I think Iowa has the emotional edge next week.. thanks Bucks.

If we don't take some quick deep shots, Quick being the operative word

It's a nice thought, but have you seen our receiving corps ( not to mention our typical play calling ) ? Quick and deep is not exactly the specialty of the house. OSU didn't exactly light those db's up.

I see any deep passes playing out not as quick throws but more like "CJ fakes to Daniels, drops back, ducks under one defender, sidesteps a second, then lets it go before getting blasted by a third. Complete to Smith for a big gain!"

Hopefully his sacrifice will be worth it and a few of those will be enough.
It's a nice thought, but have you seen our receiving corps ( not to mention our typical play calling ) ? Quick and deep is not exactly the specialty of the house. OSU didn't exactly light those db's up.

I see any deep passes playing out not as quick throws but more like "CJ fakes to Daniels, drops back, ducks under one defender, sidesteps a second, then lets it go before getting blasted by a third. Complete to Smith for a big gain!"

Hopefully his sacrifice will be worth it and a few of those will be enough.

We don't have burners, but we have enough speed to design quick deep shots, if set up correctly. The TD pass to an avg speed McCarron is an example...ball was out in less than 2 seconds.

We can't do it as often as I'd like, and it's completely predicated on having some success running the ball...but it absolutely can and will need to be attempted going forward.

I totally get that Purdue isn't Wisconsin(or Michigan or nebby). But you can still execute it if set up.

Will we ? No idea.
Yeah, this is where we're at as a program.

No reason we shouldn't be at Wisconsin's level every year. Similar recruiting situation, similar histories, both 2nd tier B1G.

But they're coming to Kinnick and what's the opinion? We might have a chance! Especially if they're physically and/or mentally worn out after OSU!

Wisky's on their 3rd hc in, what, 4 years? And I look at them and go "Huh. What a difference gameplan and attitude make! If only Iowa had those!"

Thank you. So true.
Iowa hasn't beaten a single team with a pulse. Barley beat two bad teams 14-7 and gave up 500 yards to a team that just fired their coach. Wisconsin has played tough in their losses to good teams and beaten far better teams. Chryst has far more creative offensive play calling abilities than Davis or Kirk have. Wisconsin has essentially the same philosophy as Iowa as well. They just utilize what they have far better than Kirk does. Iowa's defense isn't even comparable to Wisconsin's. They wouldn't give up nearly 500 yards through the air to the worst team in the Big Ten.

BTW, Nebraska is the fake ID of college football this year. They have beaten teams who have a 15-22 combined record, with none having a winning record. Where's Cowherd on this one?
Iowa hasn't beaten a single team with a pulse. Barley beat two bad teams 14-7 and gave up 500 yards to a team that just fired their coach. Wisconsin has played tough in their losses to good teams and beaten far better teams. Chryst has far more creative offensive play calling abilities than Davis or Kirk have. Wisconsin has essentially the same philosophy as Iowa as well. They just utilize what they have far better than Kirk does. Iowa's defense isn't even comparable to Wisconsin's. They wouldn't give up nearly 500 yards through the air to the worst team in the Big Ten.

BTW, Nebraska is the fake ID of college football this year. They have beaten teams who have a 15-22 combined record, with none having a winning record. Where's Cowherd on this one?

You do know that about half of those yards were given up by the 2nd team defense right? The players that Wisconsin will see are the ones that played great the last 2 games.
What impressed me the most watching Wiscy was their ability to tackle. If we can't get decent yards after contact and get a good push out of our oline I think our running game struggles greatly. We have to be able to run if we are going to get anything going through the air. I think it'll be a good game, but we have to be clicking and can't allow our offense, defense, or special teams to find themselves having an off night.
This will be a close game. I don't know about an emotional edge over Wisconsin, but I expect Iowa to put forward a great effort. They don't have to be perfect, but they do need to eliminate penalties at inopportune times and not turn the ball over. No freebies to Wisconsin. Their brains should be hurting after the game with the level of focus they'll need to sustain for 3 1/2 hours on Saturday.
Iowa always plays to the level of their competition under Kirk....They rarely dominate the directional Michigan's but also rarely get blown out in the games against the top teams. Sparty was supposed to be unbeatable in Indy, Ohio State was supposed to win by 50 after Stanzi went down.

3 of the last 4 games have been decided by 4 points or less. Plenty of people will be putting money on the home dogs in Vegas.

Watch Wisconsin come out flat just like Iowa did in the rose bowl. They had their hearts ripped out the last game when they could taste the upset but fell short in OT. Iowa just needs to play a clean game and have the ball bounce there way like it did last year and they can win the game.
Iowa always plays to the level of their competition under Kirk....They rarely dominate the directional Michigan's but also rarely get blown out in the games against the top teams.

