I Support This Hire....


Well-Known Member
McCaffery was not high on my list and as of yesterday was not even on my radar, but I like the hire.

1. He plays up tempo basketball
2. He has been successful at the assistant and HC level.
3. Has been a solid recruiter in the past, will need to tap into that at Iowa.
4. Graduates players.
5. Relates to his players.
6. Sounds like he will relate well with fans.

He has the criteria all of us were looking for except the big name. I hope we all give him a shot and stand behind him. His first big move is who he brings in as assistants and what he does with the open scholly for next year?

Welcome Coach!
I support the iowa hawkeyes and Fran is/will be our new coach.

I hope he can bring us back to a resonable stature among our big ten peers.
Can't be much worse.
I'm definitely on board! Everybody needs to get out to Carver next year and REALLY show some support. Because if we don't do that early next year, coaches that we may or may not be considering to take over after firing McCaffery (which I hope doesn't happen) will see that unless they're a big name, they won't get a lick of fan support. And THAT would be a SERIOUS problem.
McCaffery was not high on my list and as of yesterday was not even on my radar, but I like the hire.

1. He plays up tempo basketball
2. He has been successful at the assistant and HC level.
3. Has been a solid recruiter in the past, will need to tap into that at Iowa.
4. Graduates players.
5. Relates to his players.
6. Sounds like he will relate well with fans.

He has the criteria all of us were looking for except the big name. I hope we all give him a shot and stand behind him. His first big move is who he brings in as assistants and what he does with the open scholly for next year?

Welcome Coach!

Might want to change your avatar then...;)
The people complaining about this pick don't have any idea what they are talking about. They all seem to be complaining because they don't know who he is. That just means they are uninformed. Also, I bet they are ****** because Sienna has busted their brackets a couple years running.

Those that compare him to Lickliter probably know as much about McCaffery as they did about Lick when he was hired - zilch.

Do yourselves a favor, shut up and wait until the guy coaches a game.
I think about everyone would agree that we need an upgrade when it comes to recruiting but please realize there aren't going to be that many scholarships available for the next couple of years unless someone leaves the program and the new coach will have his hands tied for a while.
It would be unfair to not support Fran at this point...and Iowa fans are fair-minded,generally.
I am taking a wait and see approach until we hear from him tomorrow and see what his staff looks like.

If Lick had hired a great recruiting staff, he would have been fine.
Same with Fran, I suspect.
Recruiting is and always has been and always will be the number one challenge to the Iowa bb program reaching the level we all want....so all we can do is sit back and hope he can recruit....the coaching part was not a problem with lick,really,either...and I believe, just as I did with lick, that he is fine on that end.
im on board with the new coach go hawks.....cant wait to see some up tempo basketball for the hawkeyes again.......:)

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