Howe: Craving Answers During Pandemic Creating Mixed Messages

There are mostly unknowns, anyone who can speak with certainty is a fool.

Will parents encourage their children to go back to college with 60,000 or more students and faculty, many of which come from China, India, Italy, New York, etc. to room together in a building, attend lectures together, with the same ventilation systems, heat and AC systems recirculating the same virus infected air for others to inhale? How many?

Who will be the person (s) to pull the trigger and declare that yes, we are going forward, for example, with a football season, when there is a rather high risk that many of these young men and women, entertaining us and keeping the budget afloat, might die or be damaged for life. Would you be "that person" to pull the trigger for cash to keep the bloated salaries and benefits flowing?

Times are changing...a paradigm shift.
Decision makers causing confusion because virus is in charge, not them:

I know it isn't possible for you because your livelihood is based on sports, but I've personally taken the attitude of tuning out when it comes to reading the tea leaves. My personal guess is that there won't be sports, but that's just a shot in the dark; I have no idea what they'll do.

So my take on it is that I'll go through my summer with the "see what happens in September" angle.

I do think though that Emmert's comments probably hold the most weight.

One other aspect that we don't hear much about is government intervention. We've heard people like Newsome say no fans if it does happen, but I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility to see government folks step in and say "no sports period" if things don't get better by then.
Decision makers causing confusion because virus is in charge, not them:

Also, and if you don't want to share that's totally understandable, but how are you and your family doing with all of this going on? It has to be tough when your income depends on sports content taking place. My workplace falls under the super broad "essential" category, but I don't envy your position at all right now.

I hope you're dealing with the stress of it ok. I'd imagine you and guys like Dochterman, Emmert, Hlas, etc. bounce the topic around from time to time. Hopefully that's at least an avenue to vent about it. I know I'd need one.
I'm just hoping people with a say in what happens exercise more patience and let the thing play out. Share possible scenarios without making declarations. None of is knows what's going to happen in September in the middle of May.

Except Gordon Gee...

Good article Rob. To keep it sport related, I think there are some analogies with the game of football, the virus and life in general ...

1) A football is not round ... it takes some crazy bounces.
2) Football is a complex game, it would be even more complex if we kept moving the goal posts.
3) A swirling wind plays havoc with the punting game.
4) There is a chance of injury on every single play.
Good article Rob. To keep it sport related, I think there are some analogies with the game of football, the virus and life in general ...

1) A football is not round ... it takes some crazy bounces.
2) Football is a complex game, it would be even more complex if we kept moving the goal posts.
3) A swirling wind plays havoc with the punting game.
4) There is a chance of injury on every single play.
5) Confucious say...Man who go to bed with itchy butt wake up with smelly fingers.
Also, and if you don't want to share that's totally understandable, but how are you and your family doing with all of this going on? It has to be tough when your income depends on sports content taking place. My workplace falls under the super broad "essential" category, but I don't envy your position at all right now.

I hope you're dealing with the stress of it ok. I'd imagine you and guys like Dochterman, Emmert, Hlas, etc. bounce the topic around from time to time. Hopefully that's at least an avenue to vent about it. I know I'd need one.

I talk about it more on the pods, but we are doing well. Thanks for asking.

I'm in contact with other members of the media pretty regularly. Not having spring football, no baseball and having a recruiting dead period extended has changed what we can report on, but May and June are usually pretty quiet in this business.

If football season gets pushed back, that's when things would become a lot different.
I'm just hoping people with a say in what happens exercise more patience and let the thing play out. Share possible scenarios without making declarations. None of is knows what's going to happen in September in the middle of May.

Except Gordon Gee...

Isn't that the asswipe who basically claimed that he worked for Tressel? How the hell do people like this get put into decision making positions?
Good article Rob. To keep it sport related, I think there are some analogies with the game of football, the virus and life in general ...

1) A football is not round ... it takes some crazy bounces.
2) Football is a complex game, it would be even more complex if we kept moving the goal posts.
3) A swirling wind plays havoc with the punting game.
4) There is a chance of injury on every single play.

Society may have out-kicked its coverage on this issue.
We don't want to dance in the end zone if the numbers start to go down.
It might be time for a Hail Mary pass on this.

There's three more for you.
Minor point. Cal, USC, and UCLA are not part of the California State University system. Cal and UCLA are part of the University of California system and USC is private.

Regardless, it is big news for the Cal State system to make this announcement. It probably reflects the general sentiment in the state capital and may be an indicator of what's to come for the rest of the state's universities.
It is similar to when everything closes down the day before a "big" snowstorm because the weather person said and then you wake up and find there is an inch of snow on the ground.
There are mostly unknowns, anyone who can speak with certainty is a fool.

Will parents encourage their children to go back to college with 60,000 or more students and faculty, many of which come from China, India, Italy, New York, etc. to room together in a building, attend lectures together, with the same ventilation systems, heat and AC systems recirculating the same virus infected air for others to inhale? How many?

Who will be the person (s) to pull the trigger and declare that yes, we are going forward, for example, with a football season, when there is a rather high risk that many of these young men and women, entertaining us and keeping the budget afloat, might die or be damaged for life. Would you be "that person" to pull the trigger for cash to keep the bloated salaries and benefits flowing?

Times are changing...a paradigm shift.

60,000 ???? That university of Phoenix?
Minor point. Cal, USC, and UCLA are not part of the California State University system. Cal and UCLA are part of the University of California system and USC is private.

Regardless, it is big news for the Cal State system to make this announcement. It probably reflects the general sentiment in the state capital and may be an indicator of what's to come for the rest of the state's universities.

Ah yes, the Full House school.

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