I can't believe all of you traitors who just gave up on the team

BTR....copy/paste your "fix it" post from Wasteland (sans the bad words).

Seriously, it hit the ball out of the park with that post.

That's stuff I only want to share with friends and the points cannot be made without the bad words.
This may be the greatest single post I've ever read on this website.

Thanks man, I appreciate it. The fact is that the truth hurts, and the truth is that Iowa football's welfare for the rich policy has misaligned prices with value and in the long run has a chance of hurting Iowa football. Luckily for the program there isn't a lot else going on in Iowa and a lot of fans might not vote with their feet and pocketbooks, but if this program even comes close to selling out season tickets next year, I'll be surprised.
I absolutely agree with what you posted. Ferentz team and philosophies are becoming antique at an alarming rate. This new football is all about Speed/Spread/Blitzing. This Power I formation, typical playcall stuff is NOT going to get it done. This Nickel and Dime D with no blitzing vs the spread is NOT going to win us football games. Using LBs on Slot WRs is NOT going to win us games anymore.

Inorder for Ferentz to improve and move in the right direct, not the wrong, which is where he's headed. He needs to update the philosophies. And to be honest, I've said this to my friends all year. If he DOESN'T improve his philosophies, then this team is going to sink to the middle, and down in the Big 10. Especially with Nebraska entering.

Also, he NEEDS to keep pouring on the points, and not let up. None of this "Play to NOT lose" rather than "Play to Win" crap.
I absolutely agree with what you posted. Ferentz team and philosophies are becoming antique at an alarming rate. This new football is all about Speed/Spread/Blitzing. This Power I formation, typical playcall stuff is NOT going to get it done. This Nickel and Dime D with no blitzing vs the spread is NOT going to win us football games. Using LBs on Slot WRs is NOT going to win us games anymore.

Inorder for Ferentz to improve and move in the right direct, not the wrong, which is where he's headed. He needs to update the philosophies. And to be honest, I've said this to my friends all year. If he DOESN'T improve his philosophies, then this team is going to sink to the middle, and down in the Big 10. Especially with Nebraska entering.

Also, he NEEDS to keep pouring on the points, and not let up. None of this "Play to NOT lose" rather than "Play to Win" crap.

On defense, you've got to pick your poison. The base 4-3 is okay if you get a consistent pass rush and if you have LBs who can cover. Plus, I hate to move too far away from it because you then leave yourself susceptible to teams that want to line up and pound the ball at you, like Wisconsin, MSU, Illinois, PSU and OSU are all capable of doing. Given the weather in B10 country and our recruiting capabilities, I think we need to keep that base but make some tweaks around the edges, like eliminating the 8 yard CB cushion against spread teams that don't throw deep, mix in some zone blitzes with an end dropping back into a passing lane (Clayborn did this a few times this year) and a few other tweaks like that. I don't think our base defense is that antiquated and I like it in terms of what we need to do against a lot of the teams we have to play. But if we're going to do that, the offense absolutely must improve to be around a top 30 offense on a consistent basis and must play with a killer instinct against spread teams so that the defense isn't put in a position of defending 50 plays in a half against a spread team.
On defense, you've got to pick your poison. The base 4-3 is okay if you get a consistent pass rush and if you have LBs who can cover. Plus, I hate to move too far away from it because you then leave yourself susceptible to teams that want to line up and pound the ball at you, like Wisconsin, MSU, Illinois, PSU and OSU are all capable of doing. Given the weather in B10 country and our recruiting capabilities, I think we need to keep that base but make some tweaks around the edges, like eliminating the 8 yard CB cushion against spread teams that don't throw deep, mix in some zone blitzes with an end dropping back into a passing lane (Clayborn did this a few times this year) and a few other tweaks like that. I don't think our base defense is that antiquated and I like it in terms of what we need to do against a lot of the teams we have to play. But if we're going to do that, the offense absolutely must improve to be around a top 30 offense on a consistent basis and must play with a killer instinct against spread teams so that the defense isn't put in a position of defending 50 plays in a half against a spread team.

