I need advise


Well-Known Member
My son is being recruited by several colleges. The other day my wife was putting some clothes away in his room and she came across a letter from Reese Morgan congratulating for this season he had. Now my son doesn't tell us much about what is going on in his life, I find out more from his friends but I know he wants to go into criminal justice and I trust him with his judgment. I want him to make his own decision but do you think I should maybe send some tapes? Or should stay out of it. Of course I want him to go to Iowa but maybe he would be better off at a smaller college. Well here is u tube of three of his games at the start of the season. They went to the dome and lost in the championship to Iowa City Regine 21-0 but it seemed closer than that. Colton got district 7 mvp defense and 1st team all state defense, also all state last year as a junior.
Should I take a more active role?
Here is the video.
YouTube - North Polk Football / Colton Hill

What do you think division 1 or not?
If Morgan sent him a letter, I'd bet they are familiar with him and not sure what sending in tapes would do. That being said, I'd do it with your son fully engaged with you, not on your own.
Video is hard to watch, man. It just takes too long to see anything, especially his speed, in slow motion. They are looking for explosiveness off the ball, and its hard to judge moving that slow.
Don't know who the schools are that have offered. Some kids develop in smaller schools and then go to Iowa as Junior tranfers.

Might consider that route
First, Iowa has a great Criminal Justice program, second, I think you should simply sit down with him and see what he wants to do. What about asking Reese for the opportunity to walk on. We have seen a lot of great Iowa kids develop into special players after walking on and letting the staff develop them into great football players and great men. Good luck...sounds like a good problem to have!!
Reese is a great guy. Setup a visit to Iowa and get in touch with someone who can show him the CJ program and then ask Reese for a few minutes when you are in town. If nothing else, they could help you and your son know what level he can play and maybe give him some direction. If you need help, let me know...I live here and have some friends in both programs.
Thanks IAdominate

just want to do what is best for him

Never thought I would have this problem

Have you spoke with Coach Sinclair? He's been through the recruiting process himself and has a lot of contacts with coaches that have had kids in the recruiting process. I'm sure he can provide some good in site. I'd be careful about pushing your son just let him feel things out. Trust me on this, I knew a 15 year old High school Defense-man ranked in the top 5 in the state of CA Jr. hockey. His dad pushed him too hard and he ended up quiting when he was 16. Just suggest things to him and I'd see if he would want to attend the Hawks football camp this summer for that matter any football camp. Make sure that he continues to lift and work on his speed and agility as well.

Good luck, this process is not easy but once he's made the decision make sure you support him with what ever is decided. I wouldn't look at it as a problem. I will tell you there is nothing in this world more rewarding then traveling with your son and being involved in college sports.
Ciminal Justice...sounds like it is important to him and would be a way to get him down here. Then just go over and see the football program and Reese.
If you get college to pay you money to get him to go there, make sure you don't tell your son cause it's ok as long as he doesn't know. :D
thanks, that's what I have thought all along, he is a man although a young man, but needs to decide for himself with some informed insight so thanks for that
If I were you (a parent of a football recruit) I'd be sure to send the tapes to Auburn...See what they'll give you then use that as the going market price for his signature....as long as you don't tell him...the NCAA says you're fine!!

haha but best of luck.
Once you have talked it over with your son and he approves just call the football offices and leave a detailed message for Reese Morgan. If he already sent him a letter and has an interest he will call you back and instruct what he would like you to do. He will either have you send tape or set up visit. If your son was a junior he would probably invite him to camp. These coaches aren't untouchable they will contact you if your responding to his recruiting letter.
Also, unless I'm mistaken, a lot of the "allowed" interaction between the coaches are between the high school coach and the college coaches. I may be wrong, but I think that many "old school" college football coaches still like it when high school coaches play the advocate for the player more than the parent.

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