Husker fans display more class at games than Iowa fans.


Well-Known Member
This was discussed in the Jared Clauss thread. I thought this part of the discussion deserved its own thread. I figured the subject line would draw a lot of interest and generate worthwhile discussion.

Tell me I am wrong. Nebraska fans never boo in their own stadium, at least they don't boo the opponent. I don't think they boo their own players either. I am not sure if they boo officials.

Considering many on this board as well as Iowa fans in general display disdain for Nebraska fans as being many things negative, there is not much room to talk in this area, to be sure.

I will say this, that fan behavior in a stadium and fan behavior of Joe Fan on the street can be two completely different things. But we booed GT the other night when they came on the field at the start of the night and in the post game ceremony. Nebraska doesn't do that sort of thing. In fact, they cheer the opposing team for a good effort when they leave the field in Lincoln.

Is Nebraska fan better than Iowa fan? Let me know your thoughts.
This was discussed in the Jared Clauss thread. I thought this part of the discussion deserved its own thread. I figured the subject line would draw a lot of interest and generate worthwhile discussion.

Tell me I am wrong. Nebraska fans never boo in their own stadium, at least they don't boo the opponent. I don't think they boo their own players either. I am not sure if they boo officials.

Considering many on this board as well as Iowa fans in general display disdain for Nebraska fans as being many things negative, there is not much room to talk in this area, to be sure.

I will say this, that fan behavior in a stadium and fan behavior of Joe Fan on the street can be two completely different things. But we booed GT the other night when they came on the field at the start of the night and in the post game ceremony. Nebraska doesn't do that sort of thing. In fact, they cheer the opposing team for a good effort when they leave the field in Lincoln.

Is Nebraska fan better than Iowa fan? Let me know your thoughts.

I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth. I am not sure what to think... my wife has had a lot of experiences with the jackhole Iowa fans which makes her hate the hawks with a passion... I don't even want to imagine Nebraska being classier than hawk fans...

However, it was pretty embarrassing to have boos after the game... and even before the game on Tuesday night. I would like to think we are better than that as fans.
I took my wife to the season opener this year in Lincoln (yes she's a Huskers fan) and wore my Hawkeye jersey (being it was gameday and all) I had two negative comments all day and the rest were how they were pulling for us to beat UNI and how that was an amazing game. I'm not so sure a Husker fan wearing a Husker jersey to Iowa City would be treated as well.
This was discussed in the Jared Clauss thread. I thought this part of the discussion deserved its own thread. I figured the subject line would draw a lot of interest and generate worthwhile discussion.

Tell me I am wrong. Nebraska fans never boo in their own stadium, at least they don't boo the opponent. I don't think they boo their own players either. I am not sure if they boo officials.

Considering many on this board as well as Iowa fans in general display disdain for Nebraska fans as being many things negative, there is not much room to talk in this area, to be sure.

I will say this, that fan behavior in a stadium and fan behavior of Joe Fan on the street can be two completely different things. But we booed GT the other night when they came on the field at the start of the night and in the post game ceremony. Nebraska doesn't do that sort of thing. In fact, they cheer the opposing team for a good effort when they leave the field in Lincoln.

Is Nebraska fan better than Iowa fan? Let me know your thoughts.

When did everyone become such a nancy about booing? Its apart of sports who cares.
I've been to many Nebraska games with extended family and there have been multiple occasions (mainly a few years back) where they have booed their own team. It hasn't happened a ton but it's happened. I haven't ever been treated poorly by a Nebraska fan in Lincoln, though. They are actually pretty nice, just obnoxious. Every three seconds...'GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED'
Husker fans will be the first to tell you that they are the classiest.

Regardless of my feelings towards Husker fans, the booing of GT the other night was embarrasing. Hawk fans are passionate and I'm proud to be one, but I was sitting next to some GT fans when the booing took place and I wasn't real comfortable.
Husker fans will be the first to tell you that they are the classiest.

Regardless of my feelings towards Husker fans, the booing of GT the other night was embarrasing. Hawk fans are passionate and I'm proud to be one, but I was sitting next to some GT fans when the booing took place and I wasn't real comfortable.

Agree, GT didn't do anything the entire game to deserve a booing. They played hard the entire game, didn't do anything dirty, and lost. I would understand if it we were booing Iowa State or Minnesota, but no reason to boo GT at all.
Really? I've heard nebraska boo their own players many times these past few seasons.

Apparantly the OP didn't watch the ISU-Nebraska game this year...

Still, I'd say Nebraska fans are classier than Iowa fans. Iowa fans are more vocal though, which is both good and bad.
So, is the sentiment here that I am mostly correct?

It looks like there has been some booing at Lincoln by Nebraska fan in recent years. It also sounds like the general sentiment here is that I am more right than wrong with my original post.

I was right in that the subject drew some pretty quick interest. Mentioning Nebraska fan will do that.
I believe in supporting your team in its highs and lows. I will never boo our team/players or any team that comes to our stadium to play us.

On a side note, I will boo referees if they deserve it.
This was discussed in the Jared Clauss thread. I thought this part of the discussion deserved its own thread. I figured the subject line would draw a lot of interest and generate worthwhile discussion.

Tell me I am wrong. Nebraska fans never boo in their own stadium, at least they don't boo the opponent. I don't think they boo their own players either. I am not sure if they boo officials.

Considering many on this board as well as Iowa fans in general display disdain for Nebraska fans as being many things negative, there is not much room to talk in this area, to be sure.

I will say this, that fan behavior in a stadium and fan behavior of Joe Fan on the street can be two completely different things. But we booed GT the other night when they came on the field at the start of the night and in the post game ceremony. Nebraska doesn't do that sort of thing. In fact, they cheer the opposing team for a good effort when they leave the field in Lincoln.

Is Nebraska fan better than Iowa fan? Let me know your thoughts.

Never is a pretty definitive word.
This debate is like the question "how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?"

Every segment of fans has it's "undesireables" if you will. Nobody's are better or worse than others, and everybody's experience with other teams fans is going to effect their opinion.

I've seen young lady Iowa fans spit on in Lincoln because they had on an Iowa tshirt. All it means is that that individual was classless, not the entire Huskernation.

What was the booing about at the Orange Bowl? I asked some friends who were there, and they did not experience any booing.
I might have my facts wrong so correct me if that's the case, but didn't Nebraska actually fire their long time head coach in a season where he won 8 games?
This was discussed in the Jared Clauss thread. I thought this part of the discussion deserved its own thread. I figured the subject line would draw a lot of interest and generate worthwhile discussion.

Tell me I am wrong. Nebraska fans never boo in their own stadium, at least they don't boo the opponent. I don't think they boo their own players either. I am not sure if they boo officials.

Considering many on this board as well as Iowa fans in general display disdain for Nebraska fans as being many things negative, there is not much room to talk in this area, to be sure.

I will say this, that fan behavior in a stadium and fan behavior of Joe Fan on the street can be two completely different things. But we booed GT the other night when they came on the field at the start of the night and in the post game ceremony. Nebraska doesn't do that sort of thing. In fact, they cheer the opposing team for a good effort when they leave the field in Lincoln.

Is Nebraska fan better than Iowa fan? Let me know your thoughts.

During the Osborn years, Husker fans were the worst. Then, when Tom left, Husker fan was delivered a heavy dose of reality and they were brought back down to earth (a few losing seasons will do that to you) and are at least tolerable now. Every fan base has their jagoffs, Iowa is no different.