Are you blaming KOK?!?! :eek:
On defense, you've got to pick your poison. The base 4-3 is okay if you get a consistent pass rush and if you have LBs who can cover. Plus, I hate to move too far away from it because you then leave yourself susceptible to teams that want to line up and pound the ball at you, like Wisconsin, MSU, Illinois, PSU and OSU are all capable of doing. Given the weather in B10 country and our recruiting capabilities, I think we need to keep that base but make some tweaks around the edges, like eliminating the 8 yard CB cushion against spread teams that don't throw deep, mix in some zone blitzes with an end dropping back into a passing lane (Clayborn did this a few times this year) and a few other tweaks like that. I don't think our base defense is that antiquated and I like it in terms of what we need to do against a lot of the teams we have to play. But if we're going to do that, the offense absolutely must improve to be around a top 30 offense on a consistent basis and must play with a killer instinct against spread teams so that the defense isn't put in a position of defending 50 plays in a half against a spread team.
I'm not saying stray away from the 4-3. I'm saying change up the packages for it. On passing downs, insert a Nickelback. Blitz more, get some big hogs at the DT position, play on the WR not 10 yards off the WR. Play some man.
I haven't given up on them at all. But the ball is in their court for sure!

Come on boys, stand up and show us what you are really made of! Show yourselves what you are really made of!
Some of you guys really aren't too bright. OK4P has delivered a VERY satirical schtick for the duration of my membership here (just over a year now). This NW spin is no different. Yet you all bite on it and get p*ssed at him.
Some of you guys really aren't too bright. OK4P has delivered a VERY satirical schtick for the duration of my membership here (just over a year now). This NW spin is no different. Yet you all bite on it and get p*ssed at him.

tm - me supporting O'Keefe's 92nd ranked offenses or whatever is one thing, but I don't joke about my cash. If season tickets for next year were on sale today, I'd definitely buy NU seasons (should be able to get them for free with Michigan, Michigan State and Nebraska on the home schedule if I'm willing to carve out a few tickets) and I would find someone to split my Iowa tickets so I only had three or maybe four games for the season and I would eliminate my extra drinking ticket. Maybe time will heal the wounds, but it has been three weeks since that game up in Evanston and I have seen nothing from Iowa to make me reconsider. Maybe the bowl game will get me to come back to my senses, maybe if I go to the spring game and like what I see I'll come back to my senses, but right now I am a very bitter fan. Even more bitter than usual.
tm - me supporting O'Keefe's 92nd ranked offenses or whatever is one thing, but I don't joke about my cash. If season tickets for next year were on sale today, I'd definitely buy NU seasons (should be able to get them for free with Michigan, Michigan State and Nebraska on the home schedule if I'm willing to carve out a few tickets) and I would find someone to split my Iowa tickets so I only had three or maybe four games for the season and I would eliminate my extra drinking ticket. Maybe time will heal the wounds, but it has been three weeks since that game up in Evanston and I have seen nothing from Iowa to make me reconsider. Maybe the bowl game will get me to come back to my senses, maybe if I go to the spring game and like what I see I'll come back to my senses, but right now I am a very bitter fan. Even more bitter than usual.

And anyone who buys THIS is quite gullible. This is what makes OK4P funny IMO: he's 100% committed to the act.
And anyone who buys THIS is quite gullible. This is what makes OK4P funny IMO: he's 100% committed to the act.

tm - are you planning on staying in Iowa after you graduate? If you move away, you'll see how big of a PITA it can be to commit a lot of cash to season tickets and get back to games and you'll understand where I'm coming from - it's different when you're in school or living in or near IC and don't have far to go to get to the games.

You might be right, though, if my bitterness subsides I'll take down this foolish NU avatar and signature, but I think it is going to take some time and probably me walking out of Welsh-Ryan without having to listen to two thousand pencil necked pimple covered geeks wearing purple not doing their chant, which has now become an annual ritual, of "Just like football, clap clap clap clap, just like football, clap clap clap clap, just like football, clap clap clap clap." You ever heard that in a high school-esque arena from fans of a private school that wears purple?
Yeah, with this staff, it seems like most years it goes the way of our opposition. I am not expecting Iowa to be OSU, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma or Alabama, I know they never will be. I am expecting Iowa, when it has this many returning starters and NFL players on its roster, to be no worse than a top 20 team. Even in down years, I expect Iowa to be in the top 25 or on the cusp of it. I expect Iowa to just once in my lifetime win a Rose Bowl. Just one. The fact that Wisconsin has won multiple Rose Bowls in my lifetime and Iowa has won zero is a joke. I'm really not asking for a lot, but with what the University is charging for tickets and what they are paying for the coach and facilities, I think a Rose Bowl once a decade isn't too crazy of an expectation.

