I Love McCaff's Attitude


Well-Known Member
Went to my first Hawk game in years tonight, not since Alfraud & his hair roamed the sidelines looking for camera time. Wow. While our team might be a trainwreck, our coach is outwardly enthusiastic, passionate, and what seems to be one of our most knowledgable & willing to teach coaches in a very long time. (if you didn't see him scream relentlessly at the papers, smash a clipboard, and then turn around and teach the players, you are missing out!)

Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying Fran is going to walk on water or that the next few years aren't going to be rough going, I'm just saying that it is a pleasant sight to see such a dramatic change on that sideline. I hope he is here for many many more years!
Went to my first Hawk game in years tonight, not since Alfraud & his hair roamed the sidelines looking for camera time. Wow. While our team might be a trainwreck, our coach is outwardly enthusiastic, passionate, and what seems to be one of our most knowledgable & willing to teach coaches in a very long time. (if you didn't see him scream relentlessly at the papers, smash a clipboard, and then turn around and teach the players, you are missing out!)!

Attitude + Passion + Knowledge = Success

His insertion of Stoermer in the first half, who instantly scored 7 points tells me he has a great feel for the flow of the game. And really coming out hard in that press in the 2nd half turned the game around as well.
I was listening to the game on the radio last night and there was one play, I think it may have been when we allowed one of ULM's 6'4" players to get an offense rebound and a layup, and you heard this "thud!!!" on the radio.. And Dolph said it was Fran kicking the scorer's table, lol.

Also another timeout after we had a flurry of turnovers, and Dolph said the players were going to see a little bit of Fran's "irish temper"..

Definitely a fiery, intense coach and I love it. I welcome change from our last coach..
I was listening to the game on the radio last night and there was one play, I think it may have been when we allowed one of ULM's 6'4" players to get an offense rebound and a layup, and you heard this "thud!!!" on the radio.. And Dolph said it was Fran kicking the scorer's table, lol.

Also another timeout after we had a flurry of turnovers, and Dolph said the players were going to see a little bit of Fran's "irish temper"..

Definitely a fiery, intense coach and I love it. I welcome change from our last coach..

There was a coach who came in to Iowa who wasn't from Iowa, who wasn't afraid to shake things up, showed some emotion, kicked some tail but still had his players' backs, and changed the attitude about the program. It can happen again.
I just love this whole team right now. I have watched every game this year and even though we're not going to be world beaters by any stretch, you can tell by watching that the players are actually having fun again and McCaffery looks like he is having fun coaching them.

I know we are not going to a tournament, but I can see Carver returning to the fun place and home court advantage it used to be because the fans will come. This team is going to be fun to watch as it grows into a competitive team.

This quote:

Q. Do you have to catch yourself, take a deep breath and slowing down because maybe your expectations, you’re starting over?

COACH McCAFFERY: I think there’s no question about that. We talked about that as a staff for a long time after the game the other night. We talked about it yesterday. We talked about it on the bench. A little bit more patience. I want us to be further along. I expect us to be further along. We’re just not.

I love that he isn't afraid to have high expectations and isn't afraid to admit that the team isn't meeting them. I also love that he understands he has to adjust his own expectations for the team.

I think he is going to turn into a really great coach for us.
The players also are responding well to Coach Mac's demeanor. Cully said in his interview after the game that "Coach will get in your face and yell, but if you do something good he is also the first person to slap you on the back and tell you good job, and I think that is what makes a good coach a great coach, like Coach McCaffery is." I think Fran knows what he wants this team to achieve and will work his butt off to help the players get to that goal.
He also said on the radio that he laid into Archie before the game during the shoot around because he was doing things wrong...then, he told Archie, "This doesn't mean you won't play tonight"...you gotta love this. I think before it's all said and done, these kids would go to war for McCaff, he is doing it right & has an excellent basketball IQ.

