I wonder if Fran was paying attention...


Well-Known Member
to the fact that the two teams that played for the national championship coincidentally also happened to be two of the top three defensive teams in the country (#1 and #3 scoring defenses)?
What I noticed was both teams had big men who could move their feet and guard multiple positions. UVA’s Center Salt who started many games barely played in the game last night. Bennett downsized and prioritized footspeed. There was many times where the two teams were basically playing four guards.
Clearly if you are top 3 on either end of the court you have a good shot at a deep tournament run. But you also need some luck and Virginia for one got a lot of it. I didn't look up the numbers but I assume Virginia was a top ranked defensive team last year when they made history. You just never know in a one and done setting.
Scoring defense ranking for all Elite 8 teams. Teams advancing to the Final Four in bold.
Virginia - #1
Texas tech - #3

Kentucky - #29
Gonzaga - #31
Michigan State - #34
Purdue - #45
Duke - #69
Auburn - #93
If you want to get serious about deep runs in the NCAA tournament, you better play defense.
I also noticed those teams had players that could go up and pin the ball against the glass - not sure we have anyone that can protect the rim like that. A Gabe Olaseni type comes to mind, even, from past Iowa teams.

Our current roster doesn't exactly ooze athleticism.. Especially without Cook.