Huge WWE talent in Iowa shirt benches 575 pounds


Well-Known Member
This is a promo for John Cena talking about his gym and it kind of focuses on this big black dude wearing an Iowa shirt.

[ame=]Take a look inside John Cena's Hard Nock's Gym - YouTube[/ame]

Not sure if this guy is from Iowa, went to the UofI, played for the Hawks, wrestled for Iowa. I don't know. Does anyone recognize this dude?
Ya i saw that link the other day. Ettore is a beast. I believe he was a huge reason "the stand" occurred against Syracuse.
Here's Big E

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[ame=]Iowa Hawkeyes The Stand - YouTube[/ame]

Gives me chills every time!
Ettore has been in WWE development aka "Florida Championship Wrestling" for quite some time now. There is another Iowan there as well goes by the name of "Seth Rollins" although his original ring name was Tyler Black.
[ame=]Weight Lifter Squats 1000lbs Then Throws Up On Judge - HIPHOPNEWS24-7.COM - YouTube[/ame]
That was beautiful to watch again. You can see the Captain choke up a little in the interview.

But I also remember feeling both proud and unsettled at the time, unsure if this would be an emotional springboard to a fine season, or a sign of struggles to come (this was a very bad Syracuse team). Unfortunately it was the latter.

I definitely didn't feel joy after that game. I pretty much look at that game the same as I did the UNI game from 2009 which was pretty much "we won, but let's forget that ever happened".
Note to self: For the love of all that is holy and good, please remove Etorre Ewen from your list of "People I Would Like to Fight" as soon as humanly possible...