I'm not going to make comparisons to our last 2 coaches but if McCaff can get a few more talented warm bodies on this team in the next few years, I have a feeling Carver will be rocking again!
He is exactly what a young, inexperienced team like ours needs. I loved seeing him scream at the team and then watch how much better they played after he did so.
It goes beyond his sideline demeanor. His breakdown after the game is refreshing as well.

Agreed. It is refreshing to listen to his post-game interview on the radio. I look forward to it regardless of the game's result. He gives explicit responses and they make sense. Its been said before how he has an elegant way of talking to the media. He explains how and why he talks to players and what he expects from them. It appears as if he gives his players more freedom but the players understand that responsibility and accountability comes with that.
It is very early, but so far I really like how Coach interacts with the players. I don't want a players coach (if they are called that because he lets them do what they want off the court, and on it). I want a players coach because the players RESPECT the coach. This is key, as you can earn kids respect if you treat them fairly. Show them you appreciate their effort, and what they are doing right. At the same time don't be afraid to push a kid by EXPECTING them to be better. You can yell and get on a kid, or team to make your points, as long as you are still encouraging them, and supporting them.
He also said on the radio that he laid into Archie before the game during the shoot around because he was doing things wrong...then, he told Archie, "This doesn't mean you won't play tonight"...you gotta love this. I think before it's all said and done, these kids would go to war for McCaff, he is doing it right & has an excellent basketball IQ.

I'm not going to make comparisons to our last 2 coaches but if McCaff can get a few more talented warm bodies on this team in the next few years, I have a feeling Carver will be rocking again!

I had to chuckle a bit at the vision of Archie screwing up in shootaround....it seems like it would be hard to screw up,but it might explain a lot about Archie. Also might say something about Fran's eye for detail.

I know it is knee-jerk to embrace the opposite personality of Fran vs Lick,but I am on board anyway. Passion,fire,yet patience and teaching...all good. Now,find some talent,Frannie, and we will be in business again.
Just keep in mind that teams play like their coaches act. High intensity=high intensity play. It can be good, but you'll likely see some negatives come from that too. I love to see a coach passionate, but keep the good in mind when you're frustrated by the turnovers and mindless mistakes.
Bought my first season ticket this year in 8 years. After the 2002 debacle I swore i wouldn't get tickets again until Alford left. I had gone for like 20 years and had row 13 too. I can tell you this (last night was my first game) - it's just a fun energy and atmosphere going on right now and it's only going to get better. All of these players and this team have great upside and when he gets more players in here it's going to be seriously fun. The tempo, the shooting, the pressing... so much more enjoyable. I feel like Mr. Davis is back but with a temper!!!

I love it!!
I feel so refreshed seeing Caff so passionate on the sidelines, not only that but seeing the staff make adjustments from game 1 to game 2 as well as throughout the game. Game 1 you didnt even see Stroemer or the press with Marble at the point and you saw both in game 2. You saw improvements defensively also. The last 3 years you did not see any adjustments just the same old thing defensively and offensively regardless of what the other team was doing.

I am positive that Caff and his staff will turn this around, they are working hard and constantly trying to figure things out this is why we see the adjustments. Also keep it in perspective about recruiting. It will take at least another year of recruiting to actually get the players he truly wants, I know we landed two so far, but remember he came in late as far as recruiting. So please give Caff at least 2 to 3 years of recruiting, and at that point we will have made strides.
From what I saw out of Stoermer at Kirkwood, I think we got a very good role player. Think Bawinkel, but more athletic and less streaky as a shooter.
I had to chuckle a bit at the vision of Archie screwing up in shootaround....it seems like it would be hard to screw up,but it might explain a lot about Archie. Also might say something about Fran's eye for detail.

I know it is knee-jerk to embrace the opposite personality of Fran vs Lick,but I am on board anyway. Passion,fire,yet patience and teaching...all good. Now,find some talent,Frannie, and we will be in business again.

LOL...how DOES someone screw up the shoot-around?

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