I refuse to read any other threads besides this...


Well-Known Member
We lost. My heart hurts too. It really, really, really does. I won't sleep for days. Call me a freak. I am OK with that.

This one stings because I don't feel like Arizona is a better team. But when you give them two special teams TD (to me the blocked punt that set them up 1st and goal is a special teams TD) and a lucky bounce off McNutt's hands for a pick six, you are not going to win. The fact that we spotted them 21 points and STILL tied it in the 4th quarter is amazing to me. Maybe that makes the heart break a little more? Probably.

Anyhow, I have seen people on Facebook (again I have not read any other threads here) saying things like "bench Stanzi," Our defense sucks," Clayborn is soft," "We lost because of Norm not being there," and yes... "Fire Ferentz..." :eek:

This is a f***ing joke. Guys, the disappointment I am feeling right now is worse than I have ever felt. The reason for this is because for the first time ever I legitimately thought we could compete for a national championship. I really and truly did. That chance is all but gone now. HOWEVER, the rest of the goals are still in place. A Big Ten title and a trip to Pasadena would be phenomenal! And with our schedule, you never know what can happen with an 11-1 record.

Yes, this game was the difference between a 5-0 start or a 4-1 start heading to Michigan, but it is not the end of the world. We will rebound. I STILL think this group of seniors is special and will come back stronger than ever next week and the rest of the season. Lick our wounds, work out the kinks and let's get back on track next week vs Testicle State! GO HAWKS!!!
We lost. My heart hurts too. It really, really, really does. I won't sleep for days. Call me a freak. I am OK with that.

This one stings because I don't feel like Arizona is a better team. But when you give them two special teams TD (to me the blocked punt that set them up 1st and goal is a special teams TD) and a lucky bounce off McNutt's hands for a pick six, you are not going to win. The fact that we spotted them 21 points and STILL tied it in the 4th quarter is amazing to me. Maybe that makes the heart break a little more? Probably.

Anyhow, I have seen people on Facebook (again I have not read any other threads here) saying things like "bench Stanzi," Our defense sucks," Clayborn is soft," "We lost because of Norm not being there," and yes... "Fire Ferentz..." :eek:

This is a f***ing joke. Guys, the disappointment I am feeling right now is worse than I have ever felt. The reason for this is because for the first time ever I legitimately thought we could compete for a national championship. I really and truly did. That chance is all but gone now. HOWEVER, the rest of the goals are still in place. A Big Ten title and a trip to Pasadena would be phenomenal! And with our schedule, you never know what can happen with an 11-1 record.

Yes, this game was the difference between a 5-0 start or a 4-1 start heading to Michigan, but it is not the end of the world. We will rebound. I STILL think this group of seniors is special and will come back stronger than ever next week and the rest of the season. Lick our wounds, work out the kinks and let's get back on track next week vs Testicle State! GO HAWKS!!!

it's ok to read my hawkeyes have a good chance of going 11-1 thread chris. well maybe not. not getting many people agreeing with me.
it's ok to read my hawkeyes have a good chance of going 11-1 thread chris. well maybe not. not getting many people agreeing with me.

Hey Bench, I just can't take the ridiculous crap! I told myself I would not get on here tonight, but here I am... It is a tough night... See you next weekend.
I'm sick of the "finger pointing" that is going on the boards too. We need or guys to regain their focus and look to the next opponent. Nothing more ... nothing less.
Homer, I'm with ya.

Bench, I just read it. You'd think we were 0-3 instead of 2-1 with a chance to STILL win a Big Ten title and get to a Rose Bowl.
Homer, I'm with ya.

Bench, I just read it. You'd think we were 0-3 instead of 2-1 with a chance to STILL win a Big Ten title and get to a Rose Bowl.

I know right? It is rediculous. I understand that expectations were at an all time high going into the season, but give me a break, we can still win a big ten championship(something we don't do too often!)

Why doesn't everyone just boo the Hawks as they walk out of the tunnel next week, because the season is OVER!
I know right? It is rediculous. I understand that expectations were at an all time high going into the season, but give me a break, we can still win a big ten championship(something we don't do too often!)

Why doesn't everyone just boo the Hawks as they walk out of the tunnel next week, because the season is OVER!

Sadly, I'm actually halfway expecting that to happen. Obviously not from the whole crowd, but I wouldn't be surprised at this point. Maybe not when they come out of the tunnel, but if that first run goes for a loss.......
I think most fans didn't think NC, but most the ones on HN did and I think that is why this loss stings so much. 'Cause outside of the loss itself, we were in the game. The game lasts 60 minutes and we were in it at the end. We screwed up a tad, but we had a shot. That's why they play the games, right? It was a good challenge to spot a team so many points and then come back. We all said we'll see where we are at and what our weakness and strengths would be with this game. Well...now we know. I personally think we pick up and have a great BCS caliber season still. Just not an undefeated one. Theoretically, the NC is still possible, just some more teams need to help out than before. Nonetheless, we all feel your pain, the Hawks lost, but the Sun will rise in the AM (in most of the state anyway- raining here).
I played in a golf tournament and went to watch the first half of another NCAA football game live before I came home to watch the Hawks. I feel asleep at halftime. Seriously. Remember guys, the last couple of drives happened after midnight for these kids.