I hear ya and i agree. Iowa spends a lot of money on this coaching staff. We upped the ante to Kirk and the university made a statement that football is important and it wants a winner. With the talent on this year's team, 7-5 is absolutely unacceptable. You don't lose to Indiana, northwestern and minnesota. If we want to be an average football program, pay a coach $1 million and lower the ticket prices. This is not the pre-Hayden days. Iowa has invested millions in its football program. It asks its fans to pony up about $700 for two season tickets and many fans pay even more dependin on their seat locations. We shouldn't lost to an interm coach, another coach who was just fired, and a Northwestern coach who takes very average talent and beats Iowa 5 out of 6 times. Kirk, i am sure, has no problem cashing that big check. But with that big check come expectations. We know Kirk won't make any coaching changes. We will see the exact same thing next year. We just have to hope Kirk and the staff coach a little smarter and keep the attention of the players.
I supported KF - always wanted to get rid of KOK - until this Saturday. After seeing team quit on KF last game and reading his BS statements, I cannot wait now for the day he leaves Iowa. That will be the day my heart bleeds (football) black and gold again. Until then, go coach Fran.
I hear ya and i agree. Iowa spends a lot of money on this coaching staff. We upped the ante to Kirk and the university made a statement that football is important and it wants a winner. With the talent on this year's team, 7-5 is absolutely unacceptable. You don't lose to Indiana, northwestern and minnesota. If we want to be an average football program, pay a coach $1 million and lower the ticket prices. This is not the pre-Hayden days. Iowa has invested millions in its football program. It asks its fans to pony up about $700 for two season tickets and many fans pay even more dependin on their seat locations. We shouldn't lost to an interm coach, another coach who was just fired, and a Northwestern coach who takes very average talent and beats Iowa 5 out of 6 times. Kirk, i am sure, has no problem cashing that big check. But with that big check come expectations. We know Kirk won't make any coaching changes. We will see the exact same thing next year. We just have to hope Kirk and the staff coach a little smarter and keep the attention of the players.

I for one think this is a phenomenal post.
I love B10 football, I love seeing guys like Santonio Holmes, Shonn Greene, AJ Hawk, Lawrence Maroney, Bryan Bulaga, Kyle Orton, etc. develop into great college players on their way to careers in the NFL. I can get that same experience for less than a quarter of the price up in Evanston and see a program that, notwithstanding everyone's anger and disagreement, is on basically the same level as Iowa and then I don't have to drive close to 8 hours round trip, spend $200 on a motel, worry about the fuzz arresting me for walking 50 feet with an open beer, etc. I love Iowa football, it's just that the entertainment value per dollar spent and travel time isn't there.

The donations that I have paid are just welfare for rich guys. The stadium renovation made the stadium look nicer and fixed up the south end zone, but didn't really make the average fan experience materially better, but the donations that were extracted from the average fan have made game day great for the fat cats sitting up in the club seats and boxes and goes a long way toward paying Ferentz's giant salary. I just feel like in most of the years since I have been paying the donation for the same seats I had as a student, I have been paying Lexus prices for a Yugo. When year in and year out Ferentz gets outcoached by guys like Fitz, Ron Zook, that Horton fella from MN, Lynch, the fella from Western Michigan, etc., it gets old hearing the same lame "well, we just need to execute better and tighten things up" excuse after losses to opponents whose football expenditures are a fraction of the size of Iowa's.

Well I'll give you credit for making business sense.

However it makes absolutely zero football sense.
Well, at least Iowa doesn't have to play Ohio State for a few years and Ferentz doesn't have to give away anymore games to them. 1-12 to OSU, when they TRIED to give Iowa the past two games and Ferentz refused to win the games because somehow he didn't think it would be fair to win?

Don't worry everyone, next year is a new year and this coaching staff will still be able to lose games they shouldn't. We still play NW so we will lose to them with no problem. Purdue, our arch nemesis, plays the spread very well so this staff will lose to them with no problem. Michigan will put a real knot on our head next year if they get any kind of defense.

What other teams play the spread that we will play next year that we can notch up to a loss because we will be playing our stellar no change zone defense? Who knows, maybe next year our players will be coached to give up 5 yard cushions on defense instead of 7 or we might give them 8 yards to make it even easier in our prevent defense?
I'll always bleed black and gold, just not going to get bamboozled into dropping over a hundred bucks a pop per seat per game. Those are NFL prices and this isn't an NFL quality entertainment product. It's Northwestern quality at NFL prices and that's disgusting. If we see some shakeup in the assistants, I'll probably re-up, but if Captain keeps running this in the ordinary course of business, I am done subsidizing the guy's salary. Wait for season ticket sales figures to come out, my guess is I won't be the only one who feels this way.

This is correct we pay top prices for avg product and only way we as the consumer can complain is spend less.

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