I just don't get it


Well-Known Member
I was never an NFL fan until these last few seasons of Iowa football. I just got so fed up with the acceptance program wide of average football, that I needed something else. It's almost like the program cares more about it's allegiance to Coach Ferentz and the guys he sends to the NFL than it does winning. After 14 seasons and such a huge contract, it's blows my mind that these kind of results are tolerated. I could care less what anyone thinks, if we want to win again, Kirk needs to go. To many bad seasons for this guy to be held in such high regard.
I was never an NFL fan until these last few seasons of Iowa football. I just got so fed up with the acceptance program wide of average football, that I needed something else. It's almost like the program cares more about it's allegiance to Coach Ferentz and the guys he sends to the NFL than it does winning. After 14 seasons and such a huge contract, it's blows my mind that these kind of results are tolerated. I could care less what anyone thinks, if we want to win again, Kirk needs to go. To many bad seasons for this guy to be held in such high regard.

I personally agree with you, but you will now feel the wrath of many that feel Kirk is entitled to a lifetime job despite woeful underperformance. Many Iowa fans are like a starved dog. You give them one scrap of food in the form of a decent season every so often and they remain loyal.
You are dead on Neil Diamond. The only thing more frustrating than Iowa football is it's fans. 1 BCS win in 14 years and you would think this guy was GOD. Somebody brain washed our fan base. We are and have been irrelevant for quite a while now. It's time to man up and make a change. What other program would put up with this many bad seasons??? Look around you, nobody gets away with results like this.
I personally agree with you, but you will now feel the wrath of many that feel Kirk is entitled to a lifetime job despite woeful underperformance. Many Iowa fans are like a starved dog. You give them one scrap of food in the form of a decent season every so often and they remain loyal.

Ha and true. We are just Iowans (awwww shucks) ... And always appreciate the posts that come out about how bad we were in the 17th century ... Hey folks, Princeton football was once relevants so things can change ... We should expect more from a top-ten paid coach ...
That's what I don't understand. We pay him top dollar for less than average results. Until people stop coming to games and stop buying merchandise, he will probably stick around. I think many people get him being a great guy confused with being a great coach. He is a wonderful man, but if we want to stop losing to Minnesota, Central Michigan, Northwestern, and Iowa State every year, then fire him!
So what is your plan? Fire a guy whenever he only wins 7 games? Even if $20M is owed him? In 2009, we won the Orange Bowl. Would you have fired him after 2010? 2011?

The stupidity on these boards is awesome.
At least we can look forward to Basketball season. Thank God we have that program moving in the right direction.
You demand excellence, yet you tolerate living in Wayne, Nebraska. Bring some excellence into your own life, loser.
Kurt's got it made. He's been able to live off a good three year run for almost a decade now. Three straight top ten finishes in the early 2000's and he's set for life with a lot of fans. (LOL see the post below). Never mind the fact that Iowa has only two top 25 finishes in the last 8 years (assuming we don't make a miraculous turnaround this season).
Iowa is lucky to have a coach the calibre of Kirk Ferentz. 3 top-10 rankings in the final polls, an Orange Bowl win, 2 Big 10 titles. What other coach is going to get these results at Iowa? Remember what happened to the basketball program when Tom Davis was run out of town?

Kirk has....and deserves...to be Iowa's head coach as long as he wants.
How many bad seasons? How many games lost to bottom feeder programs is it going to take? We stink, so that's awesome that you are good with going to the Insight Bowl every year. That attitude is what is going to help make us completely miss a bowl game this year. I don't even get excited for Iowa football anymore because I know they will just completely disappoint everyone.
Yeah, living in Wayne makes me a loser. I moved here because my wife is a doc at the hospital here. Way to get personal.
That's what I don't understand. We pay him top dollar for less than average results. Until people stop coming to games and stop buying merchandise, he will probably stick around. I think many people get him being a great guy confused with being a great coach. He is a wonderful man, but if we want to stop losing to Minnesota, Central Michigan, Northwestern, and Iowa State every year, then fire him!

Money flows like a river into the Iowa FB program and I am not quite sure what it would take to stop it. I buy season tickets every year even though I rarely attend b/c I like to support the University. That will not stop simply b/c I want a coaching change. I would imagine many feel the same. I also fully agree that Iowa is a difficult place to win. However, it can be done. We have seen it time and time again. When you sign a K that puts you in the top 10 of all coaches, you are expected to win. You are not expected to lose to C. Mich, ISU, NW, Minny--repeatedly! At no other school in the country would this or has this been tolerated. Although, Iowa is in the unique position of having overpaid for a coach and also swallowed a poison pill by including no negotiated buyout in the K. Barta is pure genius I tell you. Lets get that guy a raise.
I personally agree with you, but you will now feel the wrath of many that feel Kirk is entitled to a lifetime job despite woeful underperformance. Many Iowa fans are like a starved dog. You give them one scrap of food in the form of a decent season every so often and they remain loyal.

I think Kirk fans are like a girl who bf beats the crap out of her all the time then saids hes sorry. She stays with the doosh and thinks he will change. Others from the outside are thinking what is she doing she just got her *** beat by central michigan.....I mean her bf.
This is why I only get on this board once or twice a year. Because morons like IC Hawk like to say idiotic things like calling me a loser because of the town I live in. Get with the program you half wit.
This is why I only get on this board once or twice a year. Because morons like IC Hawk like to say idiotic things like calling me a loser because of the town I live in. Get with the program you half wit.

I notice you don't answer my direct questions on how you would handle the situation. Please, enlighten us. Fired after 2010?

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