Huskers quarantined, Hoiberg to hospital

Remember when WHO initially said there was nothing to worry about? Yeah, that agency doesn't know what the F they're doing.
They f'd up and underestimated it badly, just like almost every other agency including China. Thankfully they are an oppressive enough country that they were able to lock down the populace which bought the rest of the world enough time to prepare, in which, many did nothing. Look at first hand accounts at what's going on in Italy. The hospitals are literally hell over there especially for medical providers.
Like I said, they have no clue what they're doing.

Sure, because they don't agree with your view of the world. Otherwise you would hold them up as a paragon of international health organizations.

And when you start calling names and trying to cast insults it's because you're up to your eyes in your own BS and can't find a lifeline to pull yourself out, so you become a pouty child.

I know your shtick, TK. You are the epitome of motivated ignorance.
Sure, because they don't agree with your view of the world. Otherwise you would hold them up as a paragon of international health organizations.

And when you start calling names and trying to cast insults it's because you're up to your eyes in your own BS and can't find a lifeline to pull yourself out, so you become a pouty child.

I know your shtick, TK. You are the epitome of motivated ignorance.
I never have and never will hold up the WHO for anything more than they are, which is a bunch of goons paid off by the pharmaceutical industry.
Hey, buddy, just because you were late getting to the store and relegated to brown recycled single ply that feels like 120 grit on your ass doesn’t give you a carte blanche to act like a douche on here. I’ll sell you some good stuff. 2 bucks per square.
So we were at Costco over a week ago buying coronavirus survival supplies and without noticing Mrs. Tweeter picked up the huge wrap of the single-ply, stick-your-finger-through, balsa wood airplane model covering, cheap-ass office complex TP, not the good stuff. Discovered when we opened to use a roll. Ffffuuu.... tk dis for sale only $1 square
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So he tests positive for influenza A, also contagious, and then decides to coach his players knowing he has it, and exposes them and how many others to it. And we wonder why they're concerned coronavirus will continue to spread.
man, the local news just showed Fred sitting on the bench in their game last night. He sat there with his head resting on his hand, he didn't look good.
The big issue with this virus is the symptoms seem to vary so much from person to person. Unless you were to get tested some people may not even know because their symptoms are not bad. If you did feel ill but good enough to play or work you would expose all those people and it would spread even faster because of how it is able to survive on surfaces etc.

I personally don't think they should have cancelled anything but greatly restricted access to the games. The good thing is it isn't affecting the young people much so the risk is low for them to die from it but again they are potentially a carrier. It is a slippery slope and only time will tell what happens. Either way for the NBA, NCAA, President or any other organization you will be under the microscope and you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I told my wife last night that I predict they announce kids won't be going back to school for a few weeks. If you look back at the history of the last great Pandemic with the Spanish Flu there is evidence that showed avoiding and eliminating the large crowds did help control the spread. Not saying that the death toll will be like that but why risk it if you don't need to.
The big issue with this virus is the symptoms seem to vary so much from person to person. Unless you were to get tested some people may not even know because their symptoms are not bad. If you did feel ill but good enough to play or work you would expose all those people and it would spread even faster because of how it is able to survive on surfaces etc.

I personally don't think they should have cancelled anything but greatly restricted access to the games. The good thing is it isn't affecting the young people much so the risk is low for them to die from it but again they are potentially a carrier. It is a slippery slope and only time will tell what happens. Either way for the NBA, NCAA, President or any other organization you will be under the microscope and you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I told my wife last night that I predict they announce kids won't be going back to school for a few weeks. If you look back at the history of the last great Pandemic with the Spanish Flu there is evidence that showed avoiding and eliminating the large crowds did help control the spread. Not saying that the death toll will be like that but why risk it if you don't need to.

My wife and I were discussing that the other day as well. We agreed that it'll most likely the closure of local elementary and high schools will coincide with the doors closing for spring break and then getting notification immediately after that they're closing the campus and will be doing lessons online.