I want BB as our next head coach


Well-Known Member
Here's the last 10 years of Wisky football.


In most years they eclipse us . . . with THREE DIFFERENT COACHES. So much for the theory that you can't replace a good coach.

I'd rather Kirk retire after 2016 and we hire BB

And it's not just wisky. Michigan state as well.
Our next coach? Did you forget that Barta just extended Kirk until 2026? For better or worse, we're stuck with him. May as well get the "next coach" stuff outta your head until KF retires, or another 6-7 years goes by.
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Our next coach? Did you forget that Barta just extended Kirk until 2026? For better or worse, we're stuck with him. May as well get the "next coach" stuff outta your head until KF retires, or another 6-7 years goes by.

Hayden got cancer. So let's not say there's ZERO chance of my fantasy coming true.:(
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Don't bring up other coaching candidates. They'll all be dead by the time KF's contract runs out. Maybe analyze their kids.

I think we both know which coaches kids will be occupying at least 3 high-paying positions after he retires.
Don't bring up other coaching candidates. They'll all be dead by the time KF's contract runs out. Maybe analyze their kids.
I was thinking today, Ferentz will be in his mid 80's and still coaching the Hawks. He'll come down the tunnel before kickoff in his walker or wheelchair with Back in Black over the speakers. He'll probably need a nap at each half time. He's gonna out last us all:) He'll still be the head coach when our great grandkids are adults.
I was thinking today, Ferentz will be in his mid 80's and still coaching the Hawks. He'll come down the tunnel before kickoff in his walker or wheelchair with Back in Black over the speakers. He'll probably need a nap at each half time. He's gonna out last us all:) He'll still be the head coach when our great grandkids are adults.

Penn State today reminded me of a cautionary tale. They celebrated 50yrs of Paterno and it was controversial. What I was thinking watching it:

It makes me sad to think Kirk could go out on top, but will probably milk it till he exits on a sour note.
Wow, are you kidding, or new level of dumb here. CJ's about the only thing this offense has going for it.
Yup, he sure is, lol........He has done nothing in every BIG game we have had (NW, Wisc. Neb. Mich St. Stanford, NDSU.....stats don't lie...) He always looks good against the 'Sisters of the Poor', lol......'Leading' us to 'close' victories against poor teams that shouldn't even be in the game.......lol
CJ is average at best....get it through your heads. And KF can't go out and play the game for the kids..........

Get it thru your head, typing repetitive posts in the same thread reaffirms you are the board mascot who looks like vvvvvvvvvvvv

Wow, are you kidding, or new level of dumb here. CJ's about the only thing this offense has going for it.

From here on out let's just refer to him as rainman. He can't understand how a charismatic QB can affect his teammates.

He truly doesn't know sh*t about competitive team sports. Which explains why he has been kicked off every team he has ever forced his way onto.
Yup, he sure is, lol........He has done nothing in every BIG game we have had (NW, Wisc. Neb. Mich St. Stanford, NDSU.....stats don't lie...) He always looks good against the 'Sisters of the Poor', lol......'Leading' us to 'close' victories against poor teams that shouldn't even be in the game.......lol

From here on out let's just refer to him as rainman. He can't understand how a charismatic QB can affect his teammates.

He truly doesn't know sh*t about competitive team sports. Which explains why he has been kicked off every team he has ever forced his way onto.
NO, I wouldn't know anything about 'team' sport, lol. I started on a state championship team, coached a state championship team, coached at all levels for 27 yrs., coached 3 guys that played in the NFL, etc. etc. etc....what the hell would I know, LOL....... and I'm an excellent driver.....lol.... I've got nothing on you, ol Josh. I bow to your authority, lol.........
CJ wasn't the problem today. The interception was a fair amount of luck for NDSU as it flew right to their defender. Most of the sacks aren't on CJ as our COACHING staff didn't ever look prepared for their obvious blitzes.
Maybe we could also address the elephant in the room that is our RBs picking up a blitz ever. LD and AW both have completely missed blitz pick ups. If they ain't gonna pick someone up, CJ ain't gonna survive the season.

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