I Didn't Realize...

Northside Hawk

Well-Known Member
...That Patrick Chambers was coaching for his contract this year. His reward for winning the NIT? A standard four year extension.

In the past two weeks, Tim Miles has received a one year extension and Greg Gard a two year extension.

Two of those three had better years than Iowa. The third lost two thirds of their projected starting backcourt well before conference play started.

Meanwhile, on Barta's watch....

It's been so long since I've seen common sense from an Iowa Athletic Director I've forgotten what it looks like.

Thank goodness there are other AD's in the conference to remind me what it looks like.

I’m not sure how you can say Barta is any worse than these others.

Fran has a better resume at Iowa than Chambers or Miles at their current schools.
True, but we're talking about Penn St and Nebraska here. Neither of those programs have hit double digits for NCAA tourney appearances in the history of their respective programs. Iowa has 25.
True, but we're talking about Penn St and Nebraska here. Neither of those programs have hit double digits for NCAA tourney appearances in the history of their respective programs. Iowa has 25.

I’d say when Fran took over we were in just as bad if not worse shape than those programs.

Do you think recruits these days really care about NCAA tourney appearances before they were born??
Another Barta love thread...I really enjoy these...but I'm hoping there are some fresh takes on his performance.

I believe there are two programs that matter right now for Gary Barta...Mens Football and Basketball.

The football team is pointing up. I'm not sure how you can find an argument that recruiting hasn't improved. Honestly, I think we have had solid classes the past two years...and eventually with the development aspect of the program being same as it ever were...that bodes well. Now, it has to show up on the field...and I think it will. There were glimpses of what this team could be...and I think they make the next step, even with a very tough schedule.

For basketball, if you listen to the head coach...last year was a throw away year (defections from the program, injuries and youth) due to all the issues. I'm not really buying into that. I'll tell you, if this team loses Cook (Moss isn't going to the NBA), we lose our only front court player that has the athleticism to match the top tier front court players in the league. Couple that with the fact that he's developing...and improving. Cook made huge strides IMO, contrary to how some feel. He is a force going to the basket and he initiates contact and can finish. His defense improved also...and it will continue to improve. He also showed signs of a pull game and a solid 15-18 foot jumper. If that get the necessary consistency...how do you stop him?

For the basketball program to take that next step 5 things need to happen.
1) Cook needs to return
2) Garza and Nunge needs to get in the weight room and bring more physicality to the front court
3) Joe W. needs to be the player we think he is. 3pt shooting, creating off the dribble, and a high basketball IQ.
4) Connor Mac, Moss, and Dailey need to be able to guard smaller guards and stop penetration. I'm just not sold Jordan is ever going to be stopper...or even a slower downer.
5) Baer needs to Baer (6th man role)
I’d say when Fran took over we were in just as bad if not worse shape than those programs.

Do you think recruits these days really care about NCAA tourney appearances before they were born??
The original topic was athletic directors giving extensions to these coaches. That being said, do you think recruits find 3 NCAA appearances in 8 years to be impressive?
The original topic was athletic directors giving extensions to these coaches. That being said, do you think recruits find 3 NCAA appearances in 8 years to be impressive?

I think recruits only care about the last couple of years (their parents may care about the history). With that said, missing the tourney the last 2 years is not impressive. Not making it this year should cause major changes in the coaching staff (including the head coach).
Another Barta love thread...I really enjoy these...but I'm hoping there are some fresh takes on his performance.

I believe there are two programs that matter right now for Gary Barta...Mens Football and Basketball.

The football team is pointing up. I'm not sure how you can find an argument that recruiting hasn't improved. Honestly, I think we have had solid classes the past two years...and eventually with the development aspect of the program being same as it ever were...that bodes well. Now, it has to show up on the field...and I think it will. There were glimpses of what this team could be...and I think they make the next step, even with a very tough schedule.

For basketball, if you listen to the head coach...last year was a throw away year (defections from the program, injuries and youth) due to all the issues. I'm not really buying into that. I'll tell you, if this team loses Cook (Moss isn't going to the NBA), we lose our only front court player that has the athleticism to match the top tier front court players in the league. Couple that with the fact that he's developing...and improving. Cook made huge strides IMO, contrary to how some feel. He is a force going to the basket and he initiates contact and can finish. His defense improved also...and it will continue to improve. He also showed signs of a pull game and a solid 15-18 foot jumper. If that get the necessary consistency...how do you stop him?

For the basketball program to take that next step 5 things need to happen.
1) Cook needs to return
2) Garza and Nunge needs to get in the weight room and bring more physicality to the front court
3) Joe W. needs to be the player we think he is. 3pt shooting, creating off the dribble, and a high basketball IQ.
4) Connor Mac, Moss, and Dailey need to be able to guard smaller guards and stop penetration. I'm just not sold Jordan is ever going to be stopper...or even a slower downer.
5) Baer needs to Baer (6th man role)
Good takes but...back to Barta.

We do not have a large population base.

We have some of the most brutal Winters in the country.

We aren't Harvard, but we aren't Southeastern CC either.

