Howe: Iowa Football Program Can Be Face of Needed Change in College Football

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Here would be one possible explanation...Human beings, on many levels, are disposable in our secular and more selfish culture. We are drifting towards a Nazi Germany type of ethics concerning "values" of lives.

Perhaps it would help to protest, burn down some businesses, and make some banners, "Unborn Babies' Lives Matter." Would that help?

We are living in a time of "systemic murder."

I often wonder how the newly coined term "systemic racism" became so popular. It is grossly inaccurate. For decades most of our "systems" in the country have SOPs and laws in place that provide "systemic special treatment." There are spots of racism, and violence (by all races and communities) but to say it is systemic racism is absurd.

People like the Obamas (and their children), for example, get into places like Harvard with advantages whites don't currently have. (They haven't allowed access to their grades which got them "into" Harvard) Their skin color and community make them more attractive and more likely to be admitted than whites who, of course, have had all the advantages of "white privilege" and are directed to community colleges, etc.

For the last few decades, on many levels, we haven't been "all in this together." Systemic Special Treatment makes things easier for some, simply because of their skin color. (Even for those who are here illegally, and take countless choice slots from the children of taxpayers, U.S. citizens) Unfortunately many of those who have a system "stacked in their favor" fail to even graduate from high school. Is this caused by whites also? I don't know. Perhaps you do.

The Catch 22 is this..."systemic special treatment" creates the very racism it is attempting to counter. When there is special treatment, others are always left out. There are no free rides. Cause and effect.

The endless opportunities are there for those who are "special", but you can bring a horse to water, but can't make her drink.

So it seems...
Haha crazy!
Sometimes Rev's posts just absolutely astound me in their idiocy. Other time, he actually makes sense. What a dilemma.
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