Well-Known Member
I felt the need to get on the forum for the first time in years after Saturday. I made the trip from Sioux City, Iowa to Evanston to see the game this weekend and wish that I hadn't. I had seats on the 30 yard line in the 13th row, so I had an amazing view to watch our team not give any effort and play flat. Myself and everyone in my section was sick to thier stomach watching our d-line mail it in. If they got to Persa, they would just pull up and not go in for the kill. AC didn't looked like he was just walking through drills. Is he just trying to go through the motions to stay healthy for the NFL???? I have a hard time rooting for a team that doesn't give any effort. Northwestern outplayed and outclassed us. NO EFFORT AT ALL! That coaching staff and team needs to take a long look in the mirror and decide if they want to show up next week. TODAY FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, I AM ASHAMED TO BE A HAWKEYE FOOTBALL FAN!