Watch Wisconsin come out flat just like Iowa did in the rose bowl.

So they ALWAYS play to the level of their competition, except when they don't?

You're right overall- "Turtle up, limit your mistakes, and hope you can take advantage of the opponent's mistakes" USUALLY keeps things fairly even. Except when it doesn't. Too bad there doesn't seem to be a "Plan B" for those games, but that's off-topic.
It may just be the breakfast burrito talking but I have a good feeling about this game.

2 years ago a top 15 Wisconsin team came into Kinnick to play a not good Iowa team and they gave them all they could handle. I think Iowa turns the tables on that game and wins 24-23
WUs should be slow to start, so we need to come out and pressure them right away and take advantage. A lot of times, teams in WUs' situation, have a slow first half but come to life in the second half.

By all accounts, WUs will do a lot of blitzing. We should have a TE/WR on each side of the OL and whichever LB blitzes, hot read and quick pass. That means CJ needs to be on his A game. We need to score points early. We need to be able to run the ball and control clock in the 2nd half. We have a chance, but WUs has played the much tougher schedule and are probably the better team. But this is a very huge game. We win this game and assuming kNU loses at OSU, even if we lose to UM, it could all come down to kNU at Iowa for the West crown.
Keys: Neutralize W's run game. You won't stop it, but control it, especially on first downs. Pressure the frosh QB with a rush and change ups in the secondary coverage. Tackle. Stop getting penalized.

Keys: Run the football. Be patient and count on some big plays in the run game. We MUST see improvement in the passing game, both by CJ (accuracy, decisions) and by the receivers (separation). I just cannot see us winning if we cannot throw the ball effectively. Coaches must focus on plan to control blitzes. Stop getting penalized.

Of course, turnovers are a no no.
It's going to be another low scoring close game. I'm not worried about our defense stopping their rushing attack. Phone booth football is our strength and the D seems to be improving in that area as the season goes on. We DO need to find a way to pressure the young QB more than we have in any of our other games.

CJ better double knot his shoes and strap his flack jacket and knee brace on tight. It's going to be up to him to extend plays and keep the defense on it's heels. I fear he could get cut in half this game if he doesn't. If the running game doesn't bust a couple long runs, we'll be in trouble.

Everything I just described we are very capable of doing, if we execute. I know that sounds very Ferentz-ian, but it's the truth and we've done it before. 3 yards and a cloud of dust is going to settle this game. It's going to come down to special teams, turnovers, and field position. Coluzzi has been a beast this year. King has been close to busting a return all year long. I think this is the game he finally does it, and it becomes the factor in the ballgame.

We've got home field advantage and a lot riding on this game. I think the Hawks find a way.

EDIT - this is my optimistic viewpoint. The pessimist in me is worried, we'll get the sh*t kicked out of us and that CJ will get knocked out of the game. He looks 40 out there.
Mentioned this in another thread but think it is worth mentioning again.

Wisconsin leads head to head football against Iowa 44-43-2 (had the ties wrong in other thread thank you)

Wisconsin won first game of series in 1894 44-0.

So, by simple deduction I can deduce that the Hawks will win to right the 44 theme we have going here. Ben Niemen will have one hell of a game, and final score will not be 44-0 Hawks, but something like 24-14.

Simple, isn't it?
Our remaining home games are Wiscy, Michigan, and Nebraska. Our remaining road games are PSU and Illinois. It's really possible that we could be 0-4 at home this year and 5-0 on the road. A team of true road warriors but one who couldn't protect its house.
Our remaining home games are Wiscy, Michigan, and Nebraska. Our remaining road games are PSU and Illinois. It's really possible that we could be 0-4 at home this year and 5-0 on the road. A team of true road warriors but one who couldn't protect its house.

I was just thinking that same thing and wondering if I'd be more confident playing at Camp Randall this weekend rather than at Kinnick under the lights. Did that sound as crazy as it did while I was typing it?
Okay?? Michigan has played who (other than Wisky) and LSU is not a good team this year. MSU sucks and Wisky played great but not well enough to beat OSU at night, home game, ESPN Game Day, etc. I just think they are an okay team and not as great as people seem to think. It'll be close, regardless.

It should be close but having watched both these teams play a lot this year, I could easily see Wisconsin throttle us. I certainly hope that doesn't happen but I'm not going to lie, I fear that outcome..
This will be a close game. I don't know about an emotional edge over Wisconsin, but I expect Iowa to put forward a great effort. They don't have to be perfect, but they do need to eliminate penalties at inopportune times and not turn the ball over. No freebies to Wisconsin. Their brains should be hurting after the game with the level of focus they'll need to sustain for 3 1/2 hours on Saturday.

Bingo. Hawks got a shot, but it's simply gotta be a cleanly played game on their part.

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