i love fran but...

Lute left the BIG for a softer PAC 8-10 because one, he knew guys like knight would walk in to a living room at the last second and pick off a gem like Isaiah Thomas

But mostly because he knew he couldnt get enough horses to overcome some of the worst refereeing in college basketball.

Basically you have to have enough great players to overcome all the bad calls.

Yes. That must be why Lute left. Couldn't be better climate and better players to choose from. And these are the same refs, only 30 years later?
Some more improvement next year and another solid recruiting recruiting year and Fran wont have to get some T's to motivate and put the spotlight on bad reffing.

BINGO! I have no problem with Fran getting the T and when and how he did it. The game was largely over at that point; he was trumpeting to the herd for the next game or the next year. No coincidence it was a ticky-tack foul called right in front of the Sparty bench...
alll of you need to wipe biclighters from your ***, we have new culture! we are the wild bull pumfus! give me more t`s and more chairslamming, go hawks!
we are oakland raiders of big ten, dirty baddest colllege basketball team!
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why does he only get a technical when were down 20? what is he hoping to accomplish with this?

The BB Program is trying to overcome a loosing attitude which was tolerated way too long. I am not saying that you are a wuss or a sissy but there are other games you can enjoy, like tiddlywinks, pick up sticks, marbles...check em out
Per Dolph and Bobby, this was quite a ticky-tack, knee-jerk call by that grand-standing, side-show, Hightower wannabe, son of a b!+@& Valentine.

That said, the way Ogelsby got hot late in the game, pulling the Hawks to within 15 with over 3 minutes to play, the 4 points could have made a difference.

While you always cover your guys', you also have to avoid giving away opportunities to your opponent. Just like this young team, that is learning to win, Fran is learning how to play through.

He's going to have to realize 1) it's the B1G, where horrific, biased officiating is as inherent as a sack of G's behind an SEC concession stand, and 2) there will be games in the very near future that are 10x more emotionally charged than today and those opportunities are premium to the end score.

At what point in that game did you ever get the feeling that we might make a run. We must have been watching different games.
His reputation? I like Fran, and I like firey, but at some point there start to become long term impacts of that type of behaviour.
the problem with the culture in big ten is that for too long we have accepted biased referees who allowed another teams to get away with whining without getting t`s or flopping type of basketball.for too long time these refereees have gotten away with too many bad calls or no calls. thats what fran is trying to do here.
big ten needs to change their behaviours for better, fair games
Lute left the BIG for a softer PAC 8-10 because one, he knew guys like knight would walk in to a living room at the last second and pick off a gem like Isaiah Thomas

But mostly because he knew he couldnt get enough horses to overcome some of the worst refereeing in college basketball.

Basically you have to have enough great players to overcome all the bad calls.
That's some good reasoning,but I don't think that is why he left. If Iowa had weather like Arizona,he would have stayed. He hated midwest winters with a passion.You could have made him the highest paid coach and it wouldn't mattered.. Our fan base also became 'entitled' and he was fed up with it.
when announcers make fun of a Ref at the half, I can almost guantee they thought it was a BS call, White had his worst game in awhile due to fouls, 19minutes, 7 pts and 3 rebounds, white was about the only one in a position to combat the MSU bigs, but spent to much time on the bench and Basabe also got his 2nd and 3rd foul in 30 sec in the 1st half another player that has the ability to match up, but again had to go to the bench for a big part of the 1st half, with these 2 saddled with fouls the team had no answer,
I have always said the total #'s of fouls have no affect on the outcome it is more about who gets called for the foul and when, again by adding 6'10 Meyer and 7'1 Woodbury the inside dominance will be slowed or negated in a big way.
and White and Basabe will not have a big bullseye on their back for other teams to concentrate on, and the refs can't pick out just one or 2 players that can cripple a team

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