Iowa, from administration to the coaches to fans, generally frowns upon cheating and other recruiting shenanigans.

We have enough built in disadvantages as it is without adding to the mix with incompetence in the AD chair. I saw a competent AD and his name was Bump Elliot. He was replaced first by an image conscious smug who from day one had his eye on greener pastures (conference commissioner) and second by...Gary.

You want to see how it's done, look about three hours northeast where winters are even harsher and academic requirements are even stricter. You tell me if Wisconsin would be having this success on this consistent a basis if Barry Alvarez wasn't their athletic director. Note I said consistent basis.
I’m not sure how you can say Barta is any worse than these others.

Fran has a better resume at Iowa than Chambers or Miles at their current schools.
His resume, last year notwithstanding, is better than Chambers or Miles.

But did he deserve a Tom Izzo like extension?
Did Kirk, based off his overall performance, and bowl record, since 2009?

He will have to justify it in my eyes and that means his next eight years would have to be better than his last eight.

Extensions like that are usually for the Blue Bloods or the Bob Huggins and Rick Barnes of the world.

And Gary's competition is exibiting more common sense with the extensions they are offering, that's all I'm trying to point out.
I think peoples anger is just misplaced. My issue is with Fran, not Gary Barta. Do you really think Fran should have been fired after this season? I think his "body of work" has given him next year. I don't think he should use the "body of work" language like he did at the press conference though. Gary Barta is giving Fran rope, yet still supporting him. He's not forcing him to change his staff, recruit differently, or anything. If Fran doesn't succeed this year...and it's a bad product...it's on Fran and Gary has the option to fire him.

He gives the coaches he hires the chance to succeed doing it the way they want to do it. He believes in them...supports them. Isn't that what a good AD does? Are you saying KF and Fran are bad hires? Lisa Bluder...bad hire? Tom Brands...bad hire? Rick Heller...bad hire?

He also provides retirement support and planning for lesbians. What more do you want from him?
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I think peoples anger is just misplaced. My issue is with Fran, not Gary Barta. Do you really think Fran should have been fired after this season? I think his "body of work" has given him next year. I don't think he should use the "body of work" language like he did at the press conference though. Gary Barta is giving Fran rope, yet still supporting him. He's not forcing him to change his staff, recruit differently, or anything. If Fran doesn't succeed this year...and it's a bad product...it's on Fran and Gary has the option to fire him.

He gives the coaches he hires the chance to succeed doing it the way they want to do it. He believes in them...supports them. Isn't that what a good AD does? Are you saying KF and Fran are bad hires? Lisa Bluder...bad hire? Tom Brands...bad hire? Rick Heller...bad hire?

He also provides retirement support and planning for lesbians. What more do you want from him?
I don't think most fans are upset with the extension, per se. It's the buyout and length of the extension that is rubbing fans the wrong way, at least that's how I'm interpreting the OP.

It is on Fran, but it's also on Barta. The length of the "rope" is the problem.
If the AD has $$$ flowing into the system...let's be honest...are "wins" that important? Not at Iowa and many other schools.

It is similar to MLB...where teams like the Brewers, Reds, Pirates, etc. have tons of $$$$ flowing into the system and into the pockets of the owners and all who work for them...TV and the money teams that have to pay a "Tax" when they field a high dollar team are more than willing to pay...and the scrubs are more than willing to fill the schedule for multiple millions for playing those who have a chance. Are "wins" important to the losing owners? Not really...they are money fountains and the fans who hope for a winner buy into it over and over...

$$$ heals all ills...
If our basketball program is so bad, you have to compare it to Nebraska or Penn State... well., some things need no further explanation.
This year it wasn't comparable to Nebraska or Penn State. It was a lot worse.

The frustrating thing as fans is we have to wait six more months to see if this year was an aberration.

At least Nebraska and Penn State are thinking progressively, bringing in transfers, grad transfers, and establishing recruiting connections in fertile talent areas. Penn State was a potential Sweet Sixteen team before Watkins went down.

Not sure if Carr hired an agent. Does anyone know? If he comes back they could be right there with Purdue and Michigan State next year. Most posters on this board are predicting 6th-10th place for us.

I believe we have to take a fresh look at how we recruit, that's all. And that's not a knock on the players, but I believe there are other ways to obtain them that our competition is taking advantage of and perhaps it could alleviate roster jams, etc.
This year it wasn't comparable to Nebraska or Penn State. It was a lot worse.

The frustrating thing as fans is we have to wait six more months to see if this year was an aberration.

At least Nebraska and Penn State are thinking progressively, bringing in transfers, grad transfers, and establishing recruiting connections in fertile talent areas. Penn State was a potential Sweet Sixteen team before Watkins went down.

Not sure if Carr hired an agent. Does anyone know? If he comes back they could be right there with Purdue and Michigan State next year. Most posters on this board are predicting 6th-10th place for us.

I believe we have to take a fresh look at how we recruit, that's all. And that's not a knock on the players, but I believe there are other ways to obtain them that our competition is taking advantage of and perhaps it could alleviate roster jams, etc.
