I have a few thoughts as this season runs to a close..


Well-Known Member
I am tired of football, yet I am still in the process of DVRing and watching 20 plus high school state championship games..:)…and I still stay up late to watch USC play UCLA, etc, etc…what I’m really tired of I guess is the Iowa Hawkeyes and my love affair with them.

See it won’t ever be enuff for me now, just like it isn’t for Oklahoma fans or Florida fans, or, or….we look at OU and say heck they have been even better than us, by a bunch, yet there they are wishing they had a different D-coordinator or Head Coach…..there they are wondering how they lost to what really is a poor TT….they are wondering why they have so many stupid penalties or why their coach called a time out with 1 minute left which ultimately pushed Baylor into scoring a TD in regulation.

You see it really doesn’t matter who our coach is or what our scheme is, in the end it won’t be enuff. We will call him conservative, or a loose cannon or too emotional or not emotional enough, or to loyal or to stubborn, or, or…

We will say ahead of time we’ll be lucky to win “X” amount of games, but when it comes true we will still be mad and…in the end we will only see our losses and they will never be acceptable and we will say things like…” it isn’t that we lost, it’s how we lost”…but it won’t be true, because quite frankly, in the end they are all unacceptable. Oh sure that Minne loss hurt but honestly being inept at PSU did too. And so did the fumbles that keep us from ever getting in the MSU game. Instead we’ll pretend like our coach is losing our games for us, and we won’t bother doing the math that all over the nation Good to Great coaches are losing games by the barrel full and their fans are pretending the same…

We’ll say things like we are too predictable, but in reality we didn’t seem to be when we won.

We’ll pretend like a “different” scheme would have put the kids in a better spot, never mind bothering to realize…hell they were wide-open and in the right spot in the current scheme and still didn’t make the play. And we won’t bother to realize that Team A, B, C are running that same coveted scheme and still losing to the likes of ISU or TT as a 20 plus point favorite. See it hurts when Iowa loses, I mean really hurts and I’m embarrassed by it…and then I read the things other fans say and then it hurts even more.

I don’t know why we lose games, I really don’t and I do understand the coaches are paid to win, period and when they don’t they are free game. With that said there isn’t some magic formula to fix dropped passes, bad penalties, untimely TO’s or just flat uninspired play.

And there isn’t any way to go back to just liking to watch my favorite team play and just being happy if they win more than lose. We can thank HF and KF for that. The guys we ultimately grow tired of and that is why I hate Iowa football…

And in the end, it’s really all about me…. my perspective and my attitude…..so I guess I really dislike me and how important I’ve made such a little thing.

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When you taste multiple 10 win seasons and BCS bowl victory, it feels so damn good you need that crack cocaine again. It's addiction. I remember when we beat Tex Tech in the 2001 Alamo for a 7 win season. I was overwhelmingly happy. Maybe in part because I saw the program coming back with a possibly bright future which we don't see now. But you can't help but be a little shocked at the difference in perspective, that year compared to this, myself included.

Yes I remember that season fondly and how people wondered how we could stop that pass happy attack with our scheme and now here we are with better athletes than ever and 5 more losses. And although the purple dragon cartoon is apropos, I honestly sometimes wonder if it is indeed worth it…..

I also love football and love the Hawks, but for the 2nd year in a row now, I'm just sick of watching us play.

Although I don't feel nearly as disgusted with this team as I did last year.

Or 2007. Or 2006.

So I guess that's some kind of improvement, at least.
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I agree with what Chad has said. Except I still love the Hawks, and still love to watch them play, no matter how frustrated or ****** I get.
I like the OP. It reminds me of when I watched sports as a kid to an extent (I know you're not saying the exact same thing). I didn't care about records or standings or anything like that. I just cared if my team won that day and that was it. If they did that was cool and if not I went and played in the yard and pretended they did.
Wow Chad, you used to be so positive......

I still am......if you read a little closer you'll see I'm pointing out the futility of it all and the absurdity of our ever raising expectations. And how I’m really the problem…..you’ll find I’m pretty positive in general, but hypercritical of myself. Probably a bit of a coping mechanism I suppose, but also a desire to improve who I am.

I like the OP. It reminds me of when I watched sports as a kid to an extent (I know you're not saying the exact same thing). I didn't care about records or standings or anything like that. I just cared if my team won that day and that was it. If they did that was cool and if not I went and played in the yard and pretended they did.

