I have a dream.....

No ... you're completely missing the point. I was suggesting that you find a different team because your "dream" will be untenable as long as KF is at the helm (concerning "shake-ups" in the schemes and what-not).

I critique the coaches ALL THE TIME ... however, I do so in a proactive way.

There's a stark difference between mindless knee-jerk reactions and thoughtful, proactive critiques.

I'm not an advocate for eveybody being "lock step" in having a single view. The problem is that most of the "dissenters" do not supply good or adequate supporting evidence to back their contentions. Heck, most of them don't provide ANY evidence. And, most of what they say is just emotional nonsense.

This. I have some things I'd like to see changed, but I rarely spit the usual "OPEN THE PLAYBOOK!!!" crap. I want to see us play a straight Cover 2 against Northwestern and Indiana, and keep the corners in the flats, and maybe even jam the receivers at the line from time to time. That keeps those underneath routes from coming open (at least it keeps them from being IMMEDIATELY open), and give the D-Line a real chance to do what they do best.
No ... you're completely missing the point. I was suggesting that you find a different team because your "dream" will be untenable as long as KF is at the helm (concerning "shake-ups" in the schemes and what-not).

I critique the coaches ALL THE TIME ... however, I do so in a proactive way.

There's a stark difference between mindless knee-jerk reactions and thoughtful, proactive critiques.

I'm not an advocate for eveybody being "lock step" in having a single view. The problem is that most of the "dissenters" do not supply good or adequate supporting evidence to back their contentions. Heck, most of them don't provide ANY evidence. And, most of what they say is just emotional nonsense.

Um, you did notice the title of my thread was...I have a DREAM?

Of course I realize Kirk isn't going to change...no way, no how. That doesn't stop me from *dreaming* that he might one day shake things up a little.

Heck, I'd be happy if he just went for the jugular when he got the lead instead of pulling back and playing not to lose. And instead of throwing the ball either short or way downfield, how about using the middle of the field more often? Or mixing things up on defense a little and not bend..bend..bend at the end of the game hoping the other team makes a mistake?

But you are right. It is foolish to think any change will be made. Doesn't mean I can't wish for it.

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