I think this is the season the BCS busts

Yes, I tend to think the BCS is on its last legs and I have no problem with it. Having looked at the coaches voting in the last poll, I have had enough of this system.

If Alabama wins and is the national champ, its the end...and maybe it should be

It was mentioned on Bill King this morning (Sirius 91) chicken-sh!t Saban voted OK State as #5.
BCS Destruction Rooting Interests:

Alabama vs. LSU: Alabama

Oklahoma State vs. Stanford: Both are 1 Loss teams with a conference loss like Alabama. But Oklahoma State feels the most wronged. Root for Okie State.

VA Tech vs. Michigan: Root for Michigan to win big. VT has no business being there, this shows it.

Rose: Doesn't matter

Clemson vs WVU: No one watches this game anyway, but pull hard for Clemson.

LSU is going to smash Alabama and the BCS will have crowned the right champion yet again.
George Wine former sports information director of Iowa voted Okie St 6th

to bad Houston lost that would have been interesting to see how that would have affected the BCS bowls
Texas team with Texas TV'S not to mention TEXAS Congressmen and Senators
i tend to think they would be able to create a bigger stink than Idaho
with there being just 2 undefeated teams left. and the way things have been going for the BCS
MAJOR lawsuits from the big money people in Texas
I could careless about Boise and KState for not making the at large picks, it's an AT Large pick for a reason. No one cares about those two schools except a 1% minority.

If want BCS money, win your conference or don't lose a game. If not your put your chances at risk.

A plus 1 system should be implemented to prevent a meltdown from the possibility that 4 teams go undefeated in a season.
I think the furor over how this played out is going to spell major changes.

If we are going to be stuck with this system, how about these changes.

1. You have to be a conf. champion to play in the BCS Title Game.
2. No more Top 14 ******** popularity contests. Top 10 only.
3. If a conference has 3 teams in the top 10, too ******* bad. Other conferences should get better.

Nothing you have to say is worth two sharts. You said JVB is the 8th ot 9th QB in the B1G.

You know nothing.

if you think its bad now watch and see what happens if they lift the restriction of 2 teams from the same conference
the screaming will get worse and major lawsuits will come out n the form of collusion
and congress will get involved
implications of bribery will be at an all time high if 3 teams from the same conferance get in