Very concise and well said. Much like all of life actually...things were simpler when we were kids.

Watching Hawk football lose is like watching Hawk basketball lose under Lick. Boring slow, methodical, technical, deliberate, there are lots of adjectives one could use.

The point being that it might be that a 45-48 loss might just be a little easier to digest than a 17-14 loss. Just because scoring tends to raise the excitement level for most people.
Watching Hawk football lose is like watching Hawk basketball lose under Lick. Boring slow, methodical, technical, deliberate, there are lots of adjectives one could use.

The point being that it might be that a 45-48 loss might just be a little easier to digest than a 17-14 loss. Just because scoring tends to raise the excitement level for most people.

With all due respect intended…..BS…that 44-41 loss to ISU sucked. And to LSU fans that 9-6 win vs Bama was outstanding. It’s all about the W’s period…….when Iowa wins its never boring. The other is a contrived thought to prop up our beliefs about the staff, scheme, etc….

And listen I’m not trying to be a jerk and I’ve been gone from here long enuff that I don’t remember if you and I are typically in agreement or foes….:D

But the point remains, wins are fun, losses aren’t. Quite frankly I hate up and down 50 point games. They are even harder on my heart. I prefer games where there seems to be at least a semblance of control and defense.

I like the OP. It reminds me of when I watched sports as a kid to an extent (I know you're not saying the exact same thing). I didn't care about records or standings or anything like that. I just cared if my team won that day and that was it. If they did that was cool and if not I went and played in the yard and pretended they did.

man I remember doing that same thing. wish I could live like that again
It's the conservative play late in the first half and late in the game when Iowa has a slight lead, tied or a bit behind that drive me nuts.

Most of the time conservative play; playing not to lose, ends up as a loss.

I cite two examples. Iowa on the road against OSU in 2009 and Iowa on the road against ISU this year.

When on the road in a close game I'm told you play to win and not play to go into overtime.
It's the conservative play late in the first half and late in the game when Iowa has a slight lead, tied or a bit behind that drive me nuts.

Most of the time conservative play; playing not to lose, ends up as a loss.

I cite two examples. Iowa on the road against OSU in 2009 and Iowa on the road against ISU this year.

When on the road in a close game I'm told you play to win and not play to go into overtime.

Again, not arguing here, but playing devil’s advocate and pointing out our human nature of remembering what we want to remember…..

3 games……

1 very recent from Oklahoma…….Bobby’s aggressive decision to force Baylor’s hand (when they were being conservative) and them ultimately saying...”oh yeah, screw you” and marching down the field for a score, when they were prepared to go to OT.

2 that involved us that our fans have forgotten and undoubtedly there were more as KF isn’t as stodgy as we like to pretend…..

Indiana a few years ago…we are leading like 17 to 3 with about 2 minutes left and we decide to field a punt inside our 10 and run with it, fumble the ball and give up a late TD, that ultimately shifted momentum and we lost the game.

NW…same scenario (heck it could have been the same year) and I think the same score and we come running up to about the 40, get cute and fumble with the same scenario and final outcome….

In both scenarios the same fans who complain about our conservativeness wondered why KF let them field those punts…..get my drift. It’s the winning and losing, not the play calling or conservativeness. We see what we want….

2 other situations come to mind that I questioned a tick...…MSU game in 2008, FG probably wins that game, yet we go for it on 4th. Very aggressive and I’ve seen it done with about 50-50 outcomes. If it works he is a hero and people laud him for “finally” getting it….it doesn’t and we lose….and of course it was stupid.

Orange Bowl, we fake a FG (though of course we did win) when in all honesty I can’t figure out why…..but hey I respect his decision, but oddly he gets no credit for it, because of course it didn’t work…we see what we want.

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Again, not arguing here, but playing devil’s advocate and pointing out our human nature of remembering what we want to remember…..

3 games……

1 very recent from Oklahoma…….Bobby’s aggressive decision to force Baylor’s hand (when they were being conservative) and them ultimately saying...â€oh yeah, screw you†and marching down the field for a score, when they were prepared to go to OT.

2 that involved us that our fans have forgotten and undoubtedly there were more as KF isn’t as stodgy as we like to pretend…..

Indiana a few years ago…we are leading like 17 to 3 with about 2 minutes left and we decide to field a punt inside our 10 and run with it, fumble the ball and give up a late TD, that ultimately shifted momentum and we lost the game.

