How's that for all....


Well-Known Member
you "fans" about to jump off the bandwagon.

Defense comes up BIG and the offense seals to deal.

you "fans" about to jump off the bandwagon.

Defense comes up BIG and the offense seals to deal.


Hopefully there is no "about to" with some of them. Hopefully those select few are just "OFF" the bandwagon, period.
Cut out the cancer and the healing has begun..... No reason to let Adam Robinson back on...... Need to show some tough love.
Cut out the cancer and the healing has begun..... No reason to let Adam Robinson back on...... Need to show some tough love.

With Coker running like that, Arob probably was gonna have some second thoughts. Best all around game for a frosh in quite some time.
GO HAWKS yeah right i'm not gonna be cheering for this team for awhile this win was lucky and shouldn't have happened it was clear who the better team was and it wasn't iowa the band wagon riders are delusional
With Coker running like that, Arob probably was gonna have some second thoughts. Best all around game for a frosh in quite some time.

Coker's very good. Those people who watched the Minnesota game and bad mouthed him are idiots, yes...he was trying to win it by himself and while shifting the ball to his outside arm fumbled, but if we didn't have him breaking tackles all game long it wouldn't have mattered cause it would have been out of reach. He can actually break a tackle after he's hit. I missed the hell out of that the last couple years.
GO HAWKS yeah right i'm not gonna be cheering for this team for awhile this win was lucky and shouldn't have happened it was clear who the better team was and it wasn't iowa the band wagon riders are delusional

hey man try mixing in some punctuation your post is really hard to follow to the point where i'm not even sure if i should be ripping you or applauding you or maybe both i'm just saying
We got extremely lucky in multiple instances

Iowa was very lucky. Gabbert's throw to Hyde was the biggest gift I can recall an opposing team giving Iowa. It decided the game.

Credit to Hyde for a great run and the defense for blocking but that play should never have happened.

But hey, I'll take it. Nice to see the defense & offense step up on their final drives.
We got extremely lucky in multiple instances

I'm sick of you.

We've been very unlucky many times this year. Did that make them any less of a loss? So if another team gets lucky to beat us it's cool to try to diminish this win?

This team isn't the best in the country, nobody said that. They have a lot of improvement to do before next year. But bottom line is that they beat Missouri. Period. Iowa fans are happy about that.

I know you just say stupid stuff to get people to respond but you need to go away.
definitely a W is a W kind of game. Micah Hyde saves the day. Gabbert tore it up. That guy is the real deal. But why didn't we stop giving Coker the ball like we did in the OSU game. Seriously, he was having the same kind of game, then we brought in twinkle toes Robinson to do nothing right when Coker was about to dominate that game.
Best bowl game by any Iowa running back...ever.

Yes, most yards but best bowl game NOT! Jeter had the record with like 9 carries for 190+ yards in the ROSE Bowl. I think the era he was playing with limited number of bowls(at that time you couldn't go to Rose Bowl twice in a row and Rose Bowl only bowl for Big Ten teams) which was a much tougher time. If had same rules now: 1) Coker wouldn't play cause freshmen wouldn't allowed to play, 2) only one bowl for Big Ten- Rose, 3) Iowa couldn't play because of 2 bowls in a row rule. So yes Coker has record but not the greatest of all time. Jeter would have 400+ yards if he carried that much. Also wouldn't equate the Insight Bowl to the Rose Bowl.
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Unreal how pathetic some of our fans are. Still whining after a WIN! Those that don't like this team, just leave, please. I'm appalled at how many lacked faith in this team and coaching staff to be able to win. And now that we did, you still complain. And yes that means you cyhawk55 and hawkfanintx.

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