of them.

Another thing to notice is that not many of these players are going to be seniors in 2013 so that means Iowa is going to be set up for at least a two year window of success.

Also note the only player I included in this years recruiting class was the punter. So that's two years of recruiting classes that Iowa will have to add to this roster.

As others have said, the '07 and '08 recruiting classes is what is responsible for this mess Iowa is in currently.
I feel a tad bit better....not a lot but a tad.

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