I am looking for the 2009 Iowa at Penn St full game video for my collection


Well-Known Member
Hello Hawkeye Fans,

I am looking for the 2009 Iowa at Penn State full game video. I have been looking for this full game video for a long time on the internet and more specifically on youtube but cannot find it. There are tons of NCAA football games and plenty of Hawkeye games out there on youtube, however this specific game has some sort of ABC broadcasting copyright infringement going on which has kept it off the internet.

I would be willing to cover the shipping costs on both ends and perhaps if anyone has the full game video it could be put on USB flash drive.

So anyone out there, do you have this classic Hawkeye full game video stored away on your computer? I really would love to get a copy of it.

Have you tried Ten Yard Torrents?

I am not much of a torrent user but I tried to become a member of the "Ten Yard Torrents" but they are not accepting new members so there is no way I can find or download full game videos. Unless there is something I am doing wrong, because I am not that knowledgable about how to use a torrent.

Does anyone else out there have any ideas about how to obtain this game?

Does anyone have a copy of this full game on their computer?
Funny, sometimes there are games that you'd think would be out there and they are missing. I could not locate 2002 Iowa Wisconsin.

Not to hijack but I'd live to see some of scothawks old videos out on Youtube...there are only a handfull
Hello Hawkeye Fans,

I am looking for the 2009 Iowa at Penn State full game video. I have been looking for this full game video for a long time on the internet and more specifically on youtube but cannot find it. There are tons of NCAA football games and plenty of Hawkeye games out there on youtube, however this specific game has some sort of ABC broadcasting copyright infringement going on which has kept it off the internet.

I would be willing to cover the shipping costs on both ends and perhaps if anyone has the full game video it could be put on USB flash drive.

So anyone out there, do you have this classic Hawkeye full game video stored away on your computer? I really would love to get a copy of it.

Spoiler Alert= Iowa wins!!!!!!!!!!!
it's out there somewhere as I watched a good chunk of it on display @ Walmart on Highway 1 last year about this time. They were showing it on some TVs near the South door where you come into the home/garden side of the building. I walked in, stopped and watched about 5 minutes of it and then spent 20 minutes or so in the store. When I came back by the game was still on so I watched another 5 minutes or so before I checked out. Not a highlight type thing, but the entire broadcast. What source I don't know but it was a quality recording.
Funny, sometimes there are games that you'd think would be out there and they are missing. I could not locate 2002 Iowa Wisconsin.

Not to hijack but I'd live to see some of scothawks old videos out on Youtube...there are only a handfull

That 2002 game must be the holy grail as I have never been able to find it either.
Hello Hawkeye Fans,

I am looking for the 2009 Iowa at Penn State full game video. I have been looking for this full game video for a long time on the internet and more specifically on youtube but cannot find it. There are tons of NCAA football games and plenty of Hawkeye games out there on youtube, however this specific game has some sort of ABC broadcasting copyright infringement going on which has kept it off the internet.

I would be willing to cover the shipping costs on both ends and perhaps if anyone has the full game video it could be put on USB flash drive.

So anyone out there, do you have this classic Hawkeye full game video stored away on your computer? I really would love to get a copy of it.

I have the game on DVD. It's 480p so it's going to look kind of crappy on a HD TV or a new computer with an HD monitor.
many on youtube.

Yes but not full game video of the 2009 Iowa @ Penn State game. Only small clips and of those clips there is an ABC broadcasting copyright infringement that won't allow the audio to remain on those video clips.

Nilkin, if you see a full game video of the game please let me know.