I have reason to hate ISU again.


Well-Known Member
It's been a looooong time since I had true hatred for the f***ers - but wow do I know.

It's not so much that Iowa lost.. at this point Iowa is so challenged from a shooting standpoint...

But between Naz Long chirping in Gessell's face, acting like he won the NCAA tournament every time he makes a 3...

Fugly George blowing kisses to the stands.

They can go F*** themselves.

That's the way I feel about those dudes at the moment.
I guess people didn't notice the same posturing I saw all night or missed the crowd going ape S*** and booing Niang after he blew kisses to the crowd.
Ya....they hit everything and all....but I wish our guys played tougher on these talented, garbage, one dimensional perimeter, transfer players. I wish we gave some more hard fouls and dished it right back at them. We were too nice to them tonight despite the result.

One thing is for sure, they sure get up playing for us.
You'd think he'd just be embarrassed getting shut down by this awful Iowa team for an entire half.
I just didn't like that Long got in Gessel's face and Niang was blowing kisses and no Iowa players had at least some fighting words for it..

Beat us
Punk us

And we will just put our heads down and let you do it.
The players let all of this happen and didn't play hard. That's where my anger is going right now. Iowa State ran them out of the gym and they laid down like beat dogs.
The players let all of this happen and didn't play hard. That's where my anger is going right now. Iowa State ran them out of the gym and they laid down like beat dogs.

Sadly as the beating started to come down it wasn't all that suprising...

That didn't really infuriate me - but the ISU players clowning us did.

You can't let them own you on the court AND then let them rub your faces in it.

I'm not saying throw punches or get ejected.

But right after Niang did that garbage I would have been up in his face with some nice things to say.
Yeah, I'm sure ISU players weren't responding to student section and what they were saying.

It's basketball. This isn't the first game ISU players have done it; ISU isn't the only team that does it. I don't like it. It's amateurish and immature.

I guess if a team doesn't want it to happen on their home court then they'll do something to stop it. Nothing I can do about it.
We already knew the players had a heart problem. Their lack of fight on their home court just confirmed it.
At the end of the day, weather you're for Iowa or ISU, we're all a bunch of weirdos who care a little too much about teenagers playing sports. So I'm happy to know that we're all losers!
Yeah, I'm sure ISU players weren't responding to student section and what they were saying.

It's basketball. This isn't the first game ISU players have done it; ISU isn't the only team that does it. I don't like it. It's amateurish and immature.

I guess if a team doesn't want it to happen on their home court then they'll do something to stop it. Nothing I can do about it.

Even the fans are tucking our tails - I don't care if it was the student section or not.

And what Naz long was doing all night had nothing to do with the student section.

It's your home court you don't let people punk you in your home court.
It's been a looooong time since I had true hatred for the f***ers - but wow do I know.

It's not so much that Iowa lost.. at this point Iowa is so challenged from a shooting standpoint...

But between Naz Long chirping in Gessell's face, acting like he won the NCAA tournament every time he makes a 3...

Fugly George blowing kisses to the stands.

They can go F*** themselves.

That's the way I feel about those dudes at the moment.

I can totally get being annoyed with the crap talking. I hate that stuff too and would hate it if Iowa was doing it to us, but you should never go to the fugly card with the team that Fran has assembled. You can't really win that argument with any team in college sports from what I can tell.
We already knew the players had a heart problem. Their lack of fight on their home court just confirmed it.

The lack of heart crap is just lazy analysis. We got our ***** kicked. Sometimes teams who try still lose by a whole bunch of points.
And stop saying they quit. They didn't quit.

They played stupid for 15 seconds of first half and first five of second half. And couldn't shoot for last 33 minutes.

It's the typical Iowa game.

ISU is a better shooting team than NC. There's the difference.
I can totally get being annoyed with the crap talking. I hate that stuff too and would hate it if Iowa was doing it to us, but you should never go to the fugly card with the team that Fran has assembled. You can't really win that argument with any team in college sports from what I can tell.

See, this is just perfect analysis. And completely correct too.
See, this is just perfect analysis. And completely correct too.

Oh we got a little bit of the fugs too... I'm not disagreeing with that.

I really didn't have any issues with Niang until he blue that kiss.

Sorry it just was bush league.
OK as you can tell from my name I am a cyclone fan, but why the hatred? You guys, meaning SOME hawk fans were bagging on Niang on Twitter and he reacted. If it is the other way you guys would be doing the same.

Enough for that garbage, Jok impressed me tonight. You guys didn't shoot well and still mad a game of it. Good luck the rest if the rlseason and let's, meaning ISU and Iowa, take down some of the "Big Guys"! I.e. Wisconsin and Kansas.
Oh we got a little bit of the fugs too... I'm not disagreeing with that.

I really didn't have any issues with Niang until he blue that kiss.

Sorry it just was bush league.

Eh, I love trashtalking in basketball. I'm not going to get all upset because some player got excited while whooping our ***. The only time I ever have gotten annoyed at a player was when Woodbury shushed is own crowd for some reason.

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