Couple that with the fact that AZ does have more team speed and you have a bad combo for success.
I am so here with you. I had no intention of getting on here tonight, but guess what, here I am. My wife is on the couch asleep, my dad is in Tuscon, my brother is mad and in Des Moines, and I'm eating an oven cooked pizza and done drinking beer.
My sporting heart is crushed (I explained sporting heart to my wife tonight), this loss hurt.....big time. But I am not willing to run away or give up. We got big games left and we have a good team. The Hawkeye destiny is their own hands still and that can still be a Rose Bowl game.
I have to say this though, I F"ing love the Hawks. Not really because of what they do on the field or court or whatever. I love them for what they stand for. Which to me is, family, fun, college, and so many other things. The winning is way down on the list, I love the Hawks for what they mean to me and my family. My 1 and 3 year old are going to have no idea what happened tonight, but guess what....they will still love their daddy and the Hawkeyes. (Sorry for the tangent).
Let's go Hawks and get after it next weekend. We still got a mission and work to do.
I am so here with you. I had no intention of getting on here tonight, but guess what, here I am. My wife is on the couch asleep, my dad is in Tuscon, my brother is mad and in Des Moines, and I'm eating an oven cooked pizza and done drinking beer.
My sporting heart is crushed (I explained sporting heart to my wife tonight), this loss hurt.....big time. But I am not willing to run away or give up. We got big games left and we have a good team. The Hawkeye destiny is their own hands still and that can still be a Rose Bowl game.
I have to say this though, I F"ing love the Hawks. Not really because of what they do on the field or court or whatever. I love them for what they stand for. Which to me is, family, fun, college, and so many other things. The winning is way down on the list, I love the Hawks for what they mean to me and my family. My 1 and 3 year old are going to have no idea what happened tonight, but guess what....they will still love their daddy and the Hawkeyes. (Sorry for the tangent).
Let's go Hawks and get after it next weekend. We still got a mission and work to do.

If this was Facebook I would "like" this post. Since it is not, I will say I LOVE THIS POST! Or...

"+ 1"

My sporting heart, which sometimes is the same as my real heart, is crushed right now. But I will live, and I will be in Kinnick in Section 131, Row 54 Seat 14 cheering my A$$ off next Saturday just like always. I love the Hawks no matter what happens. That will never change. Thanks for posting here. Good stuff.
I really think there is an intermediary step to the NC that a
lot of Hawk fans seem to have neglected. Last year Iowa made a BCS bowl as an at-large and won. This year should be about winning a BCS bowl as the Outright B10 Champ. They have the schedule where they will get their shot at every legitimate threat for conference champ. No reason it can't be done.
I really think there is an intermediary step to the NC that a
lot of Hawk fans seem to have neglected. Last year Iowa made a BCS bowl as an at-large and won. This year should be about winning a BCS bowl as the Outright B10 Champ. They have the schedule where they will get their shot at every legitimate threat for conference champ. No reason it can't be done.

I think it is more every fan wants to have at least one NC in their life time. We were just hoping it was this year. I hope it comes sometime.
If this was Facebook I would "like" this post. Since it is not, I will say I LOVE THIS POST! Or...

"+ 1"

My sporting heart, which sometimes is the same as my real heart, is crushed right now. But I will live, and I will be in Kinnick in Section 131, Row 54 Seat 14 cheering my A$$ off next Saturday just like always. I love the Hawks no matter what happens. That will never change. Thanks for posting here. Good stuff.

10-4, the heart hurts, wether sporting heart or other, but it don't matter we will be there next week cheering like we would any other week. It will be the same Hawkeye week, I will wear the same polo Hawk shirt to work on Friday and I will still DVR the game (To break down film as I tell my wife) strictly because I love the Hawks.
I think it is more every fan wants to have at least one NC in their life time. We were just hoping it was this year. I hope it comes sometime.

Bingo. Is it ever going to happen? I don't know, but you only get so many shots and this year felt like one of them.
Best thread tonight. It hurts just like 04' hurt and Northwestern last year. I won't give up on these Hawks. The heart shown tonight by those college kids is inspiring they were most definitely down but not out. This is not over not by a long shot. We will rise again and overcome.
Got back from Tucson about an hour ago and I couldn't sleep so figured I'd check the message boards. Everyone is spot on in this one. The players absolutely played their hearts out, and the defense only gave up 1 TD in the 2nd half. If only they had tackled the guy on the kickoff return, or the pick-6 is dropped, that was an entirely different game. The Hawks just couldn't sustain success long enough to take the crowd out of it, and that was another problem. You could see it live how the noise would affect the offense from time to time. All great learning experiences and still a lot on the table to play for. A Rose Bowl trip/Big Ten title would quickly erase the memory of how I felt after the loss tonight :)

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