Howe: New Iowa Football Report Nothing to Celebrate

Man...Media slant to that headline. If you don't feel the administration and the football staff are sincere in their efforts to address the problem...then that headline makes sense. If you do feel they are sincere and are taking the steps to improve the culture, then there is something to celebrate. Does anyone wish this would have we can either tear things down or build and make things better.

It may not be as good a story for a journalist Rob, but measuring the success of the changes and staying in contact with players and the former players driving the changes...may make for a good ongoing podcast.

Listen...would I like my career opened up, analyzed, criticized, and nationally humiliated. If I ever do, I hope I handle it like KF has done. Maybe there are tantrums behind the scenes...or something...Rob, maybe you know...but from the public perception...he's owned it.

Howe: The New Iowa Football Report Nothing to Celebrate

Did you read the report? I spent almost two hours slowly going over it yesterday.
Let’s be clear. Of course the report is nothing to celebrate. It confirmed what we already either knew or at least suspected. I do not have a problem with the headline.

More importantly, I will celebrate the response from both GB and KF. Yes, I read the transcripts carefully, twice. If you do not believe GB and KF are candid and sincere in their comments, then you have effectively ended the conversation. OK. You do not need to go further, and I, for one, will ignore you based on your basic position.

I will assume both their candor and sincerity is legit, unless their actions in the future prove otherwise. But condemnation up front on their sincerity is a straw man that detracts from a judgment of their future actions. If you are too lazy to wait and analyze the coaches’ behavior, then you have already reached your conclusion. So, we are done.

These comments are directed at whomever would care to consider them.
Latest document points to same troubling treatment of former student-athletes by coaching staff stated in Diversity Task Force report and in former player public outcry last month:

From the article: " With two in-depth reports and social media accounts, it’s pretty clear now there was racial bias in Iowa Football. Hawkeyes everywhere should feel awful about that."

This is an editorial, not a sports story.
From the article: " With two in-depth reports and social media accounts, it’s pretty clear now there was racial bias in Iowa Football. Hawkeyes everywhere should feel awful about that."

This is an editorial, not a sports story.

Correct. It’s a column. That’s opinion/editorial. You will find it listed on the front page of this site under the opinion heading.
If I were Kirk, I would see if Vivian Stringer would be interested in talking with me. She is a someone who is a Hawkeye icon, who is on record for her continued love for Iowa. She has a unique perspective of this struggle. I have recalled lately how well she handled the situation with The late Don Imus. I know she was coaching in IC during Kirk's first run with with Hayden. I have great respect for her and any advice, insight, and/or help from someone like her would be invaluable.
I get that everyone, even journalist, are entitled to their opinions. I embrace differences of opinions and certainly do not want to live in an echo chamber. That said, I visit this and other Iowa related content on the internet because I love my team and I love the escape of rooting for the team I have passionately cheered for since I was old enough to cheer.

That said, I feel like more often than not, when I visit this website, I feel shittier, not happier. This is not just related to recent events, but has been a trend for a while. I, therefore, visit the site less. I wish that trend would reverse....
There was one under old management. You got like some sort of Chinese Communist Party "social credit score" based off of it. Needless to say, guys with scorching hot takes, like me, were downvoted to hell and we, well, I, bitched until it was removed. Once the Durty 30 was banned and I was riding solo in here, I would get like 50 downvotes from the lurkers who were too chickenshit to show themselves.
Many I loved the dirty 30. They were ridiculous but funny. It was a way to pass the time. Now this place isn't what it used to be, I'll just say that.