NW…same scenario (heck it could have been the same year) and I think the same score and we come running up to about the 40, get cute and fumble with the same scenario and final outcome….

In both scenarios the same fans who complain about our conservativeness wondered why KF let them field those punts…..get my drift. It’s the winning and losing, not the play calling or conservativeness. We see what we want….

2 other situations come to mind that I questioned a tick...…MSU game in 2008, FG probably wins that game, yet we go for it on 4th. Very aggressive and I’ve seen it done with about 50-50 outcomes. If it works he is a hero and people laud him for “finally†getting it….it doesn’t and we lose….and of course it was stupid.

Orange Bowl, we fake a FG (though of course we did win) when in all honesty I can’t figure out why…..but hey I respect his decision, but oddly he gets no credit for it, because of course it didn’t work…we see what we want.


If Iowa executes late in the game as they do during the game then the Hawks should have a reasonable chance to move the ball into scoring position or get some first downs to kill the clock, whatever the case may be.

When you play conservatively you essentially take away your strengths and give yourself less of a chance to win the game.

As for turnovers, that can happen any time if you don't secure the ball. Conservative play is not immune to turnovers but does take away a lot of your strengths, neutralizing the offense.

I would rather play aggressively in a tight game than conservatively.
If Iowa executes late in the game as they do during the game then the Hawks should have a reasonable chance to move the ball into scoring position or get some first downs to kill the clock, whatever the case may be.

When you play conservatively you essentially take away your strengths and give yourself less of a chance to win the game.

As for turnovers, that can happen any time if you don't secure the ball. Conservative play is not immune to turnovers but does take away a lot of your strengths, neutralizing the offense.

I would rather play aggressively in a tight game than conservatively.

You just isolated the problem right there......furthermore, you'll find at the end of halves execution is at an absolute premium and ours ain't been so good of late. Those were just 5 quick examples of aggressive play calling.
There are obviously many more....

Great OP, Chad. You make some excellent points.

My wife had to help remind me last year of how we used to watch Hawk games in the 80's and 90's (or listen on the radio). We always had a project lined up for Saturdays, and sometimes we'd work on stuff during the game, always keeping an eye, or an ear, on what was happening, but win or lose, when the game was over, we'd move on. We would save the big party for the bowl game if we made it to one.

But somewhere along the line, I'm guessing 2002...then the Drew Tate madness...and Matt Roth, and Bob Sanders...Greenway/Hodge...We had game-changers to focus on,..

And recruiting information... never before could we so easily follow the recruiting, and letting expectations build and then being so upset with transfers or wash-outs, ....just way too much information to get buried into Hawkeye bliss, or the agony of a bad season.

Instant information has really made it hard on the fans.

My brother, who loves the Hawks, does not get into ANY website stuff. He reads the CR Gazette and loves Morehouse and Hlas and seems to move on just fine after a loss. He's made it a point to not get too connected emotionally and is just a great Hawk fan.

Sorry to ramble, but I guess my point is that we people here on the web just get way too caught up in this thing.
My brother, who loves the Hawks, does not get into ANY website stuff. He reads the CR Gazette and loves Morehouse and Hlas and seems to move on just fine after a loss. He's made it a point to not get too connected emotionally and is just a great Hawk fan.
That's a smart way to be. I need to do that.
Great OP, Chad. You make some excellent points.

My wife had to help remind me last year of how we used to watch Hawk games in the 80's and 90's (or listen on the radio). We always had a project lined up for Saturdays, and sometimes we'd work on stuff during the game, always keeping an eye, or an ear, on what was happening, but win or lose, when the game was over, we'd move on. We would save the big party for the bowl game if we made it to one.

But somewhere along the line, I'm guessing 2002...then the Drew Tate madness...and Matt Roth, and Bob Sanders...Greenway/Hodge...We had game-changers to focus on,..

And recruiting information... never before could we so easily follow the recruiting, and letting expectations build and then being so upset with transfers or wash-outs, ....just way too much information to get buried into Hawkeye bliss, or the agony of a bad season.

Instant information has really made it hard on the fans.

My brother, who loves the Hawks, does not get into ANY website stuff. He reads the CR Gazette and loves Morehouse and Hlas and seems to move on just fine after a loss. He's made it a point to not get too connected emotionally and is just a great Hawk fan.

Sorry to ramble, but I guess my point is that we people here on the web just get way too caught up in this thing.

Thank-you for those thoughts and Moses is right, you brother has it figured out....:)


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