I need a creepster ruling


Well-Known Member
So we were down in Iowa City today, my 3 year old had his regular two month check up at the Children's Hospital.
Anyway we go out to the mall afterwards and are at Scheels. While we are looking at Hawk gear, a group of really tall dudes walk in. Its Woodbury, Olesani, Ogelsby, Gessel, and I think Clemens.
Here's the question, should I have asked them to take a picture with my 3 and 4 year old sons? My wife thinks I should have, I think it would have been creepish and kind of annoying for those guys.
What is the consensus? And what is acceptable protocol for such a situation?
If you have little kids its a non creeper moment. If it would have been you alone yeah thats creeper status.
Pics with kids is okay I guess as long as you're not moaning or rubbing up against anything before, during, or after said pic is taken.
I'll probably be in the minority here, but I say leave them alone - kids or not (and I have 2 little ones of my own).

I'll allow myself an extra gawk or two (I figure most of them are used to that kinda stuff), but I generally err on the side of caution/politeness and assume they are the types that enjoy being able to do something w/o being cornered for photos, autos, etc.
The Summer before my son was entering the fifth grade, we went camping near Iowa City. We went to Carver and walked around. While he were there Rod Thompson came in and started shooting baskets. I didn't recognize him right away and asked if he was Glen. He said, No, Man, I'm Rod. So we started talking and he lifted my son up to the basket to dunk the ball. He was thrilled. Then Rod started shooting threes again. I would rebound and pass him the ball. He nailed three after three banking them off the square on the lower backboard, saying I can do this all day, Man.....

He was very cool and friendly. Some high school basketball players walked in and stood around looking at Carver with awe talking in hushed tones like the were in a Cathedral.....

It would have been alright to approach the players to ask for a picture to be taken with your son. Actually it would probably have been alright to go up to the players and say hello and talk about being the upcoming season.....

I think it would have been OK to acknowledge them, and wish them a great season this year. Maybe get a feel for the situation and if the vibe is right, ask them for the pic.
I'll probably be in the minority here, but I say leave them alone - kids or not (and I have 2 little ones of my own).I'll allow myself an extra gawk or two (I figure most of them are used to that kinda stuff), but I generally err on the side of caution/politeness and assume they are the types that enjoy being able to do something w/o being cornered for photos, autos, etc.

See thats kind of how I felt about the situation at the time. Just one of those things, different strokes for.different folks I guess.
I still pry should have asked for the kids sake.
Actually as long as you are polite and respectful, they would more than likely be fine with it.....

The Hawkeye athletes are usually very nice people and appreciate their fans.....

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