i love fran but...

Luckily it didn't make a difference.... but they could have. It was a stupid T. Use it to make a point.... not to show you can't control your language.
why does he only get a technical when were down 20? what is he hoping to accomplish with this?

He would say that he is trying to change the culture of Iowa basketball. You don't quit even when down 20. I agree with that.

But I think in this case he just lost his cool.:D
His reputation? I like Fran, and I like firey, but at some point there start to become long term impacts of that type of behaviour.

Yeah, he should sit down and shut up!

Fran needs to take a lesson from Lick.



Don't do this:


Instead bend over and take it like a man!

You suck dude ... a good coach should get thrown out of at least one game a year! If you aren't fired up enough to get tossed once in a while then you need a new line of work. One measly technical from a ref who loves to job us is completely insignificant, and if anything only spotlights said ref's inabilities.
Per Dolph and Bobby, this was quite a ticky-tack, knee-jerk call by that grand-standing, side-show, Hightower wannabe, son of a b!+@& Valentine.

That said, the way Ogelsby got hot late in the game, pulling the Hawks to within 15 with over 3 minutes to play, the 4 points could have made a difference.

While you always cover your guys', you also have to avoid giving away opportunities to your opponent. Just like this young team, that is learning to win, Fran is learning how to play through.

He's going to have to realize 1) it's the B1G, where horrific, biased officiating is as inherent as a sack of G's behind an SEC concession stand, and 2) there will be games in the very near future that are 10x more emotionally charged than today and those opportunities are premium to the end score.
He's going to have to realize 1) it's the B1G, where horrific, biased officiating is as inherent as a sack of G's behind an SEC concession stand, and 2) there will be games in the very near future that are 10x more emotionally charged than today and those opportunities are premium to the end score.

Lute left the BIG for a softer PAC 8-10 because one, he knew guys like knight would walk in to a living room at the last second and pick off a gem like Isaiah Thomas

But mostly because he knew he couldnt get enough horses to overcome some of the worst refereeing in college basketball.

Basically you have to have enough great players to overcome all the bad calls.
why does he only get a technical when were down 20? what is he hoping to accomplish with this?

Some more improvement next year and another solid recruiting recruiting year and Fran wont have to get some T's to motivate and put the spotlight on bad reffing.
There are two types of coaches and both types can be successful. Right now - the fiery impassioned type (Fran) - is what Iowa needs.
Per Dolph and Bobby, this was quite a ticky-tack, knee-jerk call by that grand-standing, side-show, Hightower wannabe, son of a b!+@& Valentine.

That said, the way Ogelsby got hot late in the game, pulling the Hawks to within 15 with over 3 minutes to play, the 4 points could have made a difference.

While you always cover your guys', you also have to avoid giving away opportunities to your opponent. Just like this young team, that is learning to win, Fran is learning how to play through.

He's going to have to realize 1) it's the B1G, where horrific, biased officiating is as inherent as a sack of G's behind an SEC concession stand, and 2) there will be games in the very near future that are 10x more emotionally charged than today and those opportunities are premium to the end score.

Screaming at the top of your lungs "that is F****ing Bull*****" at a ref who just made a call. That normally will not be tolerated and IMO not many would overlook